"You have to convince your in-laws to do it. There is no way out. If you don't do as I say…"

I had zoned out in between the rant. Did he have to give a speech and that dramatic sigh, waiting; posing for it to sink in, or traumatize me? When did he become this spectacular? To make it worse, that hung in the air as he leaves to receive a call. I was terrified of his pompous ass, though deep down there was a part of me that knew he wouldn't do anything to harm me that much; he needed me to execute his plans despite his approach to things and his recent actions, which have proven otherwise.

He comes back after a few minutes, emphasizing his point, and reminding me of how much distress I was in. I hate being in compromising situations more so it being a dilemma; stuck, not knowing what to do and I can't get myself out of it. I was in deep shit, damn! Disgusted and angry, though I couldn't show it on my face, I had to be sweet— just enough to do his bidding and not tip him off, I don't know what else he could do. It felt like I was held hostage and not sure if the ransom will be asked for or I wIll end up dead.

The other day, I was almost kidnapped. It was late in the evening after work, and as a routine every Tuesday, I ran track with the ladies. Unfortunately, they didn't show up; everyone had an excuse sent to the group chat, and since I was there why not just run? I was meandering between the trees in Uhuru Gardens when someone emerged from the shadows almost knocking me down. I try to gain momentum and catch my breath but before I'm stable enough to apologize or have a proper look at the person, someone else grabs me, and all the survival instincts kick in.

I struggle to wiggle but the grip tightens. I was in trouble and had to think fast; this wasn't happening. Catching a breath from the pumped-up adrenaline I try to be calm as his partner in crime joins us. He roughs me up, grabs my wrists, and ties them behind my back. My captors push me forward towards the path that has a creek at the end of the hiking path and that was alarming. Were they going to throw me off? Hurrying me up, they were rude; I debated whether to ask them questions or not; instead, I settled on shutting up because I had a million of those and they were preventing me from thinking. I couldn't start asking who 'sent you' while I knew there were probably a thousand people or more who would wish me harm however, I couldn't figure out who had enough courage to approach me, let alone kidnap me. I had to refocus my my energy on how to escape these goons before anything tragic happened; you know like someone ending up dead.

I knew the paths like the back of my hand, reaching an intersection; I was sure humankind wasn't far, this was the open window to escape, it was now or never. The goons were men as far as I could tell with their postures and mannerisms, fighting was not an option; if I had my knives, they couldn't stand a chance, they got me on a bad day. It took all the might I had to shake myself off them and I sprinted for civilization and now with no doubt am certain it was him. I had assumed it was Nate, his uncle, or someone after me or my family. The good thing is his goons weren't good enough and I think this is the reason why he decided to show face.

When his previous advances hadn't worked; he decided to corner and threaten the living out of me which brings us here. We are in a seedy bar in the heart of the city, how he found this spot no idea. I didn't want a repeat of this, and I didn't know how far he could go, his limits; because the words left his mouth with no regret, neither held some withdrawal nor did he want to spit them up like vile in his mouth, to get it out there, meaning he was okay with this. How much I wanted this to be a lie, that he wasn't really up to doing this, it's someone else's bidding. Too bad I didn't come up with any logical reason for why he was behaving this way; becoming this new person with me, none at all. Was it too long that we had grown apart that it had turned to hate or what? I don't remember anything that can support this notion, explain this strange him.

I had tried to ignore him for weeks; it had started with the pile of threatening emails, those I ignored because I'm used to that. I have been receiving aggressive emails since forever. Then came the untraceable private number calls, with texts and voicemails filling my inboxes. Finally, it seems he had to approach me, harass is more of it with all the weirdness and threats. He seems to be running out of patience now or was it time? Had enough of playing games? I just couldn't fathom what had possessed this fine gentleman I call a friend no more, morphing him into a different person that I can't bring myself to describe nor say the words to. Can you unfriend a friend in real life?

This time he came with more threats and a crazy attitude, I had to cooperate and hear him out after the weird phone call. It was like a switch had been flicked on. Whatever was driving him to this point I would love to know. It has been a while since we had a chance to be besties and catch up. Meantime what has been keeping him busy? What brought out a part of him that I haven't seen like ever? I would like to know that too. I never knew he had it in him to be rude let alone threaten a person, of all the people me. What am I going to do to get him out of my life as fast as he came in and his non-stop buggering? You never know when one bursts out of their seams and go crazy ape shit on you. At this rate he is going, it's hard to tell. He might not mind who gets in the way if he has reached a point of blackmail. 

After trying to reason with him, to get to the bottom of it; I didn't get anything out of his tight sealed lips, no sweet talk, yet he wanted my help; that is what I gathered from the conversation. He did go around in circles not saying anything straight, finding out what drives him at this point is a bit hard; I just have to go with the flow because the bar he has set for me is too high and I can't reach it. What he was asking of me was too much, those people did cease to be my inlaws. I would rather not talk to them, not after everything went down. I didn't see myself facing the same people again; not anytime soon and this on my table is soonest, more than that. I don't even want to think about it. I just have to find a way to handle the worm wiggling in my food for now for my way out. So, I have to plan everything hopefully it will work; uprooting the mole than slicing through for it to grow back.
