He was enticing, standing there looking like a Greek god; I had to smile and that was more than an invitation. He walks the remaining steps, eyes never leaving me. He didn't know the effect he had on me.


Confirming, more of commanding that his say is final, lost for words, I mumble an "mmh!" 

"Good," His eyes soften and we walk out.

Was this not awkward? He interrupted everything. My chain of thought and ability to make any sense. Stepping out of the store, he extends his hand to hold mine, and I'm tempted to intertwine my tender fingers with his. Instead, I end up holding the vase with both hands; with no physical touches, those spiral too much and I can't take it in this state. He spares me a glance, smiles softly, and continues walking beside me.


"I am done for today."


"Do you drive?"


"Your car around."