Walking out of the coffee bar, I wasn't mad anymore; I had come to terms with my situation. There are things we cannot get rid of, they will always linger, waiting to reappear again when you least expect them. This was fate I had, and I had to deal with everything now since am strong. I had grown into my own person. It was a long journey of self-discovery and I believe in myself enough to face Matt and whoever comes my way. He will be astonished, thinking am the same weak woman he used to control around.

The problem with our culture is that we are taught from a young age to be submissive and never have a voice of your own, more so as a woman. Being a rebel is out of question and character; if one is hard-headed, they have to be tamed. We attended an annual camp for both girls and boys separately when growing up, where we were taught how to behave and conduct ourselves as young people.