The Ruthless Priest

"—Spring Rain Shield!" This spell forms a fine mist that envelops the entire body, and this was the third time Ye Feng had used it on Dragon Mountain. The first time was out of caution and care when he first arrived, and the second was during the last encounter with the mutated skeleton soldier.

A layer of light green mist with a crystal-clear luster enveloped Ye Feng's entire body, and his white robe with a faint yellow glow was illuminated with a bright and sacred radiance. However, in the eerie and dim atmosphere of Dragon Mountain, it exuded a hint of desolation and terror!

In terms of magical principles, the Spring Rain Shield shares the same foundation as the mage's Fire Wall, a high-level spell, but when it comes to practicality, it has become a purely ostentatious and useless skill.

But for a priest, it is already a life-saving skill.

After the skeleton soldier mutated, not only was its HP fully restored, but its strength and stamina also increased significantly, and both defenses rose sharply. Its attack mode changed to long-range spiritual energy attacks! Although it is far inferior to the BOSS-level Skeleton King in overall attributes, it has a long-range attack mode that the Skeleton King does not possess.

Finally, it's here. This was the thought in Ye Feng's mind. The last time he encountered the mutated skeleton soldier, unprepared, Ye Feng suffered greatly. At that time, Ye Feng, who was level 40, had just earned a little gold by selling potions and happily bought a blue silver attribute staff with an 8-point magic attack increase. The second skeleton soldier he encountered while leveling up on Dragon Mountain mutated, and the mutated soldier's long-range spiritual energy attack almost cost Ye Feng his life. Had it not been for the timely refresh of the surrounding monsters that stopped the mutated soldier's pursuit, there might not have been a small priest practicing alone on Dragon Mountain.

But now, Ye Feng has the idea of fighting this terrifying mutated soldier.

Long-range attacks do not mean they cannot be dodged, and the increase in blood defense only means more time is required.

"—Ice Path." Ye Feng calmly deployed his most effective magic weapon to weaken the monster's blood, and a frost-covered icy path appeared on the dilapidated but not desolate rock layer of Dragon Mountain. Once the skeleton soldier's mutation is complete, it will be harmed by the ice.


Ye Feng frowned. The mutated skeleton soldier walked on the ice path, which originally had a low magic attack, and the damage it received was actually MISS. Occasionally, there was a forced deduction of 1 point of damage after breaking through the magic defense, which made Ye Feng realize that he was facing an unprecedentedly strong enemy.

Ye Feng is level 49, but he has never challenged a BOSS. A weak priest can barely practice alone, let alone challenge a BOSS that requires a whole team?

Ye Feng tightened his grip on the staff, feeling excited. After the first encounter with the mutated skeleton soldier, Ye Feng formulated several combat plans for this rare mutated monster, including the situation where magic attack could not break through the magic defense. The current situation is completely expected.

So just fight desperately.

"—Divine Touch!" Ye Feng gritted his teeth, took out a scroll with a faint yellow glow from his bag, an intermediate magic scroll. Magic scrolls are one of the most precious items in the light. By sealing the perfect magical power in the scroll, any profession can use the magic that their profession cannot learn, and some of the magic is not usable by human players. Naturally, magic scrolls are precious and hard to obtain.

Each person can only carry three magic scrolls at a time, but it does not mean that everyone can get three or more scrolls. Scrolls are completely priced but not available in the light, and Ye Feng's bag just happens to store three.

Divine Touch: Give the enemy a divine blow, increase magic attack in a short time, and the extent of the increase is related to the user's own magic power.

Ye Feng did not know that three days ago, in the largest auction market in Green Leaf City, a low-level Divine Touch scroll was auctioned for 200,000 gold coins. For this type of scroll that increases attack damage, it is the most expensive of all types of scrolls, and the skill of Divine Touch is something that no profession can learn.

Now, if any mage in the light sees Ye Feng's performance, a priest with no magic attack on his own, he actually uses the intermediate Divine Touch scroll that any mage would covet, and he is afraid that he will cry out in resentment for this person's waste.

"Used the intermediate Divine Touch scroll, magic attack increased by 50%, magic attack increased to 60." Ye Feng saw the system prompt, but he did not realize the waste of the treasure at all, just let out a breath, for Ye Feng who has been used to very low damage, if he can bring more than two digits of damage to the monster every time, it would be very satisfying.

MISS, -15, -15, -15, MISS, -15...

"No wonder it's an intermediate Divine Touch!" Ye Feng clenched the staff excitedly in his hand. You know, before this, Ye Feng's Ice Path, even facing ordinary skeleton soldiers, could only cause single-digit damage, and now, even against the mutated skeleton soldiers, he can actually cause double-digit damage, how can Ye Feng not be excited.

However, this series of double-digit numbers, if seen by any mage over level 30, will be so angry that they will spit blood. This is also called magic? Although the Ice Path and the mage's Fire Wall are completely different levels, this kind of magic attack, even if it is put on any priest who has added more than 20 upgrade points to mana, is completely normal, and this guy, Ye Feng, can only reach it after using the intermediate magic scroll. How can such a trash be so excited, it's hard not to make people vomit blood!

Ye Feng is completely unaware, raises the staff and quickly releases a pain that is unbearable, the holy light hits the pale skeleton, showing 25 points of damage.

"This is within the calculation, and it can be done without any accidents!" Ye Feng's grasp is greater, the intermediate Divine Touch scroll lasts up to 15 minutes, and Ye Feng, who has never added mana points, can only activate the second-level pain that is unbearable without a top-quality staff. The damage is low, but it also reduces the MP consumed each time the spell is cast. Ye Feng's full magic can cast more than 100 times of unbearable pain, calculated at once every 5 seconds, it will take more than 8 minutes to exhaust all the MP, so there is no need to worry at all.

"Distance 5.5-6 meters, slope angle 35 degrees, moving speed relatively slow 1 meter/second, as long as you maintain this distance, you can exhaust the magic before arriving." Ye Feng slowly retreated, relying on his own advantage of being faster than the mutated soldier, step by step, he led the mutated soldier to the top of the mountain.