The Dragon Mountain Ladies

Sixty-eight times, sixty-nine times...seventy-three, seventy-four, seventy-five...

"Impossible!" Ye Feng's brow furrowed; had his anticipation been mistaken?

The mutated rooster in the newcomer's village had seen its HP limit surge to nine times the normal, reaching 200 points. The demonic goat in the Waterwheel City had similarly seen its HP limit increase by a factor of nine, reaching 1200 points. Yet, the relatively anemic undead, the skeleton soldiers, had only 200 HP. Now, this mutated soldier, whose HP had been depleted by Ye Feng, had already surpassed the 2000-point cap!

Seventy-eight times.

Ye Feng contemplated taking another bottle of Super Mana Potion.

There were three possibilities: First, the mutated soldier's recovery ability was evidently higher than anticipated, so his estimation of its HP limit might not be wrong; perhaps it had little health remaining and might collapse after the next magical strike. Second, the mutated soldier's recovery ability was significantly higher than expected! The damage he could inflict was clearly much less than its recovery capacity, so its health might be much higher than he estimated! It could even be at full HP! Third, he had miscalculated the HP limit of the mutated soldier; perhaps it was 3000 or higher.

Let's take a gamble! Ye Feng retreated with a broken step, simultaneously taking out a bottle of the translucent mana potion and drinking it. In the settings of Light, players in combat had no right to log out or teleport; if his calculation was wrong, then he would have to be buried on Dragon Mountain, teeming with the undead!

Eighty, eighty-one...ninety, ninety-one...

The mutated soldier's skeleton suffered blow after blow, yet there was no sign of loosening or collapse, and even a holy radiance seemed to emerge. Wisps of aura, like silk and fog, coiled around the pale bones, making its body flicker as if insubstantial.

Ye Feng was taken aback but suddenly understood.

"Secondary mutation," these four words almost spilled from Ye Feng's mouth, yet his eyes betrayed no emotion. However, these four words were often enough to deter any well-equipped, battle-hardened team from challenging a BOSS.

"My estimation was correct; the mutated soldier's HP limit should indeed be 2000." Ye Feng stretched the arm that held his staff, preparing for the upcoming battle. A secondary mutation might scare away any well-equipped team, but Ye Feng suddenly felt a shiver of anticipation within. A secondary mutation, an event that is rare and fortuitous; in the whole of Light, how many people have witnessed it? Perhaps more have heard of it through hearsay.

"Come on! I just hope there isn't a third mutation." With a faint smile, Ye Feng's body seemed to be enveloped in a radiance. Although his physique was much smaller than that of the mutated skeleton soldier, with this smile, for a moment, Ye Feng seemed to tower over his opponent.

At the foot of the distant mountain, on Dragon Mountain, which seldom saw any human presence, two girls dressed in pure white mage robes appeared.

One girl had flowing long hair, a slender and graceful figure, a pair of emerald jade bracelets on her fair wrists, and her delicate hands lightly held a staff with silver-white wings at the front. The snow-white robe accentuated her cold, icy beauty, her full lips naturally crimson, and a faint red mole between her brows exuded a touch of cold sensuality.

The girl following behind wore a soft ponytail that brushed against her chest, gliding over the smooth white mage robe and falling onto her ample bosom. Her bright, almond-shaped eyes were pitch black, with hardly a trace of white, and her small, diamond-like lips slightly curved upward, yet suddenly, in a surprised manner, she opened her cherry lips, covering them with one hand while pointing towards the direction of Ye Feng with the other snow-white, delicate finger: "Sister Han, look, ghost fire!"

The girl with long hair looked in the direction the ponytailed girl was pointing, and her cold, peerless beauty actually revealed a smile, unable to help but scold: "Xiao Xue, you rascal, always so carefree, there are no ghost fires here, it seems like a monster has mutated."

Xiao Xue grabbed the hand of the girl with long hair, leaning her small head against the girl's shoulder and rubbing it, cooing: "Sister Han, you finally smiled, I knew there was a monster mutation, just trying to make you happy!"

The girl with long hair affectionately patted Xiao Xue's head, but suddenly, as if remembering something: "It's hard to believe that besides our team on a mission, there are other people in a place like Dragon Mountain. I wonder if they are here to level up or on a mission like us."

Xiao Xue pursed her lips, her rosy, pink lips moistened by her bite, and said: "They can't be leveling up here, it's too bizarre. They must be a deranged killer!"

The girl with long hair shook her head and said: "Don't speak of others like that. Maybe they are on a mission like us. If others hear you calling them deranged killers, I'm sure they will come after you, and I won't recognize you then."

Xiao Xue's big, black eyes fluttered a few times, her long, lush eyelashes trembling enviably, and then she cooed coquettishly: "Okay, if Sister Han doesn't want me, then I will give up on myself and marry my brother Hang, but I'm afraid someone will say I stole her husband then!"

Upon hearing this, the girl with long hair, who was usually as cold as ice, actually had a ripple on her face, quickly grabbing Xiao Xue's head and pinching it: "You little rascal, don't talk nonsense. I told you before, I don't have chemistry with your brother Hang."

"Ah, that hurts!" Xiao Xue winced but still smiled: "I know, I won't say it anymore, don't be nervous! If there's really nothing, you shouldn't be so guilty! Ouch! I was wrong, Sister Han, let me go!"

After a while of playfully scolding, the two girls stopped, and the girl with long hair sighed lightly: "Xiao Xue, don't talk like that in the future. Brother Hang only has the girl in his heart, and he doesn't even look at his sister."

Xiao Xue blinked her misty autumn eyes, looking at the somewhat melancholic girl with long hair, then unexpectedly pouted her cute little mouth and kissed the girl's icy face. This first stunned the girl with long hair for a moment, then she woke up as if and tapped Xiao Xue's head, then blushed and pinched Xiao Xue's cheeks, and the two girls soon burst into cheerful laughter.

Since it's a game, just spend it carefree in sleep, an extension of the day.