Want, but Won't Say

Holding the mysterious potion he just acquired, Ye Feng arrived at the meeting place with Dark Wind—the Green Leaf Warehouse.

As expected, Dark Wind was evidently wealthy, clad in a platinum armor that emitted a blue glow. At a glance, it was clear the ensemble included at least three S-class items, and the rest of the equipment must be of A+ grade. Behind him stood two equally well-equipped paladins, a high-attack swordsman, and two paladins capable of both offense and healing, forming an efficient leveling team.

The four quickly arrived at a private room adjacent to the warehouse, specially designated for player transactions. This place ensured privacy and safety, with no PK or theft allowed, making it the safest place in "Light."

"Hello, Dark Wind." The tall, slightly tanned man was only momentarily surprised upon seeing Ye Feng in his tattered gear, then extended a large hand graciously.

"Hello, Feng Ye." Ye Feng shook Dark Wind's hand and sent him a private message. The two luxuriously dressed paladins behind Dark Wind exchanged surprised glances, replaced by disdain. To them, it was unbelievable that someone like Dark Wind would shake hands with the raggedly dressed Ye Feng. However, recalling their leader's mention of Ye Feng's ability to produce resistance +3 potions, they understood.

"These two are Mist City Warrior and Mist City Knight, and this is the fifth-ranked priest, Feng Ye," Dark Wind introduced them briefly. Noticing Mist City's disdainful attitude towards Ye Feng, he remained silent, seemingly curious about Ye Feng's reaction.

Mist City showed no interest in befriending Ye Feng, merely glancing at him briefly.

The priest's status was not outstanding, particularly due to the presence of paladins. An exceptional paladin could heal teammates and wield a warhammer for attacks. They possessed almost all the supportive skills of a priest but with added offensive capabilities. In "Light," it was said: "When a paladin appears, priests are out of work."

Ye Feng fully understood their sentiments. His shabby attire suggested he was likely a failure in real life as well. Given this, Mist City saw no need to show him respect.

"Show me your priest equipment," Ye Feng nodded slightly in acknowledgment despite Mist City's rudeness, then got to the point.

Seeing Ye Feng's calm demeanor, Dark Wind's impression of him improved. Unlike Mist City, Dark Wind had a deeper understanding of "Light" and the significance of resistance potions. While the current method of recovering MP through the alternating meditation of two paladins worked, the importance of potions would become evident with the advent of stronger monsters on new maps. Dark Wind, whose ambitions extended beyond mere leveling and monster hunting, saw potential in befriending Ye Feng, a master pharmacist and high-level priest.

"Feng Ye, pick anything you like," Dark Wind generously placed over a dozen pieces of equipment on the table.

The equipment gleamed brightly, including three blue-silver items and two white-gold items, with the rest being of lower quality but high-level. Any of these items would fetch a hefty sum on the trading platform.

Mist City's eyes widened at the sight of the equipment, sharing a look of displeasure.

A single ordinary gold item could sell for nearly 100,000 gold coins, and while blue-silver items were cheaper, these three blue-silver items could each be worth over 200,000. It was perplexing that their leader would let Ye Feng choose from these valuable items in exchange for just ten resistance +3 potions, worth only around 100,000 gold coins.

Ye Feng glanced at the equipment, frowning slightly. Although some items were top-notch, even reaching A-grade, they lacked the robe and staff he urgently needed. Despite having no equipment better than C-grade, he had no intention of taking undue advantage.

Believing that nothing comes without a price, Ye Feng was certain Dark Wind had other motives for his generosity.

"I'll take this," Ye Feng messaged Dark Wind, choosing a pair of level-50 priest shoes. The pure white shoes with an earthy yellow glow were B-grade and worth around 100,000 gold coins—a fair trade.

Mist City felt relieved, while Dark Wind's respect for Ye Feng grew.

Ye Feng placed ten low-resistance potions on the table, preparing to leave, but noticed an unremarkable item among Dark Wind's remaining equipment.

"Wait," Ye Feng messaged Dark Wind, returning the shoes to the table.

"Not satisfied with the shoes, Feng Ye?" Dark Wind now referred to Ye Feng as "brother."

"May I choose again?" Ye Feng asked.

"Of course, take your pick," Dark Wind, curious, watched as Ye Feng selected a blue ring. Although the ring's material was inferior to silver, the vibrant sapphire it held was appealing, suitable for a level-46 priest.

Dark Wind was puzzled. While the ring was equivalent in value to the shoes, most would prioritize completing their gear set over selecting a ring.

"They pair perfectly," Ye Feng explained, showing his left hand, which bore a matching sapphire ring, albeit for level-28.

Dark Wind understood, smiling. "Take the shoes as well, they are of no use to me."

Ye Feng shook his head and chose a necklace instead. "The shoes are too valuable. I'll take this necklace."

Dark Wind glanced at the nondescript necklace, shrouded in a grayish hue, clearly low-grade—loot from an 80-level demon sheep boss fight just a while ago.