The Silky Sweetness Between Pink Lips

"Hey, you're really rude. Apologize now!" The little beauty had somehow pulled out an exquisite bag, her fair wrist gently holding the pink purse, making her appear both pure and adorable. However, such a decorative item without attributes was definitely a treasure only the game's affluent players possessed.

Trash, probably trash equipment. Ye Feng muttered to himself, completely oblivious to the little beauty's coquettishness, and inadvertently sent the word "trash" as a private message.

Seeing the dazed look on this gray-clad priest and then suddenly receiving the word "trash," the little beauty was taken aback. She never expected this guy would blatantly insult her! She was momentarily stunned, her fragrant lips slightly parted in surprise. Once she realized it, she clenched her teeth, wanting nothing more than to turn this guy into a punching bag.

"Hmph! Good deeds aren't rewarded! You dare insult me, I'll kick you to death!" The little beauty raised her slender pink leg, her delicate white foot swiftly aiming for Ye Feng's thigh.

Though Greenleaf City forbade PK, it didn't mean you couldn't hit someone, especially a woman hitting a man. This was the privilege of female players in this flirtatious city. So, when you see lovers who were sweet as chocolate suddenly start fighting, and the girl slaps the guy, don't be surprised. Um... it doesn't hurt in the game... really...

"—Ding, you have been attacked by player Dao Bingbing. Since the attack location is within Greenleaf City, and player Dao Bingbing hasn't activated PK mode, and it's your first inter-gender attack, the system considers you and player Dao Bingbing to be in a romantic relationship. Intimacy +10."

"—Ding, you attacked player Feng Ye. Since the attack location is within Greenleaf City, and you haven't activated PK mode, and it's your first inter-gender attack, the system considers you and player Feng Ye to be in a romantic relationship. Intimacy +10."

Two similar messages simultaneously reached their brains. After a brief silence, the little beauty let out an ear-piercing scream...

"You jerk, you're so inhuman!" Dao Bingbing decided to make a fuss, tearing at and hitting Ye Feng. The little beauty didn't know that this system rule had ensnared many unsuspecting players in Greenleaf City. Fortunately, this rule only lasted for the day. The next time such a thing happened, they would be considered second-hand goods and would no longer trigger the system conditions.

With a ripping sound, the already worn Light Priest Robe of Ye Feng was torn by the little beauty's cute shoe, creating a strangely shaped hole. Dao Bingbing's round and slender ankle immediately hung on Ye Feng's body. The position was rather awkward, especially since she was wearing a knee-length dress with cartoon-patterned panties. The little beauty instantly blushed, her delicate face flushing with a shy crimson.

"Pervert!" Dao Bingbing pounced, her soft little hands forming adorable fists, pounding Ye Feng's chest.

"My clothes!" Ye Feng's heart bled. The unattainable level 50 white robes were now ruined, and even his level 40 light robe was about to be destroyed. He was counting on the thousands of gold coins in his bag for next month's living expenses. To avoid running around naked, he had to preserve the light robe!

Ye Feng hurriedly grabbed the little beauty's wrist. Her skin was soft and smooth, like holding a piece of white jade. A faint, fresh fragrance wafted into his nose, not overpowering but gentle, clearly the scent of a young maiden. Her flowing hair brushed against Ye Feng's cheek, tickling like silky tassels, and her ample and firm breasts occasionally pressed against his arm during the struggle. Dao Bingbing's long, white leg had slipped through the torn priest robe and was wrapped around his legs, her smooth and elastic skin unintentionally brushing against his sensitive spots...

"Let me go!" When the little beauty's hands were both restrained and she had to use her knees to push against Ye Feng's crotch, he quickly lifted her leg. She finally calmed down, though her mouth still spat insults: "Pervert, if you dare touch a hair on my head, my brother will chop you into pieces!"

"Listen to me first. I didn't call you trash. I meant the two items I asked you to identify were likely trash. I was too absorbed and sent the wrong message. I'm sorry. I apologize." Ye Feng looked at his torn clothes with sorrow but had no choice but to send a private message, feeling helpless against such a sweet yet spoiled girl. Especially when he saw her little feet still in children's shoes, he wanted to ask, "Dao Bingbing, are you even eighteen? Isn't 'Light' for adults only?"

"Really?" Dao Bingbing blinked her big eyes, seemingly innocent.

Ye Feng nodded, also putting on an innocent look.

"Then let me go." Dao Bingbing pouted, not realizing how close her lips were to Ye Feng's. Although only one person was using voice mode, Ye Feng could still clearly sense the sweet fragrance from her lips.

Such fragrance, such sweetness, gentle as a flowing thread, enchanting and unaware. Ye Feng gently released her soft, delicate hands.

"Pervert!" As soon as Ye Feng let go, the little beauty's flying kick came again.

"Ah... you... pervert... why didn't you dodge?" She kicked Ye Feng's leg solidly, feeling a bit of pain in her arch. This scoundrel, not dodging this time, it must hurt. Hmph, serves him right. Who told you to bully me! She squeezed her hands to alleviate the numbness in her foot, thinking he would dodge, but he didn't. How satisfying!

"—Tsk," Ye Feng frowned slightly, shaking his head with a bit of helplessness. "Are you satisfied now?"

Dao Bingbing blinked her big eyes, pulling back her pouting lips. "What now? It's all your fault, so excessive."

Ye Feng didn't immediately understand what she meant but quickly realized. Compared to the confusing romantic relationship, he was clearly more concerned about his Light Priest Robe.

"Hey, speak up. What now? I was hoping to find a handsome and heroic partner..." Dao Bingbing looked aggrieved. Ye Feng, in his tattered clothes covered in dust from constant leveling, was far from impressive. If it weren't for hitting him, she wouldn't have made any physical contact. She clearly didn't want to be lovers with such a shabby-looking priest. Though he had just shown two items worth 600,000 gold coins each, it could have been sheer luck. He might not be that powerful.

Dao Bingbing was right. Though Ye Feng had many good things, one of those void items was indeed a lucky find from Dark Wind.

"Let's find a way to break this relationship," Ye Feng mused. "If we can't, I'll try not to see you. The continent is vast anyway."

He looked at Dao Bingbing, seeking her opinion, only to find her frowning at him.

"Is something wrong with me?" Ye Feng raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Are you called Feng Ye?" Dao Bingbing looked at his light hat. Though it seemed shabby, she remembered identifying such a hat a few days ago, something only usable at level 50.

Ye Feng, puzzled, sent her a questioning look.

—Feng Ye: ?

"Take me leveling!" The little beauty acted like a spoiled child. "Or I'll use the server's loudspeaker to call you a pervert!"