13 Maids...

"Sir, you have guests."

"Oh, Lao Yang is fast enough. Investigate the few he is coming with."

"Affirmative… Representative Yang has brought with him an entourage of 13 more people, all female below the age of 30. 7 of whom have worked on cruise ships and 5 have worked as air hostesses on private and exclusive planes.

The last one seemed to have worked in both, but I can only find a paper trail but no footage of her actually doing the work. I suspect the records have been tampered with."

"Oh, even under your watch?"

"I believe that the record has always been there long before my time. I am unable to find footage of her normal life. It's like she doesn't even go shopping. She has been labeled as a code-red security threat. It is advisable that Sir leaves the area."

"Nah, since they are coming to me so quietly, I think I will play along. Let's see what a spy from Dragon Country can do."

Code-red? Even a nuclear weapon was not qualified to be classified so high in Jiang Hao's eyes. With his current body, the most it would do is give him first-degree burns which will recover in less than 10 minutes.

That's just how insanely his body had become.

While he was speaking, he had already arrived at the entrance to receive guests. Quite the experience.

He had just come from being a poor guy to being a homeowner in a week. And the home he now claims is right in the center of the city. That alone makes it worth hundreds of millions.

If everything else is considered, that will bring it to billions. The mere fact that it belonged to him made it a treasure. He was a 'supervisor' of the mysterious Ouroboros after all. Everybody wanted something from him.

If we start talking about enhancements…

In short, it is impossible to buy this house. It is also impossible to evict him.

"Lao Yang, this is quite the selection you brought me."

"Mr. Jiang, I am honored by your praise. I especially arranged for the 'fresh' ones. This is very rare in their line of work."

"Oh, can air hostesses and crew girls maintain it for so many years?"

"Well, this is also a business model. This batch is specially taken care of for the special guests."

"Hahaha, in the end, I benefitted from that."

"It is what you deserve."

Yang Zhao smiled so widely that his face seemed not to be enough.

The group of girls looked at these big shots with nervousness and excitement written all over their faces.

It was really quite the view.

Jiang Hao observed all of them carefully and was very satisfied.

At the very least, their beauty was top-notch in the industry and their acting skills were superb.

You're nervous but still, display your assets like that?

Jiang Hao did not believe it. And what was with the excitement?

What Jiang Hao failed to account for was his charm, wealth, and age.

This was fatal for all of them.

They came here thinking that they'd have to serve an old man, but it was still fine. It was normal in their line of work. But who'd have thought the owner would be so young and handsome?

As for wealth, just the fact that Mr. Yang was the one recruiting them was enough to show just how rich and powerful the owner is.

What shocked them however was Mr. Yang's attitude.

Even An Ning was the same.

She had seen too many things that every other aspect seemed trivial, but she too was surprised by Mr. Yang's attitude.

Mr. Yang's status, wealth, and influence allowed him to even face Leader No.1 calmly.

It is not that he was so high, it's just that anything the leader needed to find him for, only he could do. At that time, he held absolute advantage.

But here he was acting more like a grandson than a great-grandson? Just how powerful was this, Mr. Jiang?

Despite all this, she did not forget her duties.

"Good day Mr. Jiang, my name is An Ning and I will be serving as you head maid. Please take care of me."

An Ning bowed respectively but her posture only showed a noble temperament. Well, except for Jiang Hao who also got a bonus view of some mutton fat jade.

"Hello Mr. Jiang, my name is Su Xiaoyu and I will serve as your head chef, please take care of me."

"Hello Mr. Jiang, my name is…"

Jiang Hao listened to all of them and remembered their names.

He already knew them, but it was good to listen and observe them more. There were things that Mia could not discern yet.

"Well, I welcome you all to my home. From now on, you will be responsible for taking care of it. I will also be in your care from no on.

Let's say the ugly first, if you step into my house, there is no coming out even in death. If you make a mistake, even death can't save you. Do you understand this?"

"Yes, Mr. Jiang" X13

"Well, you can come in if you are okay with this. Alice will arrange things for you."

Jiang Hao looked at the group going into the house and suddenly felt like a big bad wolf.

These delicate flowers seemed to have been prepared for devouring and the house seemed to be a beast and the door its maw, sentencing its entrants to unspeakable extremities.

"Mr. Yang, you did very well this time. I am very satisfied. This contribution will be recorded and rewarded after you establish the robotics and bionics lab I asked for. You should also acquire a biotech lab to complete the achievement in one go. I am sure you will be very satisfied with the rewards."

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang, I'd do this even without rewards. It is thanks to you that I can live for an extra 10-20 years. It is what I should do."

"This is not how Ouroboros works. Besides, if you do well, let alone 20 years, you can get an extra 100 or 1000 years."

Hearing this, Yang Zhao could not laugh anymore.