Bionic Cat... Jindou

Jiang Hao could say that every genius had his own quark.

He did not think too much about it and got busy with the robots in front of him.

It was still cool hearing about the specs of the robots, but the real thing is very underwhelming.

Something like the robotic cat, the name would make one think that the robot was as flexible and agile, but in reality, it could barely walk stably.

It took a long time to adjust and find balance. It was very frustrating.

Not watching anymore.

Jiang Hao got down to enhancing.

Start with having Mia take over the control and create a control and response system that controlled the whole robot. Its movements became surer and steady.

'System, guaranteed enhancement +1.'


[You have spent 200 yuan and your Feline Bionic has received an overall enhancement +1. Overall performance +10, condition +10, composition +10, Durability +10. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Extraordinary Hardware. All parameters of the bionic have increased by 10 times. Accompanying abilities; Hardware Evolution, Auto-resizing, Self-Maintenance.]


It was as expected. There was a certain pattern.

'Continue +6.'

[You have spent 2000 yuan and your Feline Bionic has received an overall enhancement +2. Overall performance +10, condition +10, composition +10, Durability +10. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Extraordinary Software. All parameters of the bionic have increased by 10 times. Accompanying abilities; Software Evolution, Closed Setup, Style Adaptation.]

[You have spent 20,000 yuan and your Feline Bionic has received an overall enhancement +3. Overall performance +10, condition +10, composition +10, Durability +10. Congratulations on gaining the ability; Systems Acceleration. All parameters of the bionic have increased by 10 times. Accompanying abilities; Hardware-Software Acceleration, Memory Cluster, Advanced Networking.]

Jiang Hao already expected this outcome. But one thing did change.

Memory Cluster enabled the robot to share its memory with another robot. Combine that with Advanced Networking and it was not impossible to create an army of bionics.

[You have spent 200,000 yuan and your Feline Bionic has received an overall enhancement +4. Overall performance +100, condition +100, composition +100, Durability +100. Congratulations on gaining the ability; Intelligent Information System. All parameters of the bionic have increased by 100 times. Accompanying abilities; Datafication, Dataveillance, Automated Identity Management and Authentication System.]

[You have spent 2,000,000 yuan and your Feline Bionic has received an overall enhancement +5. Overall performance +100, condition +100, composition +100, Durability +100. Congratulations on gaining the ability; Weaponized Assimilation. All parameters of the bionic have increased by 100 times. Accompanying abilities; Combat Affinity, Hidden Arsenal, Combat Body.]

[You have spent 20,000,000 yuan and your Feline Bionic has received an overall enhancement +6. Overall performance +100, condition +100, composition +100, Durability +100. Congratulations on gaining the ability; Bionic Cat. All parameters of the bionic have increased by 100 times. Accompanying abilities; Feline Adaptation, Environmental Adaptation, Predatory Power.]


Jiang Hao immediately jumped a few meters away from the bionic.

It could not be helped.

The silly robot had somehow turned into a fierce feline. Not cute at all.

If he did not know better, he would have thought that it was a Puma or Jaguar.

It was so big that it was naturally intimidating.

"Mia, can't you choose a cuter, harmless, and more adorable? You almost scared me to death."

"My apologies. This is its default form. It is more intimidating in combat mode."

"Really? Let me see."

With a few clicks, the fur on its body turned into steel. Its body expanded further and it became more streamlined. It felt more dangerous.

This is the effect of the sixth ability Bionic Cat. It could mimic other felines and gain their abilities thanks to feline adaptation. It could even retract its claws and fangs. A real cat.

Environmental adaptation gave it the ability to conquer any terrain and use the environment to its advantage. Combine that with natural feline abilities like stealth and camouflage, it became quite dangerous.

Predatory power is responsible for the momentum Jiang Hao was feeling. The bionic was barely a threat to him, but he subconsciously guarded against it even though he knew it could not harm him even if it tried to. This ability gave the bionic explosive power and performance far exceeding other bionic animals. Felines are apex predators after all.

The fifth ability was also something.

This ability allowed the bionic to assimilate other weapons to supplement its own combat capabilities.

Honestly, this ability looked more impressive to Jiang Hao than the sixth ability.

Just imagine assimilating the bionic with a nuclear warhead. Would the bionic's every blow be a nuclear detonation or did that mean that the bionic could launch the warhead at any time, any place?

Either way, it was scary.

As for his preference, it was better for the first option.

That would mean that the bionic would gain the abilities of the weapons it assimilated and that power could be used at will.

It was also the most likely scenario given the accompanying abilities.

Hidden Arsenal gave the bionic the ability to store weapons in a separate space.

Jiang Hao was not sure how it worked, but it did.

Combat Affinity just made the bionic naturally good at combat.

Jiang Hao could not think of a better guard than such a robot. Just imagining having hundreds of thousands of such robots pretending to be normal cats that could turn into apex predators at a command made his blood boil.

Such a cute creature, who would guard against it?

Too bad that production is complex and immature.

Jiang Hao shuttled through the group of Bionics enhancing them +1, 2, 0r 3 depending on Mia's evaluation.

The Bionic cat could not be left behind, but the other robots had to remain for Academician Qian's experimentation.

The faster they managed to reverse engineer and produce better robots, the more he would benefit in the future.

It was not impossible to have his bionic army.

He also discovered something worth pondering over.

The effect of enhancing the LiDAR system of a robot is completely different from the effect when he enhanced the Detection System.

The difference was so big that he wondered why he never thought of it.

Let's take lifespan as an example.

It was a very important enhancement for someone like Yang Zhao or Qian Weilin, but it was not as important to An Ning or Su Xiaoyu.

It was better to enhance their immune system instead. At that time, they'd naturally gain a longer lifespan.

While thinking about all these things, Jiang Hao made his way to a conference room. There was an important meeting waiting for him. In his hand was a fat orange cat that he named Jindou.