
[Breaking News!!! Internal Military Workings have been outed! Officials using power to promote relatives to high positions.] Daily News.

{Shocking! It has been revealed that the Chen Family in the Imperial City is involved in the smuggling of illegal goods.}

[Alert! Please avoid using Chen Jia Pharmaceutical products. Experimental Data shows that they have serious side effects.]

{Just Out! Chen Dong, the first executive of Magic City Military Base, is outed for forcing female soldiers to do shameless acts with the threat of court-martial.}

[The Insider! The wealthy Chen Family, and the ruthless methods used to gather wealth. Did they truly deserve the military merit in the two big wars?]

[The true power and wealth of the Chen Family and how much their reach is bad for the country. Wouldn't be better to buy food and medicine 40% cheaper?]

{Magic News! Mayor Zhang might find himself in trouble following evidence of corruption.}

[Confidential! A list of secret operatives has been posted online. The government should act quickly to save these brave souls. But what is this about crimes and inhumane activities?]

Headline after headline appeared on a myriad of platforms all over the world.

It is no joke. People in Kenya could read this hot news in Swahili. Dragon Country's face was smeared with shit.

The amount of information was staggering, laying bare the inner workings of the government, the military, and the three super-families.

And not just the Chen Family.

Jiang Hao's retribution swept the other two families, it is just that Mia and her AI army did not give much attention to them. But everything was online.

The country was on fire and comments and criticisms were being shot everywhere.

Those with the guts took to the streets to protest. How could cancer medicine be so expensive? People always thought that it was Western evil capitalism, but it turned out that even with it, the price was still 40% more expensive.

Wasn't this stealing from your mother to buy sweets with dinner money?

Even a mosquito knows how to suck blood reservedly. These guys were harvesting leeks in their own garden. Hateful.

The other families were also not spared.

The reaction was not as strong as compared to the Chen Family, but it was still there.

It was still possible to control other platforms, but what about Future News? What's more, the most detailed and analyzed account was there.

Just the staggering amount of tax evasions and irregularities was enough for 5 years of budgeting per family.

Charity Foundations would accept billions of yuan but only use 5% to do charity. And the charity? Buy tools and safety gear for workers in their very companies. Buy insurance policies left and right for relatives and employees.

Where were these people in the 2008 disaster? That 5% would have been more than enough.

This made people angry.

Zhang Renhao was directly thrown in jail. There were too many people eyeing his seat and he was the one with the least background. Beat this son first to appease the masses.

The miserable thing is that the guys eager to beat him are the same people he was licking. There is no way around it.

It would be better if Zhang Renhao could go down with just this. If investigated further, they might be implicated.

He could only regret and regret.

Cao Lintao was a bit better. At least the one suffering was not him but other bad eggs in the agency. The problem is that these guys also had superiors and complicated relations with different big shots. It was not easy to take the blame.

There was also the Cao Family. They were not spared.

For such a big bureaucratic family, they were dirty in all places. Cao Lintao did not like it, so he worked in internal security instead of holding office.

As for Chen Dong… well, the guy seemed to disappear and evade arrest, but each time news would appear all over the place about his whereabouts.

It is truly a shame to the country.

Jiang Hao did not care much about the outcome or the mess that was constantly brewing outside.

He had already returned to his residence and gotten busy with arrangements.

His experience with Chen Dong revealed something that he could no longer ignore. The government did not take him too seriously.

At least, in his capacity as a mere 'supervisor', his weight was not much.

It was still okay if it was simply a brat's misbehavior, but what would happen when all his arrangements were halted by a random official on a whim?

His base in the northwest did not need this kind of thing.

"Hello, Yang Lao, looks like you are busy. I need industrial-grade 3D printers and tons of material.

Hm, just bring everything you can gather within a week. You can send your people to prepare a workshop for me by the way.

Ok, I will give you some more years and a healthier, younger body if you perform well."

After talking some more nonsense, Jiang Hao hung up and breathed a sigh of relief.

Feeling invincible and being invincible are completely different things.

Thinking about it again, it is simply a daydream to take the country with you to level up.

There are too many entitled greedy bastards who have too much control for their own good.

 It was better to be way ahead and think about it again when he did not need to depend on others too much.

It is just that Yang Zhao was too much of a grandson and listened to him obediently, giving the illusion that everyone would listen if incentivized enough.

Not everyone was that rational.

{A/N: Powerstones. Sleepy}