Minister Wang... Nanite Capsule

What was even more shocking was the interior.

Unlike Jiang Hao who was not very interested in looking around, they specially went around looking at everything along the way.

And it was like a trip across a major city.

Just the ground floor to the third floor was like a business district.

Malls, restaurants, resorts, hospitals, and spas,… it was a city. The most shocking thing was that the place was not as abandoned as people outside thought.

I mean, the officials had already blocked the area and Ouroboros had also not taken any measures to recruit people yet. But it was good. The whole place was almost crowded.

What was even more shocking was how focused and orderly they were.

Nobody was loitering around and everyone seemed to have something to do. It was really shocking.

Minister Wang could not help but ask out loud how they managed to do it.

A pity the guide they received was very taciturn and barely said more than he should.

This made things a bit awkward. One had to know that in his position as the minister of industry, companies were the ones who would clamor to please him.

If it were any other company, the boss and the whole board would have stood under the sun waiting for him to come inspect.

But here, he first had to stop at the gate for a while for permission from above. Then the martial arts masters he had with him had to hand over their weapons.

It was quite degrading.

You have to know that Martial masters were only below grandmasters. How many grandmasters were there in the world? 16. And most of them were not even pure martial artists.

These grandmasters all had their own schools and commanded martial arts masters in different countries.

Their influence was not small.

Therefore, it was common to give face to a master as it was the same as giving face to the grandmaster behind him. But Ouroboros did not seem to understand this logic.

Directly demanding they hand over their weapons.

It was a good thing that these two were under the government and rather restrained. If it were someone else, they would have shown some color.

What Minister Wang did not know was that these two cooperated not because they were restrained or anything, it was purely because the guards around did not seem normal.

Their instinct told them to behave. And the deeper they went into the building, the more danger they felt.

Make one wrong move and there might not be bones to bury.

Jiang Hao came to the room and found this awkward atmosphere.

The three of them were sitting at the edge of their seats like proper and well-behaved students waiting for an inspection from the principal. Very funny to look at.

When they saw him, they all stood up with smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Jiang, a pleasure to see you. You look handsome and promising."

"Yes, yes. Young and promising."

"mmhn mm."

Jiang Hao did not think too much about why they were so nervous. Anyway, it was to his advantage.

"Minister Wang does not need to be so polite. It must have been a tough journey all the way to the north. Drink some of our tea, it is very good for the body."

"Not difficult at all. If it is to meet Mr. Jiang, I would do it every day."

"Hahaha, Minister Wang is funny. Then I will ask the people below to make a hyper train to the capital. It will be easier to meet in the future."

"Ah, right."

"The two masters also don't need to be polite. Sit and drink tea. It is very good for your qi and blood."

"Aye, we will thank Mr. Jiang first."

Jiang Hao made some small talk here and there until the atmosphere settled a bit.

It would not be good for negotiations if the other party felt coerced or intimidated.

"Minister Wang can talk freely now. I feel that you must have come here with a purpose and not just to enjoy tea."

"Hahaha, Mr. Jiang can see through me. But I have to say, this tea is very magical. I feel 10 years younger just by drinking a cup."

"Well, you just might be. This tea helps repair hidden injuries and revitalizes the body. If you drink a cup every day, you might just live to 150."

"So precious? I feel like I wasted good tea."

"No, no need to worry. The company produces a ton from a single tree per day. I can't finish it even if I give it away."


"I will ask someone to pack some for Minister Wang when you go back."

"I will thank you first then. Mr. Jiang, we have clearly investigated your background and there seems to be nothing wrong with it, but I have to ask what your thoughts are for the Dragon Country."

"Well, shot straight, why don't you?"

"it can't be helped. There is no subtle way to go about it."

"That's fine too. I like straightforward people. But… it this the reason you brought two martial arts masters? I have to say first that they may not be enough."

"This, Mr. Jiang must be joking with me. These two are my bodyguards. Bodyguards. The north is not so safe, especially the northwest that borders the hills at the back."

"Oh, that is good. More reason we should set up that station. Mia, get started with it."

[Yes, Mr. Jiang.]

Wang Hao and the other two swear dropped.

What kind of operation is this? Just propose, discuss, and agree by yourself.

And that is still the capital.

"Mr. Jiang, isn't this too hasty? We still need to discuss some things. I won't be able to explain it when I go back."

"Ah, oh. Minister Wang is thinking too much. Didn't the company say that each country will receive a building to serve as Ouroboros' headquarter? The building will obviously be built in the capital city, right?"

"Ah, isn't this the building?"

"What are you saying? This is my building. Those other countries can also have another if they have a supervisor like me. Besides, a building that shows the face of Dragon country should be in the capital."

"But this…"

"Don't worry too much. As the supervisor of Dragon Country, there are things that I can also do to benefit the country. For example, I can let the government manage the whole building and do whatever they want with research results and other resources. But I have to say something first, you guys have to bear the cost.

Also, the rules and regulations have to be followed to the letter. Otherwise, I might not be able to save Dragon Country."

"Hehehe, Mr. Jiang, even though the company is powerful, Dragon Country is not weak either."

"Hehehe, seems like Minister Jiang still does not understand."


Minister Wang had yet to understand what Jiang Hao meant when he found that the two masters by his side were held by the neck by the guy who accompanied them.

No one knew when he had appeared from outside. But that was not so important right now.

The faces of the two masters had already turned red and then pale. They could not even flail in this guy's hands.

"That's enough. You are excused."


With a word, Jiang Hao sent the guy out. He was quite disappointed in the so-called masters. They were not able to react to such a 'normal' guy. What would happen if he released a combat-oriented new human?

Don't think about it.

"Minister Wang, that guy just now is just a receptionist. He is not even trained for combat. If you do something to anger the higher-ups, they might send a unit to clean up. Worse still, they might not give us face and release some pathogen or a biologically modified virus we have never seen. At that time, what does Dragon Country have that can face the company?"


"Hahaha, of course, if we all behave well and do our part, there are numerous benefits. That guy just now was as weak as a chicken when he came here. Just look at him now. The company can produce such people in the thousands."

"*Cough cough* really? He is stronger than both of us. Can this still be done?"

"Of course. And this solution works even for you martial artists. A master like you can suddenly possess the strength of a grandmaster in no time. A grandmaster might be able to face a warhead at that time. This thing is truly magical."

"Such a thing… it must be expensive. What is the price?"

"Actually, I still have this face. I can get you some shots, but I need your word that Dragon Country will stand behind me. After all, Ouroboros is still relatively young, and it is still a company. There are some things that need the government to do."

"This is difficult to promise. Can you give me a clue?"

"That is not a problem."

Jiang Hao took out a white capsule and handed it over.

"This is a nanite capsule. Inside, there are millions of nanites that are programmable. This is the thing that made that guy so strong.

With this thing, I can make anyone young, old, immortal, strong, weak, immune to all diseases, and heal all ailments. In short, anything you can imagine can be done.

I want this thing to be given to all Dragon Country Citizens."



"That's impossible. What is the difference between this and selling our people? This thing can do so many things. Who knows what else it can do? This is absolutely impossible."

Jiang Hao looked calmly at Minister Wang and waited for him to calm down a bit.

"Do forgive me. This thing is just too much."

"I understand. Actually, I was also thinking about the people.

Minister Wang, have you ever wondered why I am the only supervisor so far?"

"Ah, well, we have thought about it but there is no conclusion."

"It is because I am willing to come forward. Of all the things you have seen so far, what country on earth can do it? So how do you think Ouroboros can do it?

This also shows that Ouroboros does not need too many people on Earth to accomplish its goals. In fact, in the eyes of the company, humans are just inefficient creatures who waste resources.

That is why a down-and-out youth like me can become a supervisor. Qualifications do not matter to the company. Anything you lack can be added."


"I also don't know. But it would have been easier for me to do it alone than to drag a whole country with me.

Anyway, I have done everything I can. In a month, there will be some other events that will bring disaster to the world. At that time, anybody without a nanite augmentation will die inexplicably.

Mr. Wang, I have done everything I can. Please go back and consider it."