
Minister Wang and the other two stared at the busy streets in a daze.

It could not be helped. One second they were still marveling at the wonders in the northwest, the next, they were breathing in the fumes and dust of the busy roads in the capital city.

How could they not be shocked? And that was just a small part of it.

Thinking about the things they had seen, this was certainly the doing of the company above.

Quite scary if you think about it.

"We have to report this immediately."


Minister Wang did not dare delay. Call the superiors on the way.

By the time they arrived, the meeting hall was already full and the leaders were waiting.

This thing was too important. Minister Wang did not dare delay and made his way to leader no. 1 and whispered some words while the meeting was settling down.

Long Huantian and Minister Wang did not take too long. But their serious expressions made the already intense atmosphere more solemn.

"Ahem, Today Minister Wang arrived at the Infinite Dragon Building and met the Dragon Country's supervisor. Lao Wang was accompanied by two masters this time and they managed to come back in time to report."


"Arrived today and came back today? Did the company release some new transportation technology?"

There was a lot of noise instantly.

These leaders were competent in their own right. From a few words, they managed to gather a lot of information.

"Alright. There is no need to talk more. Let Minister Wang tell us more about what they encountered."

"Mr. Long said it well.

The things we saw there are difficult to put in words. Too strange."

Wang Zhanhang explained many things in great detail. From the moment they got close to the Infinite Dragon Building to the time they were sent back.

Hearing that the receptionist there was more powerful than two masters caused an uproar. What was even more shocking was that everyone there was only more powerful and not weaker than the receptionist.

When they heard the things he talked about with Jiang Hao, the ministers and other leaders could not sit still anymore.

One had to know that most of the people here have never had to deal with such situations before.

Most of them got to where they were smoothly. It is not that they never faced challenges, but that the trouble they faced were easily solved with a policy or spending more money.

As for fighting and all that, leave it to No. 1 and the minister of security and the minister of defense.

These three people had enough abilities and power to deal with most situations. In most cases, they even did not need to personally make a move. The people below already knew what to do.

Now hearing that Ouroboros was powerful enough to face the whole country in a war, it was difficult to imagine.

Some were solemn feeling that things were troublesome, while others only took it as a joke.

I mean, even the Eagle Country could only use little tricks to deal with Dragon Country. These few had already grown complacent and their confidence and arrogance could not be shaken.

Anyway, the people going to war are soldiers, not them or their descendants.

Things got even more heated when they heard of Jiang Hao's threat. A month was not a very long time.

They could sit there and hold a couple meetings and a month's time would be gone. But here there was someone telling them that they needed to distribute some suspicious pills to all citizens in a month's time. Was that enough time to even deliberate over the issue?

Well, this is the problem with large bureaucratic structures. It was a good thing that the government of the Dragon Country was not exactly democratic.

As for the topic on being teleported, there was no one willing to comment on it.

It was just too unbelievable and incomprehensible.

"You have heard Minister Wang's account. Now, please share your thoughts and let us come up with a plan."

"Leader Long is far sighted. But you might have taken this company too seriously.

Things that they can do and things that they are allowed to do are two different concepts.

It is still the same principle of needing people. I don't think that Ouroboros as a company can still run without the people. If nothing else, they still need our Dragon people to work for them and consume their products and services.

On this front, we can agree that we still have a hold on them."

"Yes, Minister Lin is right here. We still have to consider whether the company is just being an alarmist."

"But is this is the case, where did all the people Minister Wang saw come from? They seem to have appeared out of thin air. There are also no records of any recruitment or anything."


Another round of discussions came up and the venue became lively.

This gave Long Huantian a headache.

These guys were all very useful on normal days, but now they seem to be completely useless. Even those that spoke something useful were only analyzing without giving any useful and practical advice.

So frustrating.

"Alright. That is enough of you. I only want solutions, not useless arguments.

We already know a couple of things, including that Ouroboros can control many electronic technologies. If what Minister Wang said is true, their technology is hundreds of years ahead of the rest of the world.

In this case, we can forget about using the internet and electronic technologies to confront them.

This leaves us with only using purely mechanical weapons to deal with them. But they still have Augmented humans. And they seem to be able to make them at any time.

That means we absolutely must not go to war with them. We can't bear it.

We can't use technology, and we can't go to war. So what other methods can we use?

This is the question we should be considering."

Long Huantian looked at the silent ministers and his face turned stiff by the minute. Were they really unable to do anything?

Would they have to listen to a private company?

"Leader Long, why don't we… involve others. Didn't they say that something will happen in a month that will affect the whole world? So let us involve the whole world."
