Proper An Ning

Jiang Hao did not know that there were a couple of shameless old men scheming against him.

Even if he knew, he might just send a selection list over.

It could not be helped.

Every time he slept with the twelve at home, his strength would improve subtly. It was just that he was too strong.

Even after enhancing all the girls +3, there was little effect on his +9 physique. He could only make up for it by increasing the frequency.

You'd think he had become a rabbit.

Jiang Hao got out of the capsule and made his way back to the villa.

I have to say, staying at home watching Douyi is more comfortable.

Jiang Hao had just arrived at the entrance when he saw An Ning standing there obediently.

Alice was managing these few very well. At least they maintained their professionalism when they were not doing it.

"Why are you standing here in a daze?"


An Ning did not know what to say.

Hey, do you want to sleep with me? That was impossible.

As for using seduction and other techniques, she learned but never used, that was even more impossible.

If she did this, she might lose some points.

It was not that it was forbidden, but Alice was just too strict. Plus, she was not thick-skinned enough.

"Is there something?"

"This, That, I… I prepared a bath for you."

Speaking up to here, An Ning buried her head toward her chest.

She blamed her mother for not giving her better genes for that area. her modest assets were not big enough to hide her head.

It only took a second for Jiang Hao to catch up.

One had to know that of the 13 maids in the villa, An Ning was the only one he had yet to touch.

It was not that he did not want to, but this lady had been to careful and preserved herself well. And Jiang Hao was too lazy to chase her.

The other twelve were enough to satisfy him daily.

They barely had enough work to share anyway. So it was best to serve him well.

As for An Ning, most of her time was spent trying to gain more information on Jiang Hao to report back.

It was also good to do it openly. Anyway, there was nothing too shocking.

Even the shade at the back, she visited it some time ago. A pity that she could only access the ground floor and the basement below was restricted.

But this was enough.

Not to mention, there was a printer above ground that she could use.

Whatever she needed that was not already provided could be printed freely.

She even tried to print a weapon and she really managed. It is just that Alice was ruthless and directly told her that the weapon could not work on herself let alone Jiang Hao.

And indeed. She shot herself with a desert eagle and all it did was leave a bruise.

This made her helpless.

The sense of security she had gotten was quickly crushed.

Add to that Alice's training, An Ning found that she could not bring herself to do some things. Not to mention how scary things could be, just the fact that she could not leave scared her enough.

It was still fine when she was ignorant, but the more she knew, the more she recognized Jiang Hao's power.

Just his ability to grow a building out of nothing and still have the government do nothing is enough to wear down her edge.

Then she received a call from a dozen or so superiors and leaders all asking her to use her feminine abilities to gain Jiang Hao's favor.

The thing that made her feel even more powerless was the call from her grandfather, father, mother, and even Long Huantian.

You have to know that these few were already at the pinnacle and they did not need to use such methods on anyone. But Jiang Hao was not just anyone.

To put even more pressure on her shoulders, her next move would determine whether the country would befriend Ouroboros or directly cut ties.

Others might not know, but how could she not know? There was absolutely no way to win against Jiang Hao alone. Let alone the mysterious Ouroboros.

So she could only sacrifice herself and come to see him. But was it so easy?

Even after all the preparations, An Ning did not know what to do when she really faced him.

Seeing his teasing look, she became even more embarrassed.

But things had to be done.

It did not take long for them to reach the bath.

Jiang Hao looked at the setting and he had to say that An Ning really was prepared.

All kinds of oils and fragrances. Candles were lit to create a special atmosphere, and even a set of rubber was on the side. Clearly, this is a statement for Jiang Hao. As for whether to use it, well, who uses display items?

As for pregnancy and all that, well, it would be great if she really became pregnant. Jiang Hao was helpless about this.

His essence was too powerful. These girls could not catch it.

After getting the rhythm, Jiang Hao no longer hesitated. Start off delicately and treat the beauty as jade. Slow and steady.

Once she gets used to it, start showing your true strength.

An Ning's voice sounded through the whole Villa making the others smile knowingly.

Hehehe, this lass thought she could handle the beast alone? Joke.

It was already impressive that she lasted more than an hour.

On the other side, Jiang Hao looked at An Ning who had turned into jelly and could only smile wryly.

The strength was there and the stamina was impressive, but none of these ladies could endure for too long. He had barely made a shot but the other party was already spent.

But I have to say, I've met screamers and squirters, but I have never met such a civilized and proper one.

An Ning directly started calling in the proper court dialect. It made Jiang Hao feel like an emperor.

Jiang Hao cleared everything and wrapped An Ning properly and placed her on the massage table to rest.

Her recovery was there and she will be brand new after some hours.

After getting ready, Jiang Hao proceeded to his room. But the moment he opened the door, he met a surprise that almost made him lose his footing.

{Hehehe boi, I am not very good at this but I believe it is enough for the imagination. Collect and Vote if you like it.}