Death Valley...

Jiang Hao looked at the entrance and walked forward with ease.

It was nothing else. Just confidence.

His abilities were too broken.

[[Congratulations to Player Sheng Tian for discovering the Bronze level dungeon, Death Valley.

You have received; 100 Gold Coins, and 1000 Reputation Points.

Do you wish to issue a worldwide announcement?]]


"Mia, I thought I was 'forgotten'. What is going on?"

[Sir, it is because you are present. Forgotten just means that there are no records and memories about you. Try moving forward a step then see what happens.]

Jiang Hao did as Mia said and then approved the announcement.

[[World Announcement! Congratulations to Player Unknown for being the first to enter a Bronze-level dungeon. Achievement title; Pioneer.]]

[[World Announcement! Congratulations to Player Unknown for being the first to enter a Bronze-level dungeon. Achievement title; Pioneer.]]