Sacrificial Altar

The Sacrificial Altar turned out to be a cathedral of some sort.

There were countless statues and the vibe it gave was chaotic and messed up.

Some statues gave off a sacred and holy light, while others gave off a very sinister vibe that made even Jiang Hao frown.

There were also others who were so ordinary that Jiang Hao would have thought that they were mortals.

Anyway, Jiang Hao also gave the altar a +9 enhancement.

[[Sacrificial Altar

Sacrifice anything to a certain god to receive blessings, buffs, props, troops, etc. The more valuable the offering, the more the returns.


Angelization – Forcefully transform a resident unit into an angel with 99999% of the abilities of the specified god. The specified god must accept the sacrifice first in order to use this ability.