Chapter 6: The Holographic Revelation

As they stepped into the smaller room, Chris and Light felt a palpable sense of anticipation. The room was sparse, containing only a single desk. On it lay a dusty, old book. Chris's hands trembled slightly as he reached for it, his fingers brushing against the worn cover.

"Do you think this is it?" Chris whispered, glancing at Light.

"Only one way to find out," Light replied, nodding for Chris to open the book.

With a deep breath, Chris lifted the cover. As soon as the book was opened, a holographic image flickered to life, casting an eerie glow in the dimly lit room. An old man appeared, his eyes wise and kind.

"Chris," the man began, his voice warm but grave, "I'm proud you found this place. I know the whole situation is confusing, but I will explain everything. First of all, I'm not your grandfather but a close friend of his. I fought alongside him for many years..."

Chris and Light listened intently as the hologram detailed the history of the crystals. The man explained how the crystals were powerful objects scattered around the world centuries ago, kept secret by a community dedicated to protecting them. But twenty years ago, betrayal struck. A member stole half of the crystals, creating an organization called The Crystal Hunters, whose goal was to collect all the crystals and use them to destroy the world.

"We had to move fast," the hologram continued. "We hid the remaining crystals in places the hunters would never find. Your grandfather left you one of the strongest crystals—the Black Crystal. It can create black flames and manipulate the darkness. If you start using it, you will understand how powerful it is."

Chris's mind raced as he absorbed the information. The thought of his parents being targeted by The Crystal Hunters sent a chill down his spine.

"Now, one last thing," the hologram said. "You will not have an easy path to defeating the Crystal Hunters, but there are many allies around the world. With their help, you can do it. After all, you are Tom's grandson. Gather strong allies and save the world. You have to go to Egypt. Near the pyramids is a place well hidden from the enemies. You will find help there. Good luck, Chris."

As the hologram faded, the room fell silent. Chris felt a mix of shock, anger, and determination welling up inside him. He glanced at Light, who was equally affected.

"We have to save Emma," Chris said, his voice resolute.

Light nodded. "And to do that, we need to go to Egypt."

Chris looked at him, uncertainty creeping into his expression. "But how?"

Light grinned. "Let's start by buying some plane tickets for Cairo."

Together, they stepped out of the cave, ready to embark on the next leg of their journey, their resolve stronger than ever.


To be continued