Chapter 8: A New Ally

Chris and Light followed Elina through the bustling streets of Cairo to her small apartment in the city center. The journey was a whirlwind of sights and sounds, a stark contrast to the quiet determination that marked their mission. Elina's apartment was modest, just big enough for one person, but it radiated warmth and coziness.

Once inside, Elina busied herself in the kitchen, cooking up a meal for her guests. The savory aroma of spices and freshly cooked food soon filled the air, making Chris and Light's stomachs rumble in anticipation. She also opened a bottle of wine, pouring generous glasses for each of them. The three sat around a small wooden table, the food laid out before them.

Chris broke the silence first. "Are you a member of this community?"

Elina shook her head, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "No, I'm not a member of the community... But my grandfather was." She paused, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "You actually saw my grandfather in the hologram. His name was Dave. He fought alongside your grandfather for years. Unfortunately, he passed away last year. The hologram you saw was recorded before his death."

Light's expression softened. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Were you close with him?"

Elina smiled wistfully. "Yes, he was like a father to me."

Chris leaned forward, curiosity evident in his gaze. "But why did he send us here if you're not a member? Isn't he putting you in danger with that?"

Elina sighed, her fingers tracing the rim of her wine glass. "I don't know. But I guess the book with the hologram could help." She glanced at the backpack slung over Chris's shoulder, where the book was carefully stored.

Chris nodded and pulled the book out, placing it on the table. He opened it, but strangely, the hologram didn't play again. Elina examined the book carefully, her eyes scanning every detail for clues.

"Why did you receive the signal that we are coming if you're not a member?" Chris asked.

Elina took a deep breath. "My grandfather gave me a pen with a light bulb when I was a kid. He always told me that when the time comes, I have to go to the airport. When the book was opened, the light on the pen started blinking. That's how I knew."

"It's strange," she muttered, looking at the book again. "There must be something we're missing." She flipped through the pages, looking for any sign or hidden message.

As they pored over the book, Chris couldn't help but feel a mix of hope and frustration. The answers they sought were so close, yet still out of reach. But with Elina's help, he felt a renewed sense of determination.

"We'll figure it out," Light said, his voice steady. "We have to."

Elina nodded, her resolve matching theirs. "Yes, we will. Together."

Chris's thoughts wandered to Emma, his sister, and how to save her. The weight of their mission pressed heavily on his shoulders, but the bond forming with Light and Elina gave him hope.

As Elina turned another page, they all saw it simultaneously: a drawing like a map, depicting the pyramids with an X marked prominently on one side. Next to the map was a riddle, written in a careful, deliberate hand.

Elina read it aloud: "In the shadow of the sun's last breath, secrets of the past will rest. When night's cloak reveals the sky, look where stars and darkness lie."

The room fell silent as they pondered the meaning of the riddle, the map providing a glimmer of hope but also a new challenge.

Chris looked at his companions, determination shining in his eyes. "Looks like we know where we're heading next."

Elina poured another round of wine, and they raised their glasses in a toast. "To solving the riddle," she said with a confident smile.

Together, they all echoed, "Let's solve the riddle."


To be continued