Chapter 10: Into the Night's Embrace

As the sun was setting, the three were on their way to the spot indicated by the drawing. When they reached the point, it was already darkand the weather was colder,and they stood gazing at the majestic pyramids of Giza. However, there was no hidden room or anything of interest in sight. They searched thoroughly but found nothing. Suddenly, Light had an idea.

Light: "Chris, where's your crystal?"

Chris: "In my backpack. Why are you asking?"

Light: "Wear it. I made a necklace out of mine. Only when you wear it can you activate its powers."

Chris: "Yes, but how will wearing it help us now?"

Light: "Think about the riddle."

Light repeated the riddle:

"In shadows deep, where secrets sleep, 

Beneath the moon's pale light, 

Seek the truth where darkness creeps, 

And illuminate the night."

Chris: "What does the riddle have to do with my crystal?"

Elina: "The darkness! Maybe your crystal will activate something."

Chris took the necklace from his backpack and wore it. Suddenly, they heard a vibration underground as something moved. They looked down to see a small opening appear, revealing stairs leading downward.

Chris: "Both of you were right. I think we found our 'X'. Should we go?"

Light: "Yes... Let's..."

Light didn't finish his sentence as something knocked him unconscious.

Chris: "Heh? Light..? What's wrong? Elina, did you see what it was?"

No answer. Chris looked behind him where Elina was standing a second ago. She was unconscious too.

Chris: "Guys, what's wrong? What happened to you?"

A sinister voice answered.

Voice: "They won't talk for a while, I guess... and now it's your turn too."

Chris: "Who are you?"

Bane: "I'm Bane, 13th rank of the Crystal Hunters. You have something I really need. If I give it to our boss, I will get the 10th rank for sure. So can you please be kind and give me your Black Crystal?"

Chris didn't know how to react. He had never been involved in a fight before. How did Bane knock out Light and Elina so quickly and silently? And how did he know that Chris had the Black Crystal? Questions swirled in Chris's mind, but he tried to stay calm and not show any fear.

Chris: "How do you know that I have the Black Crystal?"

Bane: "The crypt you just opened... It opens only when the Black Crystal is active here. So I was waiting for a long time for someone to show up. What? Did you think that everything was hidden well? Your community isn't that strong anymore."

Chris: "I guess you won't let us leave without a fight?"

Bane didn't answer. He made a move with his hand and out of nowhere, something punched Chris in the stomach. Chris fell to his knees, gasping for breath. He tried to see where the attack came from and then he saw it—a punch made out of sand. Confusion clouded his mind, but there was no time to think as a second punch was coming towards him. This time, he dodged it.

Chris: "So I guess you have a crystal that can control sand *huff* *huff*."

Bane: "Bingo... haha."

Chris was in a very difficult situation. He didn't know how his crystal could help him at the moment. Bane then created a hammer out of sand and was ready to hit Light and Elina. At that moment, Chris felt a surge of rage and ran as fast as he could towards Bane. As he threw a punch at Bane, black flames erupted from his fist, engulfing Bane. Bane rolled in the sand, trying to extinguish the flames.

Chris was in shock. He couldn't believe that the flames had come from his hand. He walked towards Bane, who was barely conscious, lowered his body, and asked:

Chris: "Do you know where my sister is? Your organization has my sister... where is she?"

Chris was furious. Bane could barely talk.

Bane: "You... you... will... never... find... her."

Bane passed out.


To be continued