Chapter 12: Pink Dawn

Chris carefully opened the ancient book, knowing time was not on their side. As the pages came to life with holographic images, the familiar figure of Elina's grandfather, Dave, materialized before them. Elina's eyes welled up with tears at the sight of her beloved grandfather.

"Haha, Chris, I see you found my granddaughter Elina, or should I say she found you?" the hologram of Dave greeted them warmly.

"Come on, Grandpa, it's not really the right time for jokes," Elina responded with a mix of fondness and exasperation.

Dave's expression turned serious. "Please take care of her for me. I think she already told you that I'm dead by now. And I think you don't have a lot of time, so I will say everything as fast as I can. You have to go to Venice in Italy. There you will find an old friend of mine. I won't tell you his name or where exactly you will find him. He will find you."

"Oh God, another big trip... We are stuck, Light," Chris remarked, feeling the weight of their new mission.

"We will make it, no worries," Light reassured them with unwavering confidence.

Dave's hologram continued, "Elina, there was always something I was telling you, something that would help you in the future. If you say it out loud, you will unlock your Crystal. Now run, and be careful. The Crystal Hunters are on your track."

As the hologram faded away, Chris and Light turned to Elina, who was trying to compose herself after the emotional encounter.

"Elina, we have to hurry... Your grandpa said you know what to say to unlock whatever it is," Chris reminded her gently.

Elina nodded, her mind racing with memories of her grandfather's teachings. "Yes, I know what..."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a deafening explosion from outside the crypt, followed by the ominous sound of approaching footsteps.

"Guys, we have to hurry... They are coming," Light urged .

Chris nodded in agreement. "Light, let's go and guard the entrance till Elina is ready."

"Yes, let's go," Light agreed, and they dashed to the entrance, ready to defend their position against whatever threat awaited them.

Meanwhile, Elina focused her thoughts, channeling the wisdom of her grandfather as she shouted the ancient incantation:




As the words echoed through the chamber, the book vanished beneath the floor, replaced by a gleaming golden box. With trembling hands, Elina retrieved the box, her heart pounding with anticipation.

Chris and Light watched in awe as Elina unveiled the contents of the golden box, revealing the Pink Crystal her grandfather had promised her.

"We are trapped, but at least they can't come inside now," Chris remarked as the stone gate sealed off the entrance, providing them with a momentary reprieve from their pursuers.

Light's keen eyes spotted a new opening on the other side of the crypt. "I don't think we are exactly trapped. The community is a few steps ahead too. Look there."

With newfound hope, Chris, Light, and Elina raced through the tunnel, their footsteps echoing in the darkness as they sought refuge from the encroaching danger.

Emerging into the Egyptian dawn, they were greeted by the sight of the sun rising on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ancient city of Cairo.

"I've been in Egypt for two months, but it's the first time I'm so happy to see the sky of Cairo," Elina remarked with a smile, her heart soaring with gratitude for their narrow escape.

"Finally outside," Chris exclaimed, breathing in the fresh air with relief.

"Why are you two celebrating? We are still in danger... Idiots," Light chided playfully, though the worry in his eyes betrayed his true feelings.

Chris chuckled, sharing a knowing look with Elina. "Yes, we are... But they will search for us in the crypt for a while."

"Why are you so sure?" Light asked, intrigued by Chris's confidence.

"The device you found on Bane was a detection device... I left it there so they will think we are still there too," Chris revealed, his cunning strategy earning him a nod of approval from Light.

As the morning light bathed the ancient streets of Cairo, Chris, Elina, and Light made their way towards the city, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestone pavement. The night's adventures behind them, they found solace in the gentle embrace of dawn.

After an hour of brisk walking, they arrived at Elina's place once again. Light wasted no time and headed for a quick shower, while Chris and Elina delved into the mysteries of the Pink Crystal.

"So, your grandfather was secretly recruiting you when you were a kid," Chris remarked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Elina pondered for a moment before responding, "I don't know what to think about it, Chris, but I want to find out everything about the community and its history."

Chris nodded in understanding. "Yes, I understand. I want to save Emma first... Everything else can wait for me. What powers do you think it will have?"

Elina shrugged, her gaze fixed on the shimmering crystal in her hands. "I don't know... But we will find out soon if we meet more enemies."

Chris smiled reassuringly. "Yes, you are right. So our next stop is Italy."

Just then, Light emerged from the shower, his expression clouded with sadness. Chris noticed the change in his demeanor and inquired, "Hey, Light, what's going on? What's with the face?"

Light hesitated for a moment before confessing, "Elina, I'm sorry..."

Elina furrowed her brows in confusion. "Why are you sorry? What's wrong?"

"I...I...I used all of your shampoo," Light admitted sheepishly, his eyes darting between Chris and Elina.

A burst of laughter erupted from the trio, their shared amusement breaking the tension of the moment. With their spirits lifted, they prepared to embark on their next

adventure to Venice, where new challenges and dangers awaited them.


To be continued