Chapter 14: The Road to Escape

As the evening sun cast long shadows through the windows of Elina's home, Chris, Light, and Elina sat around the table, their minds consumed by thoughts of escape. Elina, multitasking as usual, prepared dinner while they deliberated their options.

Chris voiced their concerns, "We could take the risk and head to the airport, but I'm certain they'll be waiting for us there."

Light nodded in agreement. "Agreed. The airport would be too risky, but what other options do we have?"

Elina, munching on a piece of carrot, chimed in. "We could go by car. Drive from Cairo to Alexandria, and from there, sneak onto a ship bound for Venice."

Chris's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Drive? But how?"

Elina shrugged. "I have a car. It's in the garage."

Chris and Light exchanged incredulous looks. "Then why did we spend the whole day walking yesterday?" Chris asked, bewildered.

Elina grinned sheepishly. "Well, you had to see the city while we were at it. It's beautiful here."

Light sighed. "Alright, having a car changes things. It's the safest option for now."

Chris glanced at the clock. "When do we leave?"

"After dinner," Elina replied with a hint of excitement. "I'm hungry."

After a hearty meal, they gathered their belongings and prepared for the journey ahead. Light volunteered to take the wheel for the first leg of the trip, allowing Chris and Elina to rest.

It was around 18:00 when they started their trip. It was still daylight. Light was behind the wheel, carefully watching the road and following the instructions of the GPS. The traffic was light, and Chris and Elina quickly fell asleep. While Light was driving, his thoughts drifted to his late friend Fin. He swore to himself that he would find the one who killed him and get revenge.


Backstory: A Friendship Forged in Childhood

"Ten years ago"

Light was 12 years old, living peacefully in a village in Germany. One day, while playing in the playground, a ball hit him on the head. The kid who threw the ball ran towards him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. Are you alright?" the kid asked, concerned.

Light nodded. "Yes, I'm okay. No worries."

The kid smiled. "I'm Fin. Do you want to play with me?"

Light grinned. "Yes, sure."

They started playing together every day and soon became best friends, visiting each other's homes and considering themselves as brothers.


"Five years later"

Light and Fin were hiking on a mountain in their area. When they reached the top, they found a stone carved with symbols and an arrow pointing beneath it.

"What do you think these symbols are?" Light asked.

Fin shrugged. "I don't know. But there's an arrow too. Maybe we have to lift the stone. Maybe there's a treasure chest, hahaha."

Light laughed. "Now you're playing pirate. Okay, let's try to lift it."

With all the strength their teenage bodies could muster, they moved the stone and revealed what lay beneath.

"You see, I was right! A treasure chest," Fin said, his eyes wide with excitement.

Light was amazed. "You were right. Should we open it?"

Fin nodded. "Let's do it."

They opened the chest and found two crystals: one grey and one red. There was also a letter. Fin read it aloud:

"Dear reader,

It doesn't matter who I am. More importantly, these two crystals have special powers. Use them wisely and only for good. We can't afford to let these crystals fall into the wrong hands. If you ever need help, come to Matala in Crete. There you will find allies. Take care of yourself, whoever you are."

Light and Fin were speechless. They held in their hands objects that granted them powers. Fin looked at Light with a grin.

"Which one do you want?" Fin asked.

Light smiled. "Does it matter? Your favorite color is red anyway."

Fin laughed. "Oh, so you like the grey one. Okay, I'll take the red. Hahaha."

They laughed and continued their hike, now with the crystals that would change their lives.


Back to the Present

Light had been driving for an hour and a half. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow over the empty road. He was getting sleepy, so he woke Chris to prepare him for his turn at the wheel. Suddenly, a fast black car appeared behind them and crashed into their rear. Light kept the wheel steady, preventing the car from swerving off the road. Elina and Chris were now wide awake, looking back to see their pursuers.

"I think they found us," Chris said, his voice tense.

Elina's face paled. "What are we going to do now?"

Light tightened his grip on the wheel. "We have to lose them. And I think I have an idea how."

Chris looked at him, curious and apprehensive. "Really? What idea?"

Light smirked, glancing at Chris. "Oh, Chris, you won't like it at all."


To be continued...