Chapter 23: Arrival in Venice

The sun was setting as the cruise ship gently docked at the port of Venice. The golden hues of the twilight reflected off the calm waters of the canals, casting a magical glow over the ancient city. The air was filled with the soft sounds of water lapping against the gondolas and the distant chatter of tourists enjoying the evening.

Chris, Light, Elina, and Sara stepped off the ship, taking in the breathtaking scenery. The historic buildings, with their intricate facades and centuries-old charm, stood tall and proud against the backdrop of the setting sun. The Rialto Bridge loomed in the distance, its iconic arches bathed in the warm light of dusk.

"Wow," Elina breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. "This place is incredible."

Light nodded in agreement. "It's like stepping back in time."

Chris, however, was more focused on their mission. "Remember, we're here for a reason. Let's not get too distracted."

Light, sensing the tension, placed a reassuring hand on Chris's shoulder. "We'll find who we need to. Let's stay alert."

The group made their way through the winding streets, the narrow alleyways echoing with the sounds of footsteps and laughter. The aroma of freshly baked bread and Italian cuisine wafted through the air, tempting their senses. Despite the beauty around them, they knew they had to stay vigilant.

They didn't know who to look for. Elina's grandfather mentioned that someone would meet them in Venice, but they didn't know who it was or what he looked like.

Chris suggested, "I'd say we split up and look for information."

Light agreed, "Sounds like a good idea. But we have to be careful. I'm sure we are not alone here."

Chris nodded. "Yes, I agree. We have to stay alert. Let's meet in two hours in Plaza San Marco. Elina, let's go."

Elina smiled. "Sure."

They split up and started their city investigation. The weather was calm and warm. Chris and Elina were looking around for any suspicious movements, but all they saw were restaurants. Elina touched her growling belly. Chris saw her and touched his belly too. They looked at each other and immediately agreed.

"FOOD," they said in unison, laughing.

On the other side of the city, Light and Sara were walking without exchanging many words. They didn't know what to talk about. Light then broke the ice.

"So, have you met Silas already?" Light asked.

"No, I haven't," Sara replied. "Or else he would be dead already. Have you?"

Light nodded. "Yes, twice. Once a few weeks after Fin's death, but the moment I wanted to fight him, I fell unconscious. The second time was in Egypt when we were driving to Alexandria."

"You fell unconscious?" Sara asked, puzzled.

"Yes," Light confirmed. "I don't know why and how, but I was unable to fight."

"Maybe he has a crystal too," Sara suggested.

"Yeah, maybe. We will find out soon, I guess," Light said.

Sara looked around the bustling city. "And what do you suggest now? Where should we go?"

Light thought for a moment. "First things first, we have to find somewhere to stay for the night. Maybe a hotel. I guess one room is enough for the four of us."

Sara agreed. "I think so too. Okay, let's go look for a hotel then. But..."

Light raised an eyebrow. "Hmm... But?"

Sara smiled sheepishly. "Are you hungry?"

Light laughed. "I wish you would have asked earlier. Let's eat something first."

They found a small trattoria tucked away in a side street. The smell of fresh pasta and garlic bread wafted through the air as they took a seat at a cozy table in the corner. The waiter brought them menus, and they quickly decided on their meals.

As they waited for their food, Light and Sara continued their conversation. Light shared more about his encounters with Silas, while Sara revealed details of her father's research and her own discoveries about the Crystal Hunters.

"We need to be prepared," Sara said. "Venice might be beautiful, but it's also full of dangers."

Light nodded. "Agreed. Let's regroup with Chris and Elina after dinner and find a safe place to stay. We need to be ready for whatever comes next."

Their food arrived, and they ate with gusto, savoring the delicious flavors. Despite the uncertainty ahead, the meal provided a brief moment of respite and normalcy.

Meanwhile, Chris and Elina found a quaint café near the Rialto Bridge. They ordered pizza and shared stories about their previous adventures. Chris was still cautious but allowed himself to relax slightly in the picturesque setting.

As they finished their meal, Chris checked his watch. "We should meet up with Light and Sara. It's getting late."

Elina nodded. "Let's go."

Suddenly, while they were walking towards Plaza San Marco, eight black-coated silhouettes with classic Venetian carnival masks appeared in front of them. They grabbed Chris, and he was unable to use his crystal. He tried to resist and fight back, but Elina had four of them tying her up and putting a bag on her head. She was trying to fight, but one of them put something over her nose, and after a while, she stopped moving. She fell unconscious.

Chris was struggling and finally freed a hand, allowing him to use his crystal. He created very small fires like fireflies that flew towards three of the guys. When the fireflies reached the targets, they exploded, creating more black fire. Chris ran to where the others were with Elina, but at that moment, a van appeared, and the rest of the guys jumped inside, taking Elina with them. The van sped away, disappearing into the night.

Chris stood there, panting and desperate, as he watched the van's taillights vanish. He gently touched the spot where Elina had been taken, feeling a mix of rage and helplessness.

"Elina!" he shouted into the empty night, his voice echoing through the deserted street. Determined to rescue her, he knew he had to find Light and Sara immediately.


To be continued.