I sleepily opened my eyes to find dim sunlight filtering in through the roof of the canopy high above us, and as I rolled over on my side I found myself face-to-face with Strubin.
For a moment I couldn't think of a reason why he would be lying beside me, and I was about to slap him silly when I finally remembered his confession from the previous night. Now that I remembered, I felt my face grow warm with embarrassment.
What am I thinking?
I had no business getting with another aetyr, even if he was kind and gentle. I had a job to do, and being in a romantic relationship would only make it harder. Not to mention Dukalis' jesting about Illesior's supposed 'crush' on me.
But as I stared into his peaceful green face, I couldn't help but feel that maybe I had made the right choice by accepting his affection. As if he could subconsciously sense my feelings, Strubin softly reached out his arm and I let him caress my shoulder.
Suddenly his eyes flickered open. "Hello, beautiful."
I felt my face flush red with embarrassment. "H-hey," I replied softly, still not used to the pet names as of yet.
He sat up and stretched, his muscles rippling under his sleek fur and his long white mane in a neat braid trailing behind him. Then he turned to look at me. "Where's Arius?" He asked.
I shrugged, feeling a shiver run down my spine when I remembered how callous my brother had been when Strubin and I had nearly drowned. "I haven't seen him."
For a moment Strubin looked nervous, and I thought that he had managed to remember how cruel Arius had been. But then the huge green aetyr just nodded simply.
"He's probably gone off to try and find Kirune and Sophi," He murmured. "I wish he had told us, though. I feel unsafe out here in the wild… alone." But then he sighed dreamily and stared at me. "Well… if it weren't for you, I would be alone. But we can be alone together, if you like."
I laughed nervously at his attempt at flirting. "I don't really have a problem with that." Suddenly my stomach growled. Strubin must have heard, because he glanced at me worriedly.
He came over to me and looked me up and down. "We'd better find you something to eat," He said gently, bending over beside me.
I caught him flinching as he leaned, and realized that he hadn't healed from his sprained ankle. "Wait." I stopped him. "Sit down, and let me have a look at your ankle, will you?"
His eyes shone with laughter as he obeyed, and I held my breath when he scooted over as close as possible to me, his form towering over me menacingly. I knew he was a gentle giant, but that still didn't stop me from being surprised every now and again.
He propped up his leg with a flinch, and I gazed at it intently.
Dukalis, any chance you can help me heal this, too?
For some reason he didn't respond right away, and when I reached out my senses I was shocked to find that he was upset.
What's wrong? I asked.
Everything, He finally replied, scowling.
I was taken aback. Why's that?
I told you about Illesior having interest in you, from the moment you two first met, and you've ignored him all this time. But then this lousy White Mane comes along and suddenly you go all goo-goo gaa-gaa for him? Talk about double standards.
It took everything I had to not make my reply audible. EXCUSE ME? I've known Strubin as a friend for a long time, much more closely than Illesior for that matter. And he isn't lousy! In fact he's far more attentive and gentle than Illesior for that matter.
Dukalis wasn't impressed. Illesior at least has decent looks. I don't even know WHAT you find attractive in that White Mane. Muscles and brawn aren't everything, you know. A good female aetyr also looks for grace and elegance, and that White Mane is as elegant as a Zenatile.
Well, Strubin hasn't been a total creep for the past three months! I shot back angrily, fuming. You know what? I bet I know what this all comes down to.
What? He asked.
It's because you still haven't completely let go of your racism, I spat. And you think it's okay for children to marry. You're still stuck in the ancient past! Now come on. Heal Strubin and be useful for once.
He growled, but complied, and I felt a new magic rushing into me.
Strubin was watching me patiently, affection glowing in his golden eyes as I pressed my hands to his ankle. He winced and I looked at him apologetically.
What were the words again, Dukalis? I asked after a moment.
He sighed grumpily. Grant me the heart to heal, and may your pain be gone in exchange for my lively light.
Right. I remember now. I took a breath and repeated the words he told me, and a sudden glow emanated from my hands. Strubin's eyes widened with wonder and amazement as he watched, and soon all pain faded from his eyes. As he stood, I felt a sudden tiredness strike me.
"...Whoa…" He stared at me, pride shining in his eyes. "You really are an amazing Sorcerer, Aven."
"Thanks." I said breathlessly, standing up. "But it's really nothing."
I heard Dukalis scoff at that, and I tried my best to ignore him as Strubin suddenly came closer to me, until we were only inches apart. I had to look up to meet his gaze.
He stared down at me fondly. "I'm so grateful to have you," He whispered gently, reaching out to stroke my mane. "You're amazing, you know that?"
I shrugged. "I guess."
But then he reached out to grasp both my hands and held them firmly, and when I met his gaze he held a sudden conviction there. "I'm serious, Aven." He said softly.
All I could do was just stare up at him. No words came to mind… not that there was anything I could say.
He slowly released my hands and smiled at me, a gentle, warm smile. "Come on, gorgeous. Let's go find breakfast."
My face was blazing red when he turned to the shoreline, and I ducked my head embarrassedly as I followed.
I stared across the lake. It was far more welcoming in the daylight, even if there was hardly any light to see by in the first place. The surface was calm and no monsters lurked along the shore.
But then Strubin pointed to the far side where we had come from. "Look! That Zenatile's in a coma." He licked his lips. "With any luck, we can put it out of its misery and cook ourselves some Zenatile kabobs." Strubin looked over at me affectionately. "My treat!"
"Only if we don't nearly get ourselves killed a second time," I pointed out dryly, still feeling flustered.
He shrugged and wriggled his ankle experimentally. "You really did fix me up, Av," He grinned. "Doesn't look like there'll be a second time, don't you think?"
Suddenly he reached up, and before I knew what was happening he had removed his vest and dove into the water. "You stay here!" He called, swimming strongly. "I'll bring you some back!"
"How do you plan to bring food back without it getting ruined?" I asked, stifling a snicker.
He stopped and turned, treading the water as a sheepish look crossed his face. "...Fair point."
I sighed and stepped into the water. "I'll just come with you."
His eyes gleamed as I struggled to swim up beside him, exhaustion dragging me down. "I'd love to have you." He said cheerfully. "Here, let me help you out with that."
Before I could protest he grabbed hold of me and hoisted me onto his back, letting me hang my arms around his neck as he swam to the far shore. I held my breath but somehow he managed to keep me above water.
Finally we had made it, and I slid off his back as he took a step forward, facing the unconscious Zenatile.
The monster laid on its side, its purple tongue hanging out of its mouth and its fangs lazily dripping yellow saliva onto the hard rock. I stifled a gag as Strubin cautiously approached the monster, drawing a knife in his hand.
I covered my eyes as I heard a sickening stab, and quickly skittered off to somewhere else a bit more peaceful. Strubin was great, but I wasn't in the mood to watch him skin a half-dead monster while it was still breathing.
I sat down on a secluded rock and dragged out Dukalis' book out of my satchel. Thankfully it was waterproof, and when I opened it Dukalis' bright blue form shone before me, looking cross.
"Why are you so upset with Strubin?" I challenged him. "Last I checked, he didn't do anything to you. Meanwhile Illesior was the one who suggested that I drag everyone down here, possibly to our deaths. And we would've died if we hadn't kept our senses sharp."
He scowled. "Don't you see? No other White Mane that I can think of, save for a few from my time has ever been in the same place as you. Such highly esteemed Aetryim give you their collective attention, and you throw it all away for the sake of some peasant!"
I stared at him. "So you're upset because I don't want to be selfish? Is that what you're saying, old man?"
"Selfish? You're being selfish right now!" Dukalis spat. "Don't you understand? This is all part of the plan!"
That caught me off guard. "...It is?"
He sighed. "YES! You're supposed to keep Illesior on your good side, and I KNOW for a FACT that he's in love with you- or at the very least, interested in you. If you want to rise through the ranks, you have to be able to bribe those in power. And what better person to start with than Illesior?"
I sat there dumbly as he continued somberly, "I get the feeling that sooner or later, Illesior is going to actually ask you to be wedded to him. If he finds out that you've fallen for someone else- a White Mane, no less- either he'll become enraged with you, or with Strubin. At best, he'll prohibit you from seeing each other. At worst, he'll kill him out of jealousy."
I gasped. "You really think he would do that?"
Dukalis stared at me, his gaze filled with seriousness. "I'm a Black Mane, just as he is. You think I wouldn't be able to know what his motives would be? I'm trying to warn you, little one. This is for your own good."
I sighed and hung my head. "How am I supposed to tell Strubin?" I asked finally. "Should I tell him about you?"
Dukalis looked taken aback. "...Do whatever you need to," He said slowly at last. "But by the gods, please make sure he can keep a secret."
I dipped my head. "I'm sure he can. He's not the gossipy type."
The spirit didn't look too convinced, but he nodded and slowly vanished back into his book. I picked it up, studying it for a moment before groaning and stuffing it back into my satchel, slinging it over my shoulder once more.
How do I tell him?
I began to walk back to where I had left Strubin behind, and I could hear him steadily cutting away at the skin of the Zenatile, chopping it up into suitable portions.
I came back into view and sat down at a distance, and the huge green aetyr spotted me with a smile. "Gone for a walk, beautiful?" He grinned, and I blushed.
"Sure," I replied, studying my hands. "It's nice out, especially when there's no more Zenatiles nearby."
"Yeah! I wouldn't expect to have a picnic with a monster these days!" Strubin laughed, chucking a limb off to the side. I took one look at the gorey mess and gagged, cupping my mouth with my hands.
Strubin shrugged sheepishly. "I didn't know you had a weak stomach, sweetheart. Sorry about that."
"No, no, it's fine," I replied wheezily, still trying not to gag.
Suddenly I heard voices, and Strubin heard them not long after I did, because I saw him stop working and prick his ears.
"Who's there?" He called after a moment.
Nobody answered, and all was silent for a painful few moments. Finally a few figures came through the bushes, and I could hardly believe my eyes.
"Hey, guys!"
It was Arius, Kirune and Sophi! Arius had found them after all.