I set my satchel down and slid off my cloak, then turned to find Strubin sitting on the bed. We had gone up to his room after I had made arrangements with Maceren, the mysterious aetyr from earlier.
Strubin grinned and patted the space beside him. "Come here, Av."
I scooted up beside him and he rested his arm across my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I leaned against him, sighing contentedly and closing my eyes.
"You like that?" Strubin murmured, massaging my shoulder gently.
I nodded and scooted impossibly closer to him. "Mm-hmm."
He grinned and suddenly wrapped his arms around my petite waist, then rolled onto his back, pulling me with him flush against his chest. Then he pointed to the ceiling.
"Look," He murmured.
A skyroof was built into the ceiling, letting the stars shine through so that it felt like we were camping out under the open sky. We watched the stars twinkle for what felt like a lifetime before Strubin spoke again.
"So you decided to talk to Maceren?"
I was taken aback by his sudden question, and I nodded after a moment. "I'm just curious about what he has to say, is all."
Strubin was quiet for a bit longer. "All the same, I want to make sure you're safe. I don't want you just talking to random strangers who come up to you while you're on a date."
"This is different."
He didn't say anything after that. Instead he rested his arms across my chest, cocooning me into his protective embrace. I patted his hand reassuringly and whispered, "I'll be okay."
I looked up and saw that his eyes were shut, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm against my back. He was asleep.
I sighed and adjusted my head a few times, trying to get myself comfortable before I, too, fell asleep.
I woke up when I felt something creaking against the bed. I wearily opened my eyes to find that it was still dark in the room, and when I turned I saw a large dark figure by the dresser that stood in the room.
"Strubin?" I croaked hoarsely.
He turned after a moment and kissed my head softly. "Good morning, Av," He murmured. "I have to get up early and clean the restaurant before I head off to work. You'll be okay, won't you?"
I nodded. "What time is it?"
"5 o'clock."
I yawned and snuggled back into the bedsheets. They smelled faintly of Strubin, a warm comforting scent that reminded me of honey and freshly-cut wood.
"...All right. Have fun, Stru. I'll try to pop by later to say hello."
Before Strubin left, he turned and paused. "...Aven, when did you say you were going to meet Maceren?"
"Around ten."
He nodded. "Just making sure. When do you need to work today?"
I sat up, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "...It's hard to explain. I'm not on any sort of shift. I'm just present to help Illesior and the like."
Strubin looked slightly concerned, striding over to me and resting his forehead against mine. I caught my breath. "...Are you okay, Stru?"
He sighed. "Promise me that if anything happens with either Illesior or your brother, you'll come to me." He reached out to hold my hand, massaging my knuckles gently with his calloused thumb. "Promise me, Av."
My heart swelled at his thoughtful gesture. "I promise, Stru. I won't keep you in the dark."
He opened his eyes to stare into mine, and after a moment he pulled away, satisfied. "Thank you."
He turned and opened the door softly, then closed it behind him. I sighed after he left, flopping back on the bed and closing my eyes.
I wish he didn't have to worry so much.
Hours later, I headed back up to the palace gates. The sun blazed brightly in the clear blue sky. It was now almost 10 o' clock.
I hopped the border surrounding the main walkway and ran along the side, and eventually I jumped down into the palace gardens. Willow and fruit trees were planted all around, and a pebble path snaked through it, luscious flowers lining the walkway.
I looked around after I sat by the willow tree that hung low over a pool of water. Where was Maceren? Was he not able to come?
I waited for what felt like hours, and still there was no sign of him. I sighed. I should've known that he was some kind of ruffian wanting to fool around with me.
But as I got up to leave, I heard a rustle. I turned to find the mysterious aetyr from the night before, striding towards me with a purposeful gait.
His eyes gleamed. "I see you came."
I narrowed my eyes, maintaining his eerie gaze. "I've been here for a while, waiting for you to show up. I was beginning to think you were messing with me."
Maceren shrugged. "My apologies, Miss Aven. I was… caught behind in some other matters." Then he clapped his hands together. "But that does not apply here. Tell me, do you have any family or friends in The Capital? Aside from your partner back at The Grape Vine?"
I took a step back. "...Why do you need to know?"
He sat down by the pool, staring up at me thoughtfully. "I'll explain in due time. Care to indulge me, fair maiden?"
I huffed and remained standing, glaring down at him. "No, you need to explain now. I have no reason to tell a random stranger everything about myself. Maybe once I have more context, I might tell you a bit more."
Maceren chuckled uncomfortably, though I could tell he was beginning to grow irritated. "It won't make any sense until you are the first to cooperate, I'm afraid. Let me start it out small and simple: Do you have any siblings? A brother, perhaps?"
I stiffened. "That's a bit too close to home. Yes, I do have a brother, but only one."
Maceren's face brightened. "Oh, how wonderful. Is he present in the city, by any chance?"
I made a face. "Technically, yes. But he's in prison." As I spoke, I felt an uncomfortable coldness race up my spine. Why was he asking me this?
The aetyr stared at me, disappointed. "...Ah, I'm deeply sorry. If you don't mind me asking-"
"-I DO mind," I cut in.
"...My earnest condolences, Miss Aven, but indulge me for a moment. What crime did he commit?"
I paused. "...He betrayed me. He tried to kill me."
Maceren's face became downcast. I assumed it was because his secret plan or whatever had been foiled because of this revelation, but I was taken aback when he replied somberly. "...I'm terribly sorry. No… no aetyr should ever have to go through that."
"It's fine. I'm fine." I scratched my mane, trying to hide the fact that I was not fine. "Everything's fine."
Maceren fixed me with a determined expression. "You are not fine, Miss Aven, and I give you my earnest condolences. I take it your brother was not punished sufficiently?"
"No… no, I'm fine with what he's been given. I never wanted him to die." Then I shook myself. "Hold on. Why do you care?"
Maceren stared up at me meaningfully. "Because I can understand your feelings. I've been there once, you know."
"What? Your brother tried to kill you, too?"
"I have no siblings. Nay, it was my own father who turned against me." He grew silent, staring out across the bubbling pool.
After a moment of quiet shock, I slowly came to sit down beside him, though I remained cautious. "...What do you mean? Is that why you have no…" I glanced at where his tail would've been.
Maceren shook his head. "No, I was born without a tail. My father did not do this to me. The scars he leaves are not visible from the outside." He grew quiet, glancing at me. "...Is it the same for you, Miss Aven?" He asked suddenly.
I stared down at my paws. "...Maybe."
Maceren stared out at the pool for a little while longer. Finally he spoke again. "...Do you have any other family present in the city?"
I shook my head. "No. Just friends."
"Friends?" He leaned in, looking thoughtful. "How charming! I've always wondered what it's like to have a friendly acquaintance, with no strings attached."
I stared at him with wide eyes. "What? You don't have any of your own?"
"Nay." He fiddled with his jacket bashfully. "Only customers. But, do tell me more about these… friends of yours."
I relaxed a little. Maceren seemed well-meaning, even a little bit quirky. Despite his intimidating, commanding appearance, he reminded me of my old self back in Gatesborn. I leaned back against the willow tree behind us. "Well, there's Strubin. He's my boyfriend. And then there's Sophi and Kirune. They helped me on a quest recently. And… Zerhea. I wouldn't consider her a close friend of mine, but she helped me…" Back in the court case against Arius, I realized.
Maceren nodded. "I see. Fellow White Manes, I presume?"
I nodded.
"Are you by any chance acquainted with Black Manes, aside from myself? I don't expect you to be, but…" He trailed off, staring at me expectantly. I felt my fur grow warm with embarrassment when I remembered.
"...Yes, actually. I'm Illesior's confidant." I replied. "He entrusted me as his advisor."
Maceren's jaw dropped. "WHAT! The Prince? But how would the Queen ever allow that?"
I shrugged. "Beats me."
Then I sat up and pointed at the aetyr beside me. "But enough about myself. Who exactly are you?"
Maceren shuffled his feet uncomfortably. "...I am Maceren. Maceren Arrakhan, otherwise known as Mace by my customers." He bowed his head. "You may call me that from now on, if you like."
I nodded. "All right, Mace. But you keep talking about these 'customers'. Who do you work for? What do you do?"
He glanced at his claws. "...I… I am a Mage. I-"
"What's a Mage? Don't you mean Sorcerer?"
Maceren shook his head. "Nay, Sorcerers and Mages are much different. Sorcerers work with widespread Aetyrian magic. Mages, meanwhile, seek new forms of magic, through the help of Spectres."
"Wait- Spectres? Aren't those what cause Consumed?"
Maceren burst out laughing, and after a moment I chuckled uncomfortably. "The Consumed? Ha! You are greatly mistaken. Spectres are what the common folk call spirits, or ghosts."
"Oh." I shrugged sheepishly. "I didn't know."
"Nor did I expect you to," Maceren said, still grinning. "Ah, that still did brighten my day. Everyone knows that Consumed are created from excess magic. Spectres causing Consumed? Absolutely preposterous! Ha!"
"Enough about that," I interrupted, feeling my face grow warm. "Where are you from? And who exactly do you work for?"
Maceren narrowed his eyes. "...I hail from the West, where most Aetyrim dare not go. My father owns an estate on the edge of the God's Headrest. As for who I work for…" He fiddled with his jacket, uncertain. "I can't tell you. Not yet."
I rose to my feet. "Look, Maceren, if I don't know who you are, then I can't work with you." My hand hovered over my satchel. "And besides, why are you so eager to know about me? I have my own life here in The Capital, you know."
Maceren sighed and rose to his feet. "Miss Aven, I'm sorry for any discomfort our meeting may have caused, but let me explain myself. I was told to find an albino aetyr and bring them back to the one who sent me. I-"
"Hold on. Who sent you?"
Maceren's whiskers twitched. "An acquaintance of mine, Meredith. I asked you if you knew her, but it's clear you don't. Which begs the question…"
I stopped him. "Who is Meredith? You mentioned her back at the inn."
His eyes gleamed lime under his hood, glittering with a sense of uncertainty. Suddenly he dodged the question with one of his own. "...Tell me, Aven, are you the daughter of Abarin Elsgard, by any chance?"
I took a step back, and from my expression he knew that he guessed right. "I see that she was right." He murmured.
"Who is Meredith? Tell me!"
Maceren leaned against the willow tree, staring at me thoughtfully. "Aren't we all eager for answers?" He continued. "To tell the truth, I don't really know much about her myself. But she said that she knew someone named Abarin. Abarin Elsgard. She told me to try and find if his child, an albino aetyr, was still alive. She wanted to meet you."
I stopped and paused. How did she know Abarin? And why did she want to find me? I didn't even know who she was!
"Why would I go meet her? I don't even know who she is. For all I know, she could be trying to kidnap me." Then I thrust a finger at him. "And why are you willing to work with her, if you don't even know who she is? Assuming you're telling the truth?"
Maceren placed a hand to his heart solemnly. "Miss Aven, I do not lie. I speak truthfully and only wish to help someone else in need. And right now, what they need is you."
That hit different. "...Why… Why would she need me? I…"
"And as for working with her…" He glanced at his feet. "...She promised me good pay. Something that would change who I am." Suddenly he extended a hand to me. "Miss Aven, we're both trying to find answers in our lives. You are trying to seek solace for your brother, or so I assume. I am trying to solve my own problems. Wouldn't it be best to work together?"
I stared at his hand, a violet paw clad in dark cloth. "...What can you give me in return?"
Maceren's eyes brightened. "I'll pay you handsomely in gold, but if that doesn't suit your fancy, then you can expect me to repay you with my own protection, in exchange for your compliance. You see, on top of being a Mage, I am also skilled in the art of stealth and offense. Name an enemy and I'll have them dead within a blink of an eye."
I nodded slowly. "...I have no use for gold or protection, but I appreciate the offer." Suddenly a thought crossed my mind: Would he be able to give me something far more valuable than either of these things? "There is something you can give me, in exchange for my service… assuming you have it."
Maceren nodded briskly. "Whatever it is, there is a high chance I can give it to you. Name it."
"You said you were a Mage. If I help you, would you be willing to tell me everything you know about Spectres and Consumed? I doubt you know anything about Abarin, so I can't ask you that much, but…"
The Black Mane looked thoughtful, yet cautious. "...That is a strange request, Miss Aven, but they do say knowledge is power, and for that I respect you. I can't promise to tell you everything I know about the supernatural, as that is my own art, but what I can do is teach you basic principles. As for your father… while you are correct in that I do not know him, I can help you uncover his own history."
My heart skipped a beat. "Really? Oh, but… one more thing… What are you planning to do? With Meredith, I mean? Are you taking me to her? If so, where is she located?"
Maceren paused, and looked around cautiously, as if he was afraid that someone was watching us. Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear. His warm breath stirred my ear fur as he said, "She is not within sight of The Capital. She lives close by the God's Headrest, roughly two or three days away from here."
"So you are taking me to her?"
He nodded. "But now that I think of it… if she wanted the daughter of Abarin, surely she'll need an audience with his son. Is there any chance I can take your brother, assuming he is free to roam The Capital? If you're fine with it, obviously," He added, looking embarrassed.
I gave him a long look. "...My brother, Arius, is going to be released within six days. But he's getting his mane shaved. He'll want to wait for it to grow back before he does anything."
Maceren clicked his tongue with amusement. "Ah, the old mane shave. It is quite humiliating, isn't it? I wonder if they'll shave his tail, too?"
I shrugged. "Probably not. Anyways, when he's released, you'll have to talk to him yourself about this. Him and I… we're not on good terms. But I'm trying to change that."
"I can do that."
"And even if he agrees, I still have to talk to… Illesior." I made a face briefly. "He's extremely upset with Arius at the moment. He would've killed him if things had turned out differently. I'm not sure if he'd want him to leave The Capital… or me, for that matter."
Maceren looked concerned. "What? Is the Prince upset with you as well?"
"No… I don't think so. It's complicated."
Maceren gave me a long look. "...I understand, Miss Aven. You wouldn't mind talking to the Prince, then? If you don't want to, I can stand in on your behalf. I've dealt with the Royal Family myself a few times before."
I took a step back. "I don't think that would be necessary, but I appreciate the offer." I glanced at the sky and saw that the sun had climbed ever so higher. Then I heard the loud gong of the clock tower, signaling the arrival of 11 o' clock.
I turned back to Maceren and smiled slightly, extending my hand. "Maceren, if you're serious about this, and if things work out on my end, then I'll help you. If not, then I apologize in advance."
Maceren nodded, grinning widely as he shook my hand. "Thank you. It is settled, then."
As he turned, I stopped him. "Wait. How can I find you if I want to speak again?"
He paused, then reached into his cloak, shuffling around for a moment before pulling out a small silver object, resembling a necklace with a gray amulet. "Here."
I stared at it, rolling it in my palm. "What is it?"
"It's a tracking whistle, a device I created so that only I can hear it. It's magic. Blow softly on it and I can track you telepathically."
I stared at it in wonder. "I've never seen anything like it before."
He shrugged, scratching his head bashfully. "I am flattered that you are struck by my craftsmanship. Feel free to use it if you need me, whether it's to talk or protect you in a time of need."
"I told you I don't really need a bodyguard."
"All the same, it's there if you need my assistance." He bowed. "Farewell, Miss Aven. Until we meet again." With that he turned and began walking away. To my shock, suddenly his form flickered, then faded into the breeze, as if he was nothing more than a ghost.
I stood there, pondering for a moment. Why had I agreed to go with a complete stranger to go meet someone else I didn't even know? All because he offered me knowledge that nobody else could give me?
I need answers.
I pushed back my fluffy mane and stared up into the sky. "...I'll do it." I whispered. "I'll talk to Illesior."