A deal to make?

The afternoon sun filtered through the canopy of leaves, creating a dappled pattern of light and shadow that danced on the ground.

Dew, taking a stroll, after filling his stomach with royal delicacies, in the majestic garden. Walking through the archway, breathing the air that was filled with the sweet fragrance of jasmine, roses and lavender, mingling in the symphony of scents that enchanted the senses.

The Emperor leisurely walking down the cobblestone pathway finds the grand fountain at the center of the garden, its crystalline water dancing in the sunlight.

Behind the Emperor, was his royal valet in his regular velvet green clothes that matched his eyes color, a sword fastened to his waist, and his curly hazel hair fluttering in the breeze.

The emerald eyes hooked on the man in front of him, 'From the past few days, His Majesty's way of conduct seems to be different. In the past, His Majesty wanted to have everything that he was once deprived of, and when finally he got what he craved most, he began to stray from the future that he had once wished for, the dream to become a great ruler. However, it seems His Majesty didn't completely let go of his goal. Maybe-'

"What do you think?" Dew promptly asked, turning to look properly at his royal valet expression.

Dew's golden hair, shining in the sunlight and his sky blue eyes appears to contain curiosity, Ruprecht only stared at the sight that stopped his train of thought.

His mind also slipped the question that the Emperor asked, standing dumbfounded.

Noticing his valet dazed self, he waved his hand in front of his eyes, breaking his trance and bringing him back to reality.

"About Duke Heydrich, what do you think about him?" Dew asked again to listen to his valet opinion.

Finally, Ruprecht registered the question in his mind and replied, "He is a man with insatiable greed, charging unfair prices, abusing his authority and..." he trailed off in his speech, finishing the sentence in his mind.

'He is someone His Majesty shouldn't trust.' His clenched fist and eyes clearly showed detest towards Duke Heydrich.

'Sigh, look Eberhardt, your valet also knows what kind of man Heydrich was and yet you get swayed by his flattery, giving him your trust who was robbing you.'

"Don't hesitate, as I'm planning to give him what he deserves, so you can tell me."

Dew had already started walking forward when those words slipped from his mouth.

Ruprecht didn't even get the time to reply when, all of a sudden, Dew stopped in his tracks which caused Ruprecht to halt.

Ruprecht's eyes followed His Majesty's gaze and what entered his vision was two people engaged in conversation while enjoying the tea.

'What are they doing here? Shouldn't she be at the library?' Surprised, Ruprecht, questioned in his mind.

Dew looked at them with his probing gaze, recalling the content of the novel.

In the novel, Adelheid and Sigurd first encounter took place in the banquet where their first conversation took place.

'It seems that my today's action created a butterfly effect. However, I have no intention to go over to them as the reason why I'm here has always been to change the story.' Pondering in his mind, Dew left the scene, clearly having no purpose to disturbed their tea sweet time.

*Their sweet tea time*

"So...you are asking for my help in your revenge?" Sigurd inquired, giving her an intense glare while sipping the milk tea.

Taking a deep breath, and tightly grabbing onto the handkerchief in her hand under the round table, she replied, "Yes, I want to make a deal with you."

'I wouldn't have known this man was in the palace if it wasn't for the maid informing me, how could I let this opportunity slip?' Adelheid sighed a relief in her heart.

"Oh, then, what could you offer me for my help? "

'Still insisting on his help when I clearly said it's a deal-really a tough nut to crack, however I have to give in for now as I have more to lose.'

"I know the location of The Elemental Grimoire that you are searching for, wouldn't you want to go and have a look?" Adelheid presented what the Duke wanted most.

'Isn't it an intriguing deal, I am sure he is going to acc-

"So dull." He uttered with an apathetic look, halting Adelheid from completing her inner monologue.

'Wha-what-how-wh-' her mind stopped functioning for a while as she saw no reason as to why he didn't want to deal with her after she offered him such a prize.

Sigurd got up from his seat, turning to leave but he couldn't even take a single step when Adelheid spoke again.

"What do you want, if it is not The Elemental Grimoire then what could that be? "

'Adele, this is not the time to ask questions but to make him your ally, don't stop!' thinking that she waited for Sigurd's answer only to be disappointed.

The Duke left, without even throwing a glance at her.