Visiting the royal library

"Tsk, what are you doing? Are there buttons instead of eyes? Guards! put him in the basement prison!." a middle aged man's voice filled with disdain and annoyance sounded.

"My Lord! Please! please forgive me, My Lord!...I- I will be careful from now on-no,no,d-don't, My Lord PLEAS-" The servant couldn't even complete his sentence before being dragged by the guards out of the room.

"Hump, what a nuisance! pouring tea on my expensive shoes!" Heydrich uttered with extreme irritation.

In front of him were bundles of fresh herbs, which varied in color, shape and size. He was counting the money that he had lost in buying these herbs including the bribing amount.

Grinning from ear to ear, Heydrich said, "How could those foolish vessels think of coveting my business? I had established a monopoly in many industries, all these years with my hard work of flattering those emperors who sat on the throne, and my business that finally succeeded under the rule of the present Emperor,. I would be a stupid to let those vessels start a business of such caliber."

"I think it's time to meet that dumb Emperor again with a delicate beauty to make him fall for my tricks again." A nasty smile hung on his lips when those words were said.

*In Emperor Court*

All eyes on Sigurd, when he opened his mouth to answer the Emperor's question.

"Your Majesty, haven't you already warned them about that, nonetheless, they still fell in the Heydrich trap, now I truly fear the future of our Empire due to the action of these vessels." Sigurd's reply earned an offensive glare from Rainer but the Duke only ignored that childish glare.

"I see, then Duke, why don't you solve the problem?" Dew said.

"Oh, Is Your Majesty saying that you want to get rid of these vessels? If that is so then I would gladly do it" Sigurd locked his eyes with the Emperor's narrowed eye, but soon his eyes drifted down and finally resting on Dew's reddish lips, he unconsciously gulped.

"What are you saying??" The vessels reacted at the speed of light, gaining all attention on them.

'Sigh, how will I manage these people, ah, this twisted bastard only knows about killing' Dew groaned internally, regardless, not a single hint of his inner sighed reflected on his serious face.

"I'm talking about Duke Heydrich." Dew cleared himself.

"I see, nevertheless, there is no problem with that also, I will visit His Majesty again with the solution." With that said, the tall man took his leave, after bowing to the Emperor.

"You three can also leave." Dew ordered them, once all left, he slumped on the throne, massaging his aching temple. He thought, 'Future days are going to be more exhausting, I have to do something of my low stamina.'

As the sun started setting, birds began returning to their home, the sky cast in the orange hue appeared breathtaking, the view of this world really felt illusory.

The Emperor stood in front of an enormous library, his eyes couldn't even take in the full view of the architecture, nonetheless, he entered.

'I can feel the mana in myself, however, after last time, I couldn't seem to use my powers again. Is it can only be activated once my life is in danger? I guess, in the library, I might find some clue about it.'

He searched for an hour, looking at every suspicious book he finds, as he had believed that only odd books contain important information, that was an impact from watching many horror movies which was Dew's favorite genre.

It has been 2 hours now, and still he hasn't gotten hand on anything useful. The books in the library were most of the mythical creatures, the battles that occurred in previous years, history of the Eldoria Empire, biography on kings, about medicines, potion, even cooking recipes were also included.

A thought crept in Dew's mind, 'There are all kinds of books except magic, why? Are books on magic kept in different floors or rooms?'

When Dew was in deep thought, a voice called him from behind, pulling him out from his pensive thinking.

"Sir, you called for this humble servant?" Butler Han asked in his regular respectful tone.

"Yes, there is work for you." Sigurd said without even having a look at the butler, his eyes fixed on the paper he had in his hand.

"Work?" Asked the confused butler, 'last time I got work was 1 year ago' Han recalled the work that he was given the previous year.