Weapon Training

Most of the 100 did not like using any sort of cold weapon as the chance of getting hurt was a lot higher but they got over it after a little nudging by him.

Octavia quickly fell in love with the sword, and he personally trained her allowing the two to grow a lot closer and understand each other a little better.

Clarke wasn't very good with a sword so he thought he might teach her how to use a bow instead and she quickly fell in love with using a bow more than the sword though he still taught her how to use a dagger for protection up close.

On the other hand, Bellamy was pretty good with a sword, so he also made sure to teach Bellamy personally a little as well.

The days went by quickly as the 100 grew more and more skilled in the way of the blade. Injuries and accidents occurred but thankfully in the VR world the wounds would heal and the pain of having a limb cut off was suppressed.


"Not good enough!" Damon yelled to Octavia who was on one knee in the mud as the rain poured on them and the 100 circled around them to watch the fight.

Octavia quickly stood and twirled her sword before charging him.

"Ahh!" She struck diagonally at his head, but he quickly deflected and noticed her quickly redirect toward his outer leg forcing him to reach low and deflect the lower strike creating a clashing of swords.

With the lower strike deflected Octavia used the moment to go for a straight cut across his midsection but since he was already in a lowered position he quickly ducked under the blade letting it pass above him and with a quick lunge he outstretched his leg and swept Octavia off her feet.


She landed on her back and let out a gasp before rolling onto her stomach and trying not to puke.

"You need to be faster! If you had gone for an overhead strike it would have forced me to defend!" Damon screamed over the pouring of the rain and the cheering of the 100 as they enjoyed watching Octavia get her ass beat.

Even Bellamy enjoyed the show as his little sister had gotten a little to arrogant lately and had forced him to spar with her multiple times knowing he would lose.

He watched as Octavia slowly got onto her feet and despite looking a little wobbly and worn down, she seemed to always want more.

"She really is a monster," Damon mumbled 

Octavia circled as he waited for her to attack first. 

"Rah!" She quickly lunged forward and struck with an overhead strike which he easily sidestepped.

Feeling the wind of the blade pass next to his face made him smile as he used his sword to clash against Octavia's knocking it away from his center mass.

Octavia quickly came back with a horizontal strike against his midsection which he easily denied by bringing his blade up from below the strike making it miss.


Octavia used the momentum of her blade going up to go for an overhead diagonal strike, but it lacked speed and strength allowing him to easily clash blades with her and hold her sword in place with just one hand holding his sword.

Taking a quick step forward he kneed Octavia in the stomach causing her to bend forward in pain allowing him to grab her and fling her into the mud.

"To weak!" Damon screamed

Once again Octavia got up and steadied herself, but it seemed she couldn't take much more as she hesitated to attack.

Damon quickly took advantage going for a swift overhead strike.


Octavia barely dodged with a sidestep but Damon didn't give her time to process as he swiped his blade horizontally toward her neck.


Octavia quickly ducked under the blade before standing back up and slashing at his neck forcing him to take a step back, but it seemed she had used to much power in the swing as her sword went all the way behind her back leaving her completely defenseless.

Taking advantage Damon stepped forward and punched her in the face and her nose splattered blood all over her face as she crumpled to the floor.

"Not enough control!" Damon screamed before walking away.

"That's enough for today." He said before going to wash up for the night.

Despite Octavia getting completely slumped she was progressing at an astonishing rate.


The next day Damon was standing in the middle of the hot desert as looked upon the 100 who were all standing in single-file lines while trying to ignore the blaring hot sun and the sand getting into their eyes.

"Your goal is to get to the extraction point marked on your maps without anyone being left behind. You'll be in groups of ten with a limited amount of water supply which will be just enough for your bodies to not collapse.

The human body is a very miraculous thing, and it is 99 percent of the time the mind that gives out before the body itself. 

You will be in pain! You will question yourself over and over wondering if your body really can go on! I assure you it can! You will have to force yourself to embrace the suck!

Good Luck!"


Damon snapped his fingers, and everyone disappeared as they all soon found themselves in random groups of ten with nothing but a map and a bottle of water.

The only way they could leave the exercise was if they completed it successfully, he didn't care if they had to stay inside the VR world for an entire year.