Grounder meetup

Damon had decided to go to bed early since he would be waking up early before sunrise and since he had the largest tent in camp, he decided to invite Clarke over to stay in his tent for the night.

Now they were both laying atop a whole bunch of animal furs and pelts he had laid down along with a few sleeping bags and blankets making the tent feel nice and cozy. 

Damon had already stripped to his underwear and Clarke slept with her shirt off but didn't take her pants off in case she needed to leave the tent fast.

They didn't do anything except hug and cuddle as they were both tired from the travel they had done earlier. 

Holding Clarke in his arms and listening to her breathing Damon soon fell asleep before he even realized it.

About seven hours later Damon awoke and saw that it was still dark outside letting him know the sun hadn't risen yet.

"Clarke." Damon brushed his hand through Clarke's blonde hair, and she soon awoke.

"We got to get everything ready for the meet-up," Damon said, and Clarke nodded before they went to take separate showers.

He wanted to join her, but the showers were public, and he didn't think any of the other women who were awake would like him looking at them.

'Or maybe they would?' Damon thought before getting his thoughts back on track.

He got dressed in his usual clothes before walking over to the command tent where the others would be.

"Alright, do we have the gift ready to go?" Damon said while looking at Bellamy who had his sword on his back and ready to go.

"Yeah, it's right there." Bellamy pointed to a few black tubs that the blankets and first aid kits had originally been in but now they were full of animal furs, pelts, and dry food rations. 

"Good." Damon nodded before looking at Miller and two others.

"You three will stay back in the forest with our rifles. No matter what don't shoot unless I raise my hand and make a fist. Understood." Damon said with a serious face and the three nodded intently as they were aware of how serious the current situation was.

"Clarke and Octavia, are you guys ready to go now?" Damon looked to Clarke who had her bow and quiver of arrows before looking at Octavia who was wearing her sword and looking excited to see a real grounder for the first time.

"I've been ready, Let's go," Octavia said, and Clarke nodded.

"Alright, you three carry the gift, let's head out," Damon said before letting Jones who was second in command of the scouts after Miller that they were leaving. 

The bridge wasn't far, only about an hour's walk from their camp, and as they got there, they could see a little bit of sun peaking over the horizon.

Damon walked onto the bridge with his three generals while Miller and his two other people were hidden in the forest. 

He could have brought more people as a scare tactic but honestly, Anya didn't seem to be the type to get scared from petty tricks like that.

Plus, three gunners in the trees were already plenty as it's not like Anya was bringing her whole army, just one squad.

"Listen, let me do the talking, and no matter what you hear don't speak a word without my permission, got it?" Damon said seriously while looking each of them in the eyes.

They all nodded as they understood how much Damon hated it when they appeared undisciplined in front of others.

They knew not to talk out of turn and question their leader's decisions in front of others. That was something they had all learned through a harsh beating or two.

"Got it."

"Good, when I wave you over bring over the gifts slowly, don't make any sudden movements or you might get an arrow in you." Damon patted Bellamy on the shoulder as he kept looking over at Octavia not wanting her to be there in case things went wrong.

Even after years, he had never got over his protective instincts for his little sister.

As Damon was talking to his three generals, he saw Lincoln appear out of the forest line and jog toward him.

"They are here. Leave your weapons behind." Lincoln said while looking at Damon before glancing around and scanning the area.

It seemed he wanted to make sure they weren't trying to pull anything.

Damon nodded before handing his sword and dagger over to Clarke, but he kept the hidden poisoned dagger in his waistband in case shit went down.

As Damon was de-arming himself, he heard the sound of horses trotting on the bridge and looked over to see three horses with fully armed grounders on them.