Chapter 12 Mastering Medical Skills!

Should I upgrade my attributes, or should I buy new skills?After pondering for a while, Ning Yuan asked suddenly: "By the way, system, how does my current ability compare with Ye Tian?""According to data comparison, the host is currently at the same level as Ye Tian in martial arts skills, and in terms of attributes, Ye Tian's average attribute is 40. In addition, Ye Tian is proficient in medicine, firearms, driving, and gambling. , Horsemanship, cooking, and many other skills."The female voice of the system responded."I'm quite proficient."Ning Yuan murmured.Suddenly it occurred to me that Ye Tian, ​​who has the protagonist's aura, is a perfect character with all-round talent in the cool novel of "The Flower Protector: Across the City".This is also the usual character of the protagonist in Shuangwen's novels. The protagonist is not only young and handsome, strong, but also has a strong background and versatile. Just stare at which heroine and female partner, you can make them fall in love at first sight.Ning Yuan, who was familiar with Shuangwen's novels, was not surprised at Ye Tian's strength at all. This was what he expected."Host, Ye Tian's personal data looks very powerful, but, host, don't forget, after you have this little fairy, by plundering Ye Tian's fortune, the speed of strength improvement is beyond Ye Tian's reach."The system's light female voice comforted in time, and boasted by the way."Well, little fairy, let me improve my strength quickly. I can't wait to become a big villain, counterattack the protagonists of those Xiaobai Shuangwen, rob their women, and then catch them and hang them."After Ning Yuan passed through and became the villain in the book, he didn't know why, watching the protagonists of Xiaobai Shuangwen was very upset.System: "Host, you are indeed the man selected by the system. You have the potential to be a bad guy. I am optimistic about you.""..."Ning Yuan rolled his eyes, ignored the ridicule of the system, and concentrated on researching the addition of attribute points and upgrading.At present, I have 3000 fortune points, and I must allocate every point reasonably and use it on the blade.Ning Yuan was familiar with the original work and knew that in addition to his martial arts, Ye Tian also relied on his superb medical skills to become famous in the circle of the imperial capital.In the original book, Ye Tian gained a lot of favors and connections by giving treatment to high-ranking officials and celebrities in the imperial capital.Thinking of this, Ning Yuan felt that it was better to buy medical skills.Mindful of this, Ning Yuan opened the system store, searched for "Medical Skills Book", and spent 1,000 fortune points to buy it.The system prompts: "Congratulations to the host, I have obtained the [Medical Proficiency] skill book."Ning Yuan knew that skills were divided into five levels: beginner, proficient, proficient, master, and pinnacle.The level of the skill book purchased is randomly given by the system. The last time I purchased the martial arts skill book, I had good luck, and the "Master" level was directly given.This time, the luck was obviously not so good, and the acquisition was only a "proficient" level skill book.However, Ning Yuan was not discouraged, after all, he could still improve his skill level through his fortune.The system asks: "Host, do you learn new skills?""Learn."Ning Yuan did not hesitate.As soon as the voice fell, a series of system prompts echoed in Ning Yuan's ears."Congratulations to the host, your medical skills have entered the introductory stage!""Congratulations to the host, your medical skills have entered the proficiency stage!"After the beep, Ning Yuan only felt a burst of comfort spreading from the pubic area to the limbs.Acupuncture and cupping, Tuina massage, Chinese medicine diet, Qigong pulse treatment techniques and knowledge about Chinese medicine, as well as Western medicine treatment techniques and knowledge, instantly generated and integrated in Ningyuan's mind and muscle memory.Looking at the newly learned medical skills on the personal panel, Ning Yuan was pleasantly surprised."System, tell me, how does my medical skills compare to Ye Tian?"Ning Yuan couldn't wait to ask.System: "According to data analysis, Ye Tian's medical skills are equivalent to the proficiency level.""A level higher than me." Ning Yuan muttered."The host doesn't need to worry, he can spend 1,000 fortune points to upgrade his medical skills to the proficiency level. Does it improve?"Hearing this, Ning Yuan pondered.I just spent 1000 fortune points to buy medical skills, and there are still 2000 fortune points left.Originally, his plan was to add the remaining 2000 fortune points to his physical attributes. After all, his physical attributes were relatively low, so it would be difficult to use the full power of his skills."Forget it," Ning Yuan said in a painful voice, "I will improve my medical skills to proficient."As soon as the voice fell, the system prompt sounded again:"Congratulations to the host, your medical skills have entered the mastery stage!"Afterwards, there was another feeling of comfort spreading all over the body, and Ning Yuan saw that the skill bar of the personal panel was equipped with [Medical Proficiency], and he felt a burst of joy in his heart.Cool!Spend 1000 fortune points, you can quickly improve a skill to a level.In other words, as long as you have enough fortune value, surpassing the male protagonist Ye Tian is also a matter of minutes.There is still 1,000 fortune points left, which Ning Yuan uses to improve his physical attributes.Ning Yuan clicked on the attribute column on the personal panel: Physical 13, Strength 7, Sensitivity 8, Wisdom 12, Charisma 15 (PS: The average value for ordinary people is 10.)All the remaining 1000 fortune points are assigned to the "strength" item.The 100 fortune value increased a little attribute. Seeing that the "strength" instantly increased from the original "7" point to the number "17", Ning Yuan was satisfied for a while.After his strength increased, Ning Yuan felt energetic. He came to the sports training room at home. He can easily lift the 250-jin barbell, which is usually difficult to lift with both hands.Ning Yuan was excited for a while."3000 fortune points seem to be a lot, but it runs out all at once. It seems we still have to earn more fortune points."Ning Yuan saw the large "0"s in the "Fortune Value" column on the personal panel, which was a bit unfinished.Looking down on the personal panel again, Ning Yuan noticed two aspects: [Completion of counterattack: 1.9] and [Opposition with Ye Tian: 0.9%].Suddenly remembering something, Ning Yuan asked, "By the way, the system. I had destroyed the meeting between Ye Tian and Xu Ruyan in the bar yesterday. Today, I prevented the assassination of Old Man Xu. Should I change the direction of the plot?"According to the plot of the original book, the male protagonist Ye Tian met Xu Ruyan in the bar.On the second day, the old man of the Xu family was sent by a killer from his business rival, the Li family.In the original book, Mr. Xu escaped after being blocked by a personal bodyguard, Da Shan, for him. Later, for safety, he hired Ye Tian as his home bodyguard by getting to know Ye Tian's master.But all this has been messed up for myself one by one."Host, you are wrong, you forgot a vital thing."The system suddenly said such a sentence.