The messages at night brighten the day

I licked my lips and brought out my blade.

Our eyes met.

Was I strong enough to surpass my teacher?

I dashed forward, swinging my blade as my drill sergeant in the Lin manor and my practice told me.

Lin Chu deflected my strike without even moving from his spot, then counterattacked as fast as a snake. His swing got so close from my ear, it cut some of my hair off.

I sidestepped, trying to find the tiniest hole in Lin Chu's defense, but it was all useless. And the more I attacked, the more force Lin Chu put in his responses.

Five such exchanges later, Lin Chu danced around me and weaved past my defenses like a needle through fabric.

The tip of his sword rested on my neck for a moment before he stepped back.

"You fight like this is a club, not a sword. Even your basic strikes are terribly shabby. Do you even practice on your own, Yujin?"

"Of course, Master! Two hours every day, as long as I'm not flying all that time."