Chickens can live for half an hour without a head

Of course, I couldn't let that happen.

In my left hand, I gathered Fire Qi. Using this technique bare-handed was less effective than if I used a fan, but it still worked.

I swung it, and a wide wave of ferocious flames flew past Su Cheng toward Tao Song.

After seeing her use these waves of fire so much, it was almost a given that I could use them, too.

"Hurrying somewhere?" I called out.

She recoiled from the fire, then sneered at me.

"Yes, I think I left a stove burning."

I was stunned speechless.

That woman!

She was turning my words against me!

Su Cheng's spear crashed through my Icy Sphere, and my survival instinct returned to me the clarity of mind.

I dodged and parried his frenzied attacks, and my Five Treads Formation protected me from the heat of his fiery aura.

Even in his enraged state, Su Cheng was a powerful fighter, whose attacks were smart and fast like a snake's.