Prologue 0: The time That Changed Everythings

It is said at the beginning of the story that there was a beautiful and graceful child named Aether, She had blonde yellow hair and blue eyes that were as bright as the blue sky.

That Time Aether sat on the edge of her bedroom window overlooking the city. His bright but full of annoyance eyes stared at the twilight sky which was slowly turning into night. In the distance, the city lights began to flash, emitting a deceptive light, as if depicting an unreal peace. For her, it was all just an illusion created by the government, an illusion that was swallowed whole by an overly trusting society.

His father, a respected warrior in the most powerful country, had just returned from battle. He looked tired, but his smile remained on his face when he entered Aether's room. "What do you think, my daughter?" asked the father in a soft voice, trying to reduce the burden Aether felt.

Aether turned his head, his eyes flashing with emotion. "Father, how can you continue to defend a government that continually lies? They promise to maintain world peace, but all they do is seek profit from the suffering of other countries!"

Her father took a deep breath, approached his daughter and sat next to her. "Aether, life is full of tests," he said quietly. "The government may have its shortcomings, but behind it all, there are lessons we can learn. This world is not perfect, but that doesn't mean we have to stop seeking peace."

"But what is the meaning of the peace you speak of, Father? Is peace just a dream that will never be achieved?" Aether looked at his father with a questioning look.

His father smiled, although a little grimly. "True peace, Aether, is not something that can be achieved simply by stopping war. It is within us, in the way we understand and appreciate this life. This is a test for us, to understand what we really need. From physical needs, security, social, esteem, to self-actualization, all of these are steps towards the utopia we dream of, even though sometimes it seems like a Falsehope Hopes."

Aether fell silent, contemplating his father's words. "So, according to Dad, all this is just a test so that we can understand the real life? But why do we have to go through suffering?"

"Because through suffering, we learn to appreciate happiness. Through conflict, we learn the meaning of peace. Without darkness, we would never appreciate light," answered his father wisely.

The night was getting late, but their conversation had just begun. Aether knows that the road ahead will be full of challenges and tests. However, with his father's explanation, he felt he had gained a little understanding of the deeper purpose of life. The journey to find peace may be long and winding, but he is ready to face it, along with his father, with new hope and confidence.

The next morning, sunlight penetrated Aether's bedroom window, waking him from sleep. she rubbed his eyes, got out of bed, and immediately started his morning routine. With steps that were still half sleepy, he went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, then took a shower. The warm water flowed to wash his body, removing any remaining drowsiness.

After getting dressed, Aether went down to the kitchen, where her mother, Carnation, was already busy preparing breakfast. "Good morning, ma'am," said Aether with a smile.

"Good morning, darling. Come on, help Mom cook," replied Anyelir softly.

That day, they decided to cook Ratatouille Niçoise, a family favorite dish. Aether helps with slicing vegetables, although he occasionally makes mistakes. The vegetable pieces weren't always neat and balanced, and several times Aether dropped ingredients on the floor.

Carnation sighed, but kept smiling. "Be careful, Aether. We have to make this dish with love, not in a hurry."

Aether smiled apologetically. "Sorry, ma'am. I'll be more careful."

They continued cooking, the fragrant aroma of cooking began to fill the air. When the dishes were almost finished, Aether's father entered the kitchen. His nose immediately sniffed, enjoying the delicious aroma that filled the room.

"Wow, what are you cooking? It smells so tempting," said his father enthusiastically.

He tried to touch the almost ready dish with his hands. However, Carnation swiftly hit his hand with a soup spoon. "Wait until everything is ready, darling," he said firmly but lovingly.

"Ouch, it hurts!" his father complained, pretending to be in pain.

Aether and his mother laughed at his father's reaction. Their laughter filled the room, creating a warm and happy atmosphere. However, that happiness only lasted for a moment. Suddenly, the sound of news from the television caught their attention. They all stopped and stared at the TV screen.

On the screen, a newscaster with a serious face reported about the battle that had broken out between the two superpowers, the Eucon Republic and the Olyndria Republic. The report expressed concern that this conflict could trigger a nuclear war, sending the entire Aether family into a panic.

The landline rang, breaking the silence that had suddenly enveloped the room. Aether's father immediately picked up the phone, his face turned serious when he heard the voice on the other end.

"Yes, I understand. I'll be right there," he said before hanging up.

He turned to his family, her eyes showing a mixture of worry and determination. "I have to go," he said simply.

Aether looked at his father worriedly. "Dad, what happened?"

His father swallowed hard, trying to calm himself before answering. "There's an emergency call. This conflict could escalate at any time. I have to go to headquarters."

Quickly, he put on his uniform and took the necessary equipment. Before leaving, he hugged Carnation and Aether tightly. "Take care of yourselves. We will get through this together."

With heavy hearts, they let their father go, hoping that whatever happens, their family will remain intact and safe.

Aether stared at the door that had just closed behind his father with a heart full of anxiety. He turned to face his mother, Anyelir, who was still standing near the dining table, trying to calm herself.

"Mom, will Dad be okay?" Aether asked in a trembling voice.

Anyelir took a deep breath, then approached her daughter and gently held her shoulder. "Aether, your father is a strong and wise man. He knows what to do. But more than that, we must believe that each of these trials brings us valuable lessons."

Aether frowned, trying to understand what his mother meant. "Valuable lesson, Mom?"

Anyelir smiled, touching Aether's cheek lovingly. "Yes, dear. Life is full of paradoxes. We are often faced with situations that seem unsolvable, like the utopia your father talked about. This world is not perfect, but from that imperfection we learn to become stronger, wiser, and more understanding. the meaning of true peace and happiness."

Aether nodded slowly, starting to feel calm seep into his heart. "So, this is all part of our journey, huh?"

"That's right, Aether. And this journey doesn't have to be traveled with fear, but with courage and confidence that we can overcome all the challenges that come," answered Anyelir with a warm smile.

After a few moments of conversation, Aether felt calmer. He decided to continue his day with exercise, something that always made him feel better. With renewed enthusiasm, he started with lifting weights, exercising his muscles that had become accustomed to this routine. His toned muscles and six-pack abs are proof of his dedication and perseverance.

After lifting weights, he switched to jumping rope, feeling the adrenaline rush as he jumped with a consistent rhythm. Finally, She decided to run outside the house. The fresh breeze and morning sunlight provide additional energy that makes him feel alive.

While running, Aether's thoughts drifted back to the conversation with his father and mother. His father's words about a paradoxical utopia and his mother's philosophy of life kept running through his head. They both try to teach that true peace and happiness are not found in perfection, but rather in the journey towards self-understanding and acceptance.

She sped up, feeling strength and vitality in every step. Although the world around him may be chaotic and full of conflict, Aether realizes that true peace begins within himself. He is determined to continue to find meaning in every test he faces, and become stronger and wiser because of it.

With new enthusiasm, Aether continued to run, feeling that whatever happened, She was ready to face it with courage and confidence.

After running quite far, Aether slowed his pace when he saw a familiar figure approaching. That's Auriel, her close friend who is always full of enthusiasm. Auriel waved with a big smile on her face.

"Aether! How are you?" said Auriel cheerfully. "And how is your handsome father?"

Aether sighed, feeling a little irritated by Auriel's joke. "Dad's fine, I think," he answered simply, refraining from showing his concern.

Auriel, who was always full of energy, didn't notice Aether's unease and continued with her joke. "You haven't changed, you're still ignorant. So, what made you go out running so early in the morning?"

Aether was about to answer when they saw an old woman standing on the side of the road, looking hesitant to cross. "That's Grandma Murphy," Auriel said, recognizing the grandmother they often saw in their neighborhood. "Let's help."

They immediately approached Grandma Murphy. "Grandma, do you need help crossing?" Aether asked politely.

Grandma Murphy smiled broadly, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Oh, thanks, kids. Old age makes crossing the street a challenge."

Aether and Auriel carefully helped Grandma Murphy across the street. After they reached the other side safely, Grandma Murphy held Aether's hand. "Thank you, my child. You are very kind."

"No problem, Grandma. Happy to help," answered Aether with a smile.

However, before Grandma Murphy left, she looked at Aether with a deep gaze and said, "War never changes, young man."

Auriel frowned, looking confused by the grandmother's words. "What does that mean, Grandma?"

Grandma Murphy just smiled faintly, then continued on her way, leaving Aether and Auriel standing there. Auriel scratched her head, still confused. "What did that mean?"

Aether didn't answer immediately. Grandma Murphy's words echoed in her head, reminding her of the news they had seen on TV earlier that morning. His expression changed, showing that his anxiety was rising again.

"Aether, what's wrong?" Auriel asked, starting to get worried seeing the change in her friend.

Aether turned to Auriel, trying to smile but his eyes showed worry. "I don't know, Auriel. But grandma's words made me think about my father and what was happening out there. About the war that never seemed to end."

Auriel grabbed Aether's shoulder, trying to calm him down. "Hey, I'm sure your dad will be fine. He's a great soldier, right? And we're here to support each other."

Aether nodded slowly, feeling a little calmer with Auriel's support. "You're right. We have to stay strong."

They continued walking, trying to enjoy the rest of the morning even though the shadow of worry remained. For Aether, wise words from parents like Grandma Murphy and lessons from her father and mother are reminders of the complexity of the lives they live. But with a friend like Auriel by his side, he knows he's not alone in facing it all.

After helping Grandma Murphy, Aether and Auriel decided to go to their favorite cafe to buy some things. They were greeted by the cafe guard with a friendly smile.

"Hello, Auriel! Hi, Aether! How are you guys?" said the cafe keeper cheerfully.

"We're fine, thank you," Auriel answered with a smile.

They stepped inside and started looking for the things they needed. However, Auriel couldn't ignore the anxiety that was still visible on Aether's face.

"Aether, you still look worried. What actually happened?" Auriel asked with concern.

Aether sighed, trying to control his emotions. "I just feel like we have to be ready for whatever happens. The world situation right now is very uncertain."

Auriel shook her head, trying to reassure her friend. "Listen, we can't keep worrying about things that might happen. We have to focus on what we can do now. We can think about things like that tomorrow."

Aether looked at Auriel seriously. "No, Auriel. We have to be ready whenever and however. Even a small thing can be a big disaster for us, like the butterfly effect."

Auriel raised her eyebrows, not entirely convinced. "You know that's just a coincidence theory, right? Things like that happen accidentally."

Aether shook his head. "It's not a coincidence. If so many bad incidents can be caused by small things, it's not just a coincidence. It's a sign and warning for us to be more careful."

Auriel sighed, trying to understand her friend's perspective. "I understand what you're thinking, but if you keep thinking about all the bad possibilities, it will burden your mind. There must be a way out of everything. We have to think about what we can do for the future, little by little."

Aether was silent for a moment, contemplating Auriel's words. She knew that his friend had a valid point. "You're right, Auriel. We do have to think ahead and do our best every step of the way."

After finishing buying the things they needed, they decided to go home. They walked together towards their respective homes, their conversation a little lighter but still holding deep meaning about how they should face the future with preparation and vigilance, but also with hope and courage.

"Thank you, Auriel," Aether said before they parted ways. "I really appreciate your insight."

"You're welcome, Aether. We support each other, right?" Auriel smiled warmly.

They part ways at a crossroads, each returning home with a new understanding of how to face a world full of uncertainty. For Aether, Auriel's friendship and support gave him the strength to continue moving forward with confidence.

Aether ran towards his house with an irregular heartbeat. On the street, he saw a crowd of people panicking and whispering about something terrible. She approached one of them, an old man with a worried face.

"What's wrong? Why is everyone panicking?" Aether asked in a worried tone.

The man turned his head with a serious face. "Our military is on high alert. Our rival superpower, the Republic of Olyndria, is ready for war. This could be a nuclear war."

Aether felt his blood rush. She immediately ran home, his mind filled with fear and worry. When he arrived home, he saw a mysterious robed figure talking to his mother, Carnation.

"Can the whole family go there?" his mother asked, her voice full of tension.

The robed person nodded. "You can, but there are things that are very difficult for your child."

Just as Aether was about to approach them, the robed person turned around and said, "I will wait for you, when time decides your fate," then left quickly.

Aether rushed to his mother. "Mama, what happened? Who is that person?"

Carnation turned around, her face tense but full of determination. "Where have you been? We have to get ready, we are going to the safest place. Prepare your supplies."

Aether entered the house quickly, his heart full of worry. Inside, he sees news on TV that confirms his fears. A major war is about to occur, and the nuclear threat is on the horizon. The news reporter even looked scared, making Aether shiver in horror.

Night fell, and they got ready for their destination. Outside, residents screamed hysterically and ran towards the same place. When Aether and his mother arrived at their destination, they saw a crowd of people jostling to get in.

A guard approached them. "You're the family of Illustrious Soldier MacArthur, aren't you? Eidelweiss MacArthur?"

"Yes," answered Carnation.

The guard nodded, but his eyes looked at Aether cynically, making him feel uncomfortable. They are allowed into a bunker called the Vault of Freedom. But before entering, they saw the guards blocking other people from entering, causing a commotion.

"Mama, why aren't they allowed in?" Aether asked irritably.

Anyelir only answered briefly, "You can't find out yet."

Aether was confused and felt angry, but there was no time to ask further. His mother carried her as they headed for the bunker. On the way, Aether met Auriel who looked relieved to see him.

"Auriel! How come you are here?" Aether asked, shocked.

Auriel smiled arrogantly. "My family is rich and important, Aether. Of course we are here."

Aether nodded, a little annoyed by Auriel's arrogant attitude, but he knew that this was not the time to argue. Just as they were about to go under the bunker, they heard warning sirens and saw something terrible in the sky: a nuke was being dropped.

The people who were allowed into the bunker panicked, fear overwhelming them. Aether felt incredible fear as She and his mother tried to get into the bunker as quickly as possible, realizing that their lives could change forever in a matter of seconds.

~~To be continued~~