Chapter 14: Skill And Power Level System 3

After grueling training, Aether asked about the Dire Wolf beast they had just faced. "Heather, if I may ask, how can such a big and ferocious animal exist in this world?"

Heather nodded, looking at Aether seriously. "It's true that such an animal wouldn't exist if that event didn't occur."

Aether was confused, then Beatrice added, "The nuclear war that occurred has caused events that should not have occurred. The creatures turned into mutants, and the Dire Wolf was one of them."

Heather continued, "That's right, but apart from mutants, there are other terrible creatures that have also come to this world. These creatures are monsters from another world."

Aether and Beatrice were silent for a moment, digesting the information. Finn, who usually looked cheerful, now wore a serious expression. "The nuclear war opened a portal between dimensions, allowing monsters from other worlds to enter here. They brought destruction and chaos, leaving our world changed forever."

~Facing New Threats~

Aiden, who had been silent all this time, then explained further. "These monsters from another world are much more dangerous than mutants. They have powers and abilities that cannot be explained by human logic. That's why we have to continue to train and strengthen ourselves."

Aether felt the tension within him rise. "How can we fight them if they are so strong?"

Heather answered firmly, "With cooperation and knowledge. We must utilize every resource and ability we have. In addition, there are also ancient artifacts scattered throughout this world, which can give us additional strength."

Beatrice nodded, "So, apart from practicing, we also have to look for those artifacts?"

Aiden smiled faintly, "That's right. This artifact could be the key to dealing with monsters from another world."

~Searching for the First Artifact~

After resting for a while, they decided to start the search for the first artifact. Aiden opened a map that had been prepared in more detail, showing locations suspected of holding ancient artifacts. "The first place we will go is the temple in the north of this oasis. According to legend, there is an artifact called 'Arcane Catalysts' that can increase the user's magic power."

Aether and Beatrice felt their spirits return. "When do we leave?" Aether asked excitedly.

Heather answered, "Right away. Prepare yourselves and make sure you bring enough supplies. The journey to the temple will not be easy."

They immediately prepared, packing supplies and checking weapons. Finn, who was usually cheerful, now showed a more serious face. "This journey will be full of dangers, but I'm sure we can face them together."

With their spirits burning, they left the oasis and began their journey towards the Water temple in the north. They know that big challenges await, but they also believe that with hard work and determination, they can face whatever comes.

~Journey to the North Temple~

As they enter increasingly wild and dangerous territory, they encounter increasingly obvious signs of the presence of monsters. Leona motioned to stop. "We have to be more careful from here on. Monsters from another world often appear in this area."

Beatrice looked around warily, "How can we recognize them?"

Aiden answered, "Monsters from other worlds have different characteristics. They often have a dark and terrifying aura. You will feel it when they approach."

Aether felt the tension increasing, but he also felt his fighting spirit burning even more. "We must be ready to face whatever comes. Together, we can do it."

With strong determination and thorough preparation, they continued their journey towards the temple in the north. They know that there, greater challenges await, but they also believe that the power they seek will help them protect this world from the ever-increasing threat of monsters and mutants.

~Getting to Know the Power Level System Based on Age~

While traveling to the temple in the north, they rested in a safe place. While resting, Beatrice approaches Heather curiously. "Heather, can you tell us more about the power level system? How does a person's power level develop from infancy to old age?"

Heather smiled and began to explain. "Measuring power levels based on age requires certain assumptions. The following is an example that illustrates the development of power levels from infancy to old age in arbitrary units. Please note that age is not the only benchmark. The increase in power level is also very dependent on adaptation to magic and other abilities. For example, Aether at the age of 17 still has a power level of 10,000, but can increase with adaptation and practice."

Heather started to explain the details:

1. 0-1 years (Baby)

- Power level: 1.000-2.000

- Description: Basic strength, start learning to move and communicate.

2. 2-4 years (Toddlers)

- Power level: 3.100-5.500

- Description: Start learning to walk, talk, and do other basic activities.

3. 5-12 years old (Children)

- Power level: 5.600-7.900

- Description: Motor and cognitive development increases rapidly, starting school and learning basic skills.

4. 13-18 years (Teenagers)

- Power level: 9.200-150.000

- Description: Significant physical and mental growth, puberty, increased physical strength and social skills.

5. 19-29 years (Young adults)

- Power level: 151.000-200.000

- Description: The pinnacle of physical strength and stamina, the formation of a career and mature relationships.

6. 30-49 years (Adult)

- Power level: 201.000-400.000

- Description: Stability in career and personal life, physical strength may start to decline a little but remains at a high level.

7. 50-64 years (Pre-retirement)

- Power level: 401,000-850,000

- Description: Starting to experience more significant physical decline, but still able to carry out activities well.

8. 65+ years (Senior)

- Power level: 860.000 And Increase If Still Develop His Power Will Go to a maximum of 2.000,000, then decreases to 1,500,000 Because Old Age

- Description: Physical strength decreases, but experience and wisdom reach their peak.

Beatrice listened carefully, then asked, "So, what if someone like Aether at the age of 17 still has a low power level? What makes his power level increase significantly?"

Heather answered, "Aether is only pretending to have a power level of 10,000 at the moment. In fact, he has the potential to rise to an adult-sized power level of 200,000, with practice and adaptation to magic and other abilities. The increase in power level is greatly influenced by how well one can adapt and develop their strengths."

Finn added, "That's why practice and experience are so important. Not just age, but also how we utilize the time and resources we have to increase our power level."

Aether, who was listening to this conversation, felt his spirit and determination grow stronger. "Alright, I will continue to train and increase my strength. I'm sure I can reach my true potential."

But it's different from everything. Heather spoke in her heart "(Yes, you are the one who is different here, Aether. In fact, all the power levels here are very far from you. You are now at the adult power level `30-39` at your age, which is now a teenager.)"

Heather Smiled And Said "Good, Aether I Hope You Can Achieve Your Wish."

Aether nodded with a sweet smile and said "Umu, thank you Heather everyone, hehe."

Everyone's expressions were immediately amazed by Aether's cuteness and said in their hearts, "So cute."

With a new understanding of the power level system, Aether and Beatrice feel more motivated to face the challenges ahead. They know that with hard work and dedication, they can achieve the power they need to protect this world from increasing threats.