Chapter 16: Enthusiasm And Strength

Then, in another corner of the campsite, inside the training ground, Elena was concentrating on her sword practice. All around, the stone walls were lined with shelves containing weapons and training equipment.

Elena took a deep breath, raising the one-handed sword she was gripping tightly. He started swinging the sword with practiced movements. Every slash, every strike, was felt and understood thoroughly. The skill system in the world requires users to truly master and understand the weapons or abilities they use.

"I have to improve my One Handed skill," Elena muttered to herself. "If I can master it, I can get stronger perks."

Every time Elena swings her sword continuously, her sword skill increases by 1 level. You need to know that each level has its limits, namely the level limit is up to level 100. However, it can still be expanded if they use certain techniques to awaken their skill level.

Apart from that, Aether came to see Elena who was practicing "Elena, what are you doing..." Aether's gaze looked at Elena's hand which was slightly bleeding with a bandage.

"Elena, what's wrong with your hand?"

"Um...It's okay, Aether."

Then Aether immediately cast restoration magic and said "Heal Other". A yellow light slowly healed Elena's wounds.

"T-Te Thank you, Aether."

After a while they talked

"Elena, do you have to use that skill?" Aether asked

Elena took a deep breath before answering, "Aether, I have to do it. My One Handed Skill is not optimal yet, and we don't know what threats will come. I have to be ready, we all have to be ready."

Aether nodded, understanding Elena's persistence. "I understand, Elena. But don't forget the importance of rest. Your body also needs time to recover."

Elena smiled gently, admitting the truth of Aether's words. "You're right, Aether. Maybe I'm too hard on myself. But I feel like I have to keep training to protect everyone."

"Elena, strength doesn't just come from physical skills," Aether said. "Sometimes, our strength comes from the mind and the heart. You are already very strong, and I'm sure we can all rely on you."

Elena felt relieved by Aether's words. "Thank you, Aether. I will try to pay more attention to my health. We all have to support each other."

The two of them sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the quiet togetherness before Aether continued, "Elena, last night I felt something strange. Like someone was watching us. We have to be more alert."

Elena looked at Aether seriously. "Maybe it has something to do with the mutants or creatures from another world that Heather told us about. We can't let our guard down."

Aether nodded. "That's right. We must always be ready to face whatever comes. And we will do it together."

Elena smiled, feeling her spirits rise again. "You're right, Aether. Together, we can face anything."

Aether smiled back, relieved by Elena's enthusiasm and determination. Then Elena continued training with Aether, however, Aether told Elena not to force herself.

As Aether Dan Elena continued to practice, every sword move she made added a little experience to her One Handed skill. Although slowly, with consistent practice, skill levels will increase.

"I have to find a way to improve my skills faster," thought Aether. He remembered Heather's lesson that there were other ways to improve skills apart from constant practice.

"If we could use XP from killing enemies or getting souls with magic, that would speed up the process," Elena told Aether.

"Huh, how do you do it, Elena?" Aether asked

"Soul Cloak or Trap magic can help. With that magic, when my enemies are killed by other people, their souls will be absorbed into me, not the killer."

Aether smiled, feeling that he found a new way to increase his skill level faster. "I have to try this," he was determined.

"Let's go back to the others. We need to discuss next steps and make sure everyone is ready."

Elena got up and followed Aether out of the training ground, back to the camp where Heather, Leona, Finn and the others were preparing for the day. They know that great challenges still await, but with a spirit of unity and strong determination, they are confident they can overcome all the obstacles that lie ahead.

Arriving at the camp, they immediately joined the others, recounting their conversation and discussing their next steps. Everyone agrees that they must be more vigilant and support each other in facing threats that may come.

Heather added, "We also need to find a way to track and understand what was watching us last night. Maybe there are traces or clues we can find."

Leona proposed, "Perhaps we could use detection magic or ask the creatures we meet on our journey for help. They might have useful information."

Finn, in his casual manner, added, "Whatever we do, we have to do it carefully. We can't be careless and have to stick together."

Aether and Elena agreed. "That's right," said Aether. "We're going to find out who or what is watching us and make sure we're ready for whatever comes."

With renewed enthusiasm and strong determination, they continue their day, ready to face whatever challenges and obstacles lie ahead. They know that with unity and hard work, they can face anything that threatens them.

Then Elena left the meeting and went to another corner of the camp. After walking away, Elena thought about power levels and how to raise power levels quickly.

Apart from skills, there is also the concept of **Power Level** which is used to measure how strong a person's character is. This power level can be regulated through various factors such as magic power and the destructive power a person has.

"(Damn, my Power level is still low)," muttered Elena.

"(Yes, a 17 year old kid can have a power level of 10,000 in the Vault for 10 years, and enough Aether to reach something athlete level)."

Then Elena held his hand tightly, "I have to work hard to increase my power level so I can become stronger."

Elena stopped for a moment, took a breath, and scanned her surroundings. In front of her, a friend named Madeline, who was like a nun wearing black clothes, was practicing summoning magic and Elena knew Madeline when they were practicing yesterday.

"Madeline," called Elena

Madeline stopped her practice and turned her head. "What is it, ?"

"Do you know how to increase your power level quickly and efficiently?" Elena asked.

Then Madeline answered "Hmm... It's amazing, how come you look so enthusiastic."

Elena answered with a tsundere attitude, "Yes-Yes-Yes. It's okay, right? Why?"

Madeline Laughed "Lol, Really?"

Then Elena got annoyed and hit Madeline weakly like a baby. "Agh. Yes-Yes Elena, I'll tell you." After Joking Madeline Tells Elena

Power level can be increased by upgrading skills related to destructive power. For example, the Destruction skill for Mages or Two Handed for Warriors."

"I understand," answered Elena. "So, I have to focus on improving these skills too, not just my power level."

"That's right," said Madeline. "The combination of various skills and power levels will make you stronger and more flexible in fighting."

Elena nodded "Then, if I may ask if you can find a recommendation for me regarding this combination skill."

Madeline Thought "Hmm...You Suit Well, One Handed, Sneak, Light Armor, Mid-Illusion, Mid Destruction, Mid Alteration. And That Suits You Because You Suit Sudden Attacks, Speed ​​And Stealth."

Elena tries to digest "Hmm... You were right from the beginning, I was always good at hiding..." Elena said while remembering the past

"Why, Elena?"

"Um... It's okay, Madeline. Thank you, I'll go first." Elena answered while running. "Yeah, Take Care of Yourself." Madeline Said And Elena Nodded

feel more confident in your goals. Elena knows that this journey will not be easy, but with persistent training and the right strategy, she can achieve the strength she dreams of.

The sun had completely set, and the entire camp was dim. They Will Go To Their Next Destination.