Chapter 18: The Untold Story II

However, no gold was found around the tent. A few moments later, not far from the tent, one of the charlies found another body. His body was found in a very decomposed condition and again without a head.

Story Continues Charlie and his friends checked the items around the tent. They concluded that the two headless bodies were Willy and his brother Charlie. Charlie there was devastated and very sad because his two siblings both died in tragic circumstances. Charlie cried "Lord Have Mercy... How could it be Willy...Franklin You Have-"

In that moment of sadness, Robert's friends discovered something. they found remains of human bones. They didn't know whose bones it was. Charlie rubbed his eyes "um... maybe this is Robert's bone or Robert has disappeared."

Long story short, they reported it to the people on guard there, after examining the scene and conducting an investigation and the results of the investigation were that these 3 bodies died due to starvation and their heads were eaten by wild animals.

Charlie didn't accept the investigation, "What, it's bullshit... It's impossible to starve. Because they're camping on the river bank, can't they just fish on the river bank?"

Charlie's friend also agreed, "That's right, sir, and his head was cut off neatly, you know. It's impossible for an animal to cut off a human head so neatly."

However, even though we were looking for protests, the police said, "Yes, how else can this be our conclusion and why are you going so far there? It's clear that the Nahha tribe forbids you from going to that valley. But, you ignore the warnings from the Nahha tribe."

In the end, Charlie couldn't do anything and went back to his house and told Aiden. The story of these 3 brothers spread throughout the Republic.

Everyone was scared after hearing Aiden's story except Finn, "hump, most of the story is superstition."

Elena asked "But, I was wondering what kind of animal could cut off a human head that neatly and kill people who have decent magic?"

Aiden answered, "Indeed, some people think that there was a wild wild animal that attacked the 3 miners, then took their heads. However, some other people think that it was possible that Robert killed the 2 McLion brothers by cutting off their heads and running away while taking all the gold ."

Beatrice was frightened "Ba-Ba What if we don't have to go there and find another way?"

Aiden answered firmly, "No, that can't be because access to the Temple of Light is mostly inhabited by vicious and dangerous creatures. Apart from that, we also have to turn around and spend more time."

Leona also said "Yes, I agree with Aiden this time.", then Leona approached Beatrice "Never mind, it's okay if we want to go there. If we follow orders not to go there we will definitely be safe." Then Beatrice nodded

Then it was 05.10 AM when they got ready to go to their next destination. Then, Heather, Leona and others were encouraged to pack themselves and bring the necessary things.

Aether Prepares Power Armor And Others Prepare Equipment And Other Necessities. After hearing the story from Aiden, Aether remembered the mysterious person when Aether was about to sleep.

Aether was approached by Beatrice and they started talking about preparing for the journey ahead. Beatrice looked worried, but tried to hide it with a faint smile. "Aether, are you sure we can get through that valley safely?"

Aether nodded firmly. "I'm sure, Trice. We've been through a lot together, and we have strengths and abilities to rely on. Plus, we have Heather and Leona. They're both very experienced."

Beatrice took a deep breath. "Yeah, I know. But still, that story... I can't get rid of this bad feeling. Especially about creatures that can cut off human heads neatly."

Aether smiled, trying to calm Beatrice. "I understand your concerns, Beatrice. But remember, we are not like those miners. We are trained fighters, and we have powerful magic. We will protect each other."

Beatrice finally smiled weakly. "You're right, Aether. Thank you for strengthening me."

Aether felt a moment of calm. "It's okay, Beatrice. We'll get through this together. Now, let's pack. We have to be ready for whatever's out there."

Leona also said "Yes, I agree with Aiden this time.", then Leona approached Beatrice "Never mind, it's okay if we want to go there. If we follow orders not to go there we will definitely be safe." Then Beatrice nodded

Then it was 05.10 AM when they got ready to go to their next destination. Then, Heather, Leona and others were encouraged to pack themselves and bring the necessary things.

Aether Prepares Power Armor And Others Prepare Equipment And Other Necessities. After hearing the story from Aiden, Aether remembered the mysterious person when Aether was about to sleep.

Aether was approached by Beatrice and they started talking about preparing for the journey ahead. Beatrice looked worried, but tried to hide it with a faint smile. "Aether, are you sure we can get through that valley safely?"

Aether nodded firmly. "I'm sure, Trice. We've been through a lot together, and we have strengths and abilities to rely on. Plus, we have Heather and Leona. They're both very experienced."

Beatrice took a deep breath. "Yeah, I know. But still, that story... I can't get rid of this bad feeling. Especially about creatures that can cut off human heads neatly."

Aether smiled, trying to calm Beatrice. "I understand your concerns, Beatrice. But remember, we are not like those miners. We are trained fighters, and we have powerful magic. We will protect each other."

Beatrice finally smiled weakly. "You're right, Aether. Thank you for strengthening me."

Aether felt a moment of calm. "It's okay, Beatrice. We'll get through this together. Now, let's pack. We have to be ready for whatever's out there."

Beatrice nodded and started helping Aether prepare their equipment. The atmosphere that morning was filled with busy team members helping each other and preparing themselves for the dangerous journey to the Nahinni Valley.

Meanwhile, Leona was checking the horses she had summoned earlier. Then, Leona used storage magic to take out the caravan. "You're ready, right?" Leona asked the horses, as if they could answer. "We are going through a difficult journey, so I need you to be in the best condition."

Beatrice, who still looked worried, approached Leona. "Are you sure this magic is enough to protect us throughout the journey?"

Leona nodded. "Yes, I'm sure. These horses are not only strong, but also fast. They will help us get through difficult terrain. Besides, we have a comfortable caravan for long journeys."

Beatrice breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay, I entrust everything to you."

As the sun began to rise, Aiden gathered everyone around the campfire which was starting to go out. "Okay, everyone ready?" he asked in a firm but warm voice. "We will start our journey to the Nahinni Valley. Remember, we must remain alert and look after each other. Whatever happens, don't panic. We will get through it together."

Everyone nodded, showing their determination. Aiden gave the signal to start the journey. They mounted horses and caravans, ready to face whatever lay before them.

The journey to the Nahinni Valley begins with a calm but tense atmosphere. They walked along a narrow, rocky path, while the sounds of the wild could be heard all around them. Aether kept watch, paying attention to every suspicious movement and sound.

On the way, they met an old man who lived on the edge of the valley. The man warned them about the dangers lurking within the valley, but Aiden remained steadfast in his goals.

"Thank you for the warning, but we have to continue our journey," Aiden said politely.

The old man shook his head. "Be careful, young man. The Nahinni Valley is not what you think. Many come in, but few come out."

They continued their journey carefully. When night began to approach, they decided to camp in a safe place. They lit bonfires and kept watch to make sure no one disturbed them.

Aether sat by the campfire, looking out over the dark valley. "Heather, do you feel like someone is watching us?"

Heather, who was sitting next to him, nodded. "Yes, I also feel the same way. But we have to remain calm and alert."

The night passed with tense tension. Strange sounds could be heard from a distance, making them even more alert. However, they managed to get through the night without incident.

In the morning, they continued their journey towards the center of the Nahinni Valley. Aether felt the uneasy feeling getting stronger. He knows that the real challenge is still waiting ahead. They must be ready for whatever comes, and most importantly, they must stay together and protect each other.

And finally they arrived at the village inhabited by the Nahha tribe. And they rested there for a while. Their journey to the Temple of Light will be the greatest test, not only of their abilities, but also of their courage and resolve.