EP 01

•| The first encounter|•

Ep 1

Do you believe in your dreams?... Some people yes because they think it will happen in real life just like they will marrying their idol as "intuition" or they just daydreaming about their own things... but some other rather not believe because they dream about being eaten by a dinosaur or by some creature you cant even describe.

But for me... Should I say it is a dream? Because I woke up in the edge of the clif.... A CLIFF! while they are pointing their 100 meter I don't know sword at me!

What a ****!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! I was shitting in my precious toilet! And a flick of millisecond I was here!

"Chotto matte!" I pleaded while stopping them with my both hand

"hnrg" The horse letting his gasp

"Calis zeke Reinker" a cold voice echoing the peaceful dim forest.

I flinched when someone speaks the full name of a person... Who's he calling? Is that supposed to be me??

Me as in me???

I still didn't let my mouth spit any words. *Clicks* the man who spoke suddenly went down from the horse and he slowly go forward towards my location.

I didn't notice my body suddenly trembling so hard and feels i can't catch my breathe but still didn't let my guard down from that man.

The man was so FINE. In other words if we compare him to the people in my world he is the bachelor of the bachelor of the handsome men.

His standing posture is so manly yet his body is so slender even for a women, having a long silky white hair that is shining complementing with the bright full moon giving a characteristic of a elf.

He is an elf but in human form. I don't know I think I fall in love. His pointy nose and his cute kissable lips so precious. His eyes is so stunning like a precious gem of blue sapphire yet... Why it is so lifeless and dull. He have everything than a girlie man should want... Why are you silently shedding your tears in your left eye?

Who hurt you?

*Swish* He draw his shiny sword and swing it with majesty.

"So you want to die than spending your time with me huh. " He mumble silently but can heard on anyone who is near with me. There is so many people who wear a glamour armour with their horse that you can see that is well-trained under a command.

Trembling in the cold aura that the man exposing.

I flinch when he suddenly disappear and caught me out guard. He grabbed my waist and we vanished in front of the soldiers.

*swoosh* I was thrown in the bed and a bright silver chain wrapped my both hand that came towards my head.

"!!" My mind went black when a soft kiss landed in my lips.

Licking and biting my lips aggressively. Hard to breathe. Forcibly trying to open my mouth to enter his tongue to me. I tried to stop him by wiggling my body however he gave me a deep sucking kiss on my mouth make me gasps so hard and can't breathe properly. I was a few taller than him yet I feel powerless.

He kiss me so hard and I can't stop him. My body is so hot like its burning me deep down my soul. This person seem to so weak in appearance but so wild in the bed! I cant accept this! Im the almighty Casis will not accept any defeat!

Few minutes later~

His possessive kiss didn't let me catch my breathe. He stop for a second and continue to devour my kissable lips...is this how supposed to be my virginity end? My eyes was slightly red and with a misty tear falling in my cheek. A line of thin saliva trace in my lips when he stop his kisses.

I raised my white flag and accept my defeat.

I still can't process and deliver what is happening right know but I know that I was in the other place and with a strange familiarity.

Where I am... I was still chain in the bed and he is still on top on me even I am taller than him and was mascular than him. My body is so weak and powerless. I feel numb all over my body.

"You know that you are Mine! Why are you escaping like a prey who escape his predator! " He angrily shouted at me and here I am still breathing in unknown place.

The place that i was chian is so spacious and all around you can see a luxurious furniture even in the bed where I was chain was so soft and warm. The chandelier is so large and full of diamonds. So envious.

"Why don't you talk! You should tell me why are you leaving me! It is for Thane! " He grabbed my collar and we made an eye to eye contact. His eyes is so beautiful. So beautiful. Being captured by a beauty can make you dazed for a while and drool some saliva.

"I... " I was about to talk when suddenly a spark appear in my mind, sweat start running down at my side forehead.

There is a girl running towards me. She is so charming and adorable. Her name is Thane. She is around 10 years old holding me in my hands and showing his sweet smile with her mesmerising eyes shaded with emerald green. Her presence can bring you an calming yet warming with a lovely curly bright golden hair. People can tell that she is definitely a princess.

However, the girl is wearing a piece of clothes that full of holes and you can see it so dirty.

The way they talk is so childish yet full of bubbles.

The scene change when a beautiful boy around high schooler push the girl in the stairs and was catch by this body and angrily shouted to the boy. The boy eyes began to be red and his nose as well, acting he's about to say something... From what i can see their is a hole in those scene... i just can't confirm it yet beacuse i didn't see the full scene of the incidents.

The scene change again... and the girl saying something that keep her cheeks blushing... She is confessing her feelings in this body... But the strange is the boy didn't feel anything... i thought you in the past soul love her?

"I thought you love me too? Or the who you truly love is that bastard Ozciel!"

This is a full drama just like in the tv! Interesting!

Oh... The scene are now in the palace...( ╹▽╹ ) why i even here... The boy with me now in this scene is wearing a royal attire complimenting on splended body. He is Ozciel Lyton. The youngest prince in the Kingdom Of Asciard.

His garment full of luxurious even his cloak have many gems sticking on it. As he walked towards me with a ring that he is holding, he grab my hand and put it on. And the crowds went wild and round of applause by the newly engage couple but the boy who receive give a gloomy atmosphere around his face the way the white boy hair flinch and glance with his force stop tears that about to fall on the the floor.

To some it up! This body didn't love the girl and the boy! ...

So happy...(ー_ー゛)

Back to the present now that I know what is "really happening" what will I do now? Tell him, hey, I don't know you so bring me back to my precious toilet yeah?

No!! My Self are now in the line!

"Why are you not looking at me? Can you spare me your glance please? Do I look really ugly? He ask while caressing my cheeks with his slender yet cold hands. That's my weakness! Argh!

"So tickling hihi..." Wahhhh what did I say!? So tickling while giggling!

My face, neck and ear slowly turning into red making me a large big red tomatoes.

"W-what did you say? Can you repeat it? Please?" His trembling fingers with excite went to my ear and carefully and not so strong pinching it like a baby who's caught eating sugar in bed.

"I-I didn't say anything! Y-you heard it wrong I just said... That...that my hair is so tickling not your hands! So get off of me and free me!! Wahhh" Covering my faces with my two hand in chain the only thing I can do to hide my embarrassing face.

*Laughing* That's the only sounds I heard in this spacious luxurious place. He laugh at me so sweetly like honey. So addictive. Truly.

While both of my hand covering my face I feel a slightly move in my top of me and pressing me tightly down the bed. This position is so dangerous. He reach my left hand to entangled it to his hand and kiss it with sovereignty and place a gently kiss on my forehead.

I look at him while still my right hand cover my half face like a curious cat seeing his new owner.

He gently remove my right hand that cover my face. I Flinch and fight back to not leave my right hand to my face but still his strength is so strong! So powerful! I accept defeat.

And now both my hands are entangle with his one hand gently pressing it and suddenly let me feel his soft and kissable lips again. It was so gentle with care every peck he did is so caring. The gaze he gave me is so obsessively strong like any moment my virginity will come to end. But i will not lose!

I want to go home...