EP 17

Reinker Dining Hall

The whole family was struck by thunder when their son overnight have a child so suddenly. Their face can't explain what is happening and consciously bid goodbye for Cai.

In a blink of an eye, Cai left with his son-to-be. After an hour they stop at the bustling market and buy some necessity like the child clothes and made him eat same goes to the maids, driver, and Cai. The boy felt shy and comfortable as he hide behind Cai large body and tall tights.

Cai heart soften as he sees the child feeling shy towards other people's. He then lifted him so then the boy sees the lively market. At first the boy felt so nervous as his body trembling for fear and hide in Cai's neck. Cai felt tingly and conform him by tapping him gently on his tiny back.

Cai buy some popular sugary for the child to ease up. After an hour's all the things they need are complete and ready to go back. The child sleep at the warm embrace of Cai. Soon they successfully arrived at Ozciel palace.

Ozciel was stopped for a minute when he sees his husband carrying a child... Cai embrace his wife with the child with him then kiss Ozciel 's forehead and signal him to go inside.

Ozciel carry the child and place him to the warm soft bed and cover him with a blanket. The husband and wife leave and go to their own bedroom. Ozciel slowly help his husband to remove the coat and wear a new one.

"It's okay for you to have a child?" Cai asked as he pulled his wife to his embrace and nuzzled his head to his wifey tummy.

"Its okay for me" Ozciel smile and rubbed his husband messy hair.

"The child was sold to the illegal auction...so many of them even a beast have been sold. The child was the only left in his kinds and was forcedly torture.... When i take him to the bath while he's sleeping, i saw many scar and some of them was so deep. "


" I'm so angry and i want to know how can they do this with a seven year old child... I'm was so broken and felt pity for the child's trauma..." Cai eyes become red and a tears left his eyes. Ozciel felt it and continued to comfort his husband.

He didn't said anything and just listened to his husband words. Sometimes comfort is listening to someone letting thier own words come out.

After an hour of crying, Cai eyes become puppy as his wife gently touching his face... "Cry baby" Ozciel remarks

"You're a cry baby too. In bed...hehe" Cai teasingly rooming his hand to Ozciel body.

Ozciel let his husband do what his wants to him and said "I was so shocked, it just two days i will even become a dad... Will the child accept us?" At that question Cai stopped and sigh heavily

"We will try"


The boy woke up in the big glittery dazzlingly room. He noticed that the handsome man who held him warmly is not his side anymore. He began to feel fear. His eyes let out a tears, slowly coming down in the soft bed he checked all the room in the large room. Including the restroom, large cabinet, small cabinet, downside of the bed... The boy tears can't be stopped. After a moments he stand from sitting at the cold floor and run in the doors. However his hands are so small and weak even struggling to para mahawakan yung pintuan suddenly the door opened and push him back and stumbled.

Ozciel notices that's something behind the doors so he slowly opens it. He knew it. The child is staring at him so serious as if in the moment he will engage his self in defense. Ozciel began to walk to help the child, however the child as fast as a mouse ran towards the bed and hold the small lamps.

Ozciel was dazed and forcing his laughter to stop because of the cuteness. The child was so cute~ Cai appearance made the child to soften. He (the child) didn't run forward to Cai embrace and just waiting for Cai to come in his little territory.

Cai's face lighten the scared stiff child. His eyes is sparkling and focused his gazed only on Cai's face. Cai on the other hand felt a tickle inside his heart. It made him want to embrace the child into his side.

Cai knew he should slowly approach the child to open up his heart to them. " Lets go and eat?" He softly speaks

The child flinch a moment he heard the handsome man speaks. The child have a goosebumps and frighteningly let go of the small lamp.


The lamp fall to the floor. It made the child panic and terrified. As he remembered all the cruelty he had to go through. Cai slowly come to where's the child standing. The child trembling so hard and letting his head down and fist clenching onto his nightgown.

"Its okay, its okay" Cai lifted the boy and comforting him by rubbing his back.

Ozciel stare at his husband and smile gently.




Butler Ross, aware of Cai's arrival with a child, took it upon in a great effort himself to prepare a lavishly of delicious food and desserts suitable for both the child and Cai and Ozciel. The grand dining table was adorned with an array of dishes, from savory meats and soups to appetizers and delectable desserts, as well as a selection of fresh fruits. A steaming cup of coffee for the husband and wife, while a glass of milk for the child.

Observing on how Cai assisting his Wife and the child. Butler Ross heart blooming again making him relax and calm.

"Do you like this too?" Ozciel ask the boy while wiping his lips with a sauce on it. It made the child flinch and quickly wipe his lips.

"Pfft~ my name is Ozciel what about you?" Ozciel softly asked the child. But the child didn't answer. The husband and wife gaze at eachother and smile. They cant forcibly force the child to open up to them. The child unconsciously grabbed the trail of the clothes of Cai.

Cai noticed it and just let it be. He picked up the various foods on his plate and continued to eat. They eat happily, and the child just eats quietly.


After they eat both Cai and Ocziel take their leave to discuss what happens in the investigation for all the Duke and Dunchess who visit them recently, butler Ross take care of the child ang bring him to anywhere he likes. The child choose to walk in the garden. His eyes is sparkling after seeing some flowers. He (the child) squat down to touch the blue flower.

"This is the garden Duke Cai taking care of... Do you want to know the name of this blue flower? " Butler Ross softly asked the child

And the child nodded.

"This flower is called anemones his Duke Cai said, now what about your name too?"

[Anemone Flower - its like a daisy-like flowers over a fern like foliage, which appear in early spring, a time when little else is in flower. Usually it have many variations of colour such as Red, White, Blue...]

Eg; inaturalist.org

"....I-Ily... Name"

"Wow! You have a wonderful name im sure his highness Ozciel and Duke Cai will be happy if they heard this name " Butler Ross proclaimed happy to the child who's ear is red for embarrassment

"H-Happy... Ha-happy?"

"Yes, they will be happy to hear that from you...would you like to see them?"

Illy think he should not disturb them so he shrugged his little head and hide his face that becoming hot. He didn't know why it's hot but he felt happy in the same time.

His name. No one's give it to him. When he was newly brought in the secret dark basement many of the same aged kids crumpled in the corner of large cage. Illy was only 2 years old at the time, he didn't know what is happening. The man who's holding him throw him in the floor. He cried but no one else wants to comfort him.

Second turns into minutes to days, months, and a several years. His supposed to be once a carefree spirit is overshadowed by the weight of cruelty.

All the kids in the dim large cage are slowly vanishing. One of the female kids taller by an inches continuously teaching illy to talk. It's was a little secret that the female kid tell to illy he should never talk about it to anyone.

"Never tell it to anyone" the female kid who's name is Rose tell it to a 4 year old illy.

"...w-why?" The innocent illy sputtering and asked

"Punish" in that word the little kid stop and trembling all over his body.

A single word 'Punish. Shed a blood. Mourn until they can't. Punishing by a large baton direct to anyone's back with a fire on it. One day illy accidentally wipe the floor with a dirty mop. One of the man who's working in that area see him. He grabbed the young kid by its collar and dragged him to the punishment room, a piercing scream shattered the silence, followed by the searing pain of hot metal pressed against the kids skin.

Illy knows it. He lost his unconscious . The trauma of his kidnapping lingers like a shadow, and what he experienced can't describe by a words.

For every years, a new kids will be thrown in the large metal cage he and the other kids located. And every years too, they will leave and vanish. Rose, who's beside him all the time was dragged away outside the cage and from that day on he never saw her... He cried silently his eyes have started to lost it emotions. He felt so empty as a 7 years old child. One day the guard's sleeping outside their cage drop a paper

(magazine contain with all the current news outside)

The boy (illy) didn't know it and looked up it then he saw a big creature (dog) with a metal collar name Illy... From that day on the boy called him illy.

Illy was seven years old. But he didn't know it he just know that his face becomes large from the past. Then suddenly an older lady grab him and wash him from head to toe. His clothes have some ragged but his magnificent and delicate features dominate it.

It was the day he will be sold to the auction and the day Cai rescue him. When the a man who's wearing a red mask and two large man bring him to the front door he heard them talk so greedily as if he was a thing sold to someone.

It was true. He knew he was sold to someone. The fear gnawing him. He felt he was about to poke but the doors open and shown a back of someone.

Illy saw the man's turn around and his wearing a black mask on his face. Ily saw his eyes. Staring deep at him. He felt horror and shivering all over in his little body.

He and the man who is wearing the black mask are the only inside in the large room. The man reached up slowly his mask and illy saw his features.

Handsome... Illy multiple said in his minds.

Handsome... Handsome.... Handsome... Handsome... Handsome...

The handsome man hug him and ily didn't know what to do... He struggles so much only to hear a word...

"You're safe now. Don't worry i will protect you" illy's eyes began to blurry. He wipe it. Wipe its at all he can. Wipe until his eyes become so sore. Clenching his little hands grabbing the handsome man clothes feels all the bad memories is fading. And then...

Butler Ross was panicking as he sees the child crying as his lungs will brust out. He knew it has on the states of recalling the bad memories he experienced in the past.

He lifted the Illy and teleport to the office room Cai. Ozciel in the other hands saw him with the child carrying. Ozciel immediately hugged the child and gently rubbed the boy back as he comforting him at all he can.

Cai gently brushes away the tears streaming down the boy's face and softly giving a words.

"Its okay, its okay... You're safe now no one will hurt you"

"... Sobs...Sobs...I-Ily..."


Cai and Ozciel stop suddenly when they heard the boy said a name "Illy is so brave~" Ozciel caressing the child back and wiping his tears.

"I-ily is b-brave?" Illy looked up

Ozciel leave a kiss in Illy forehead "Yes, Illy is brave and Illy have the most beautiful name in the whole world"

"B-beautiful..." Illy leaned his head to Ozciel shoulder. And slowly losing his sight...


"He's asleep" Cai said

"Yes, let's take him to his bed" Ozciel response


Cai and Ozciel looked at eachother outside Illy room. Hugging eachother and giving a warm.

"... Im sorry. I didn't let you know about him and just casually bring him to our home." Cai leaned his head to his wife shoulder and the two of them vanished into the thin air.

~~~~THIER v.v ROOM~~~~

"! Waahh!!" Ozciel screams


Teasing his wife is a great joy for Cai "Got you~ hehe" As they held each other tightly and warmly silent linger in the air. In the gentle rhythm of their breathing, they found comfort they finding for a long time. It's just a moment they have missed each other embrace.

"I'm sorry" Cai broke the silence.

"Do you want to adopt him?" Ozciel ask

"...Will you want him to be your adopted son?" Cai caressing his wife hair and kiss his cheeks down to his soft lips.

"I want you and anything you want. No need to ask permission my cute husband" Being soft to his husband again and again. Ozciel can't bear to see his husband sad for something he promises to himself to give all he can to make Cai happy.

"But i want to know your opinion about this. I dont want to force you to any responsibility. I cant and i will not put you in any position you will be hurt." Cai faced his wife. Making his eyes focused on his wife dazzlingly blue sapphire eyes.

"..., I see. For the first time i had a doubt in myself. Can i raise this child? Can i be a good dad to him in the future? Will i ever make him smile like you did. There's so many questions rooming to my head" ...., Ozciel continued

" I dont want you to be so sad seeing me struggling about it. I know you love me so much... Having a child make myself make up for unknown road i will be walking with you."

"But i know... You will be with me in blessings or sorrow. I accept the responsibility to be a dad. I will be his dad from now on... I hope he will accept me too..." Seeing his wife saying his own opinion about the matter of having a child make Cai feels so grateful. Wiping his wife tears freely flowing down to his delicate soft skin. Make Cai heart ache and broken.

"...Sobs,... Y-you know how happy i am beacuse you said i will be a dad... Sobs.Sobs.Sobs... Im so happy that my tears is not stopping from flowing."

Words didn't get out on Cai mouth. The hug become tighter and kiss become deeper. The emotions broke outs again.

Its was so warm. A lovely night.