[DD]: 22

Being stared at by a group of people didn't surprise Han Li, as his attire was different from everyone else's.

Clad in black, he stood out among the Heaven Dou Academy crowd, all dressed in white uniforms. He had to admit, this was a major oversight for someone who always preferred to be prepared.

"Greetings, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Seeing Xue Qinghe approaching together with Ning Rongrong, both the staff member and Han Li greeted him simultaneously. However, unlike the staff member, Han Li, being a noble, didn't need to bow deeply. A slight nod and a hand-over-heart gesture sufficed.

"No need for such formalities, please rise."

Xue Qinghe smiled and nodded. Although he spoke to both of them, Han Li noticed a subtle detail: the words were meant for the staff member, but the smile and nod were directed at him.

Impressive. Han Li returned the smile and couldn't help but marvel internally. This girl wasn't wasting her time undercover. That small gesture could easily win over a noble's favor. Such social skills would serve her well even if she returned to the Spirit Hall as a superior.

"Why is your attire different from everyone else's?"

Just as Xue Qinghe was about to speak again, Ning Rongrong, looking quite curious, asked.

"To answer the young lady, it's because I'm not yet a student here. I'm just visiting the academy in advance." Han Li glanced at Xue Qinghe, who showed no reaction and then responded.

"Are you planning to study here too?" Ning Rongrong asked earnestly.

Too? Han Li noted the implication in her words. So, Ning Rongrong was also here for a visit?

"Yes, that's why I'm here to check out the academy in advance," Han Li replied.

Ning Rongrong seemed pleased with his response. She withdrew her hand from Xue Qinghe's, circled around Han Li, nodding approvingly, and then, with a bossy air, patting Han Li's shoulder, making a noise. "You look decent, and your answers satisfy me. If we meet again, I might make an exception and take you as my little brother."


Han Li was stunned by her action, finding it both amusing and exasperating. Not only was Ning Rongrong a sucker for good looks, but she also had a bold personality.

Xue Qinghe hadn't expected his junior sister to act this way either. A look of surprise flashed across his face before he pulled her back, gently patting her on the head. "Rongrong, don't be naughty. And remember, as a young lady, you must maintain proper etiquette and not act so unladylike in public. If the teachers find out, you'll be punished by having to copy the family rules again."

"Whatever! I wasn't joking. If Dad tries to punish me, I'll go to Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bone. Let's see if he dares to scold me then." Ning Rongrong muttered, turning her face away in a low voice.

Xue Qinghe straightened up and apologized to Han Li with a slightly embarrassed expression. "Apologies, little brother. My junior sister is a bit mischievous. Please don't take her words to heart. By the way, I didn't catch your name."

Only upon hearing this did Han Li seem to snap back to attention, looking at the Crown Prince in front of him, as if he hadn't heard Ning Rongrong's words at all.

The staff member from earlier had quietly left while Ning Rongrong circled around Han Li, clearly understanding the wisdom of staying out of trouble.

However, this was just as well, as it allowed Han Li to handle the situation more freely.

"To answer His Highness the Crown Prince, my name is Xiao Yan."(Fake name from BTTH MC)

As he responded, Han Li unconsciously touched his nose, appearing somewhat shy.

"Brother Xiao Yan, relax. There's no need to be so tense. Welcome to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy. If you encounter any issues in the future, feel free to use my name. You're also welcome to visit the Crown Prince's residence." Xue Qinghe smiled warmly at the young man, seemingly holding him in high regard.

Not waiting for Han Li to reply, Xue Qinghe continued, "It looks like you've finished your visit and are about to leave, so we won't keep you any longer. I still need to show my junior sister around the academy. Until we meet again."

"Yes, Your Highness. Until we meet again."

Han Li feigned excitement, bowing slightly to show his respect.

Without saying more, Xue Qinghe took Ning Rongrong by the hand and walked away, followed closely by his guards.

As Han Li straightened up and prepared to leave, he heard a voice calling from behind, "Xiao Yan, right? I'll remember you. Make sure to remember me as well. I'm Ning Rongrong. When you join the academy, come find me, or else…"

Turning his head, Han Li saw Ning Rongrong being pulled forward while turning back to wave her small fist menacingly. Her expression, intended to be fierce, only looked adorable given her age.

Han Li didn't reply, just smiled and waved casually before heading toward the gate.

He didn't take Ning Rongrong's words seriously, nor did he pay much attention to Xue Qinghe's invitation. After all, they weren't even in the same league. Even if they were, such gestures of goodwill after merely exchanging names seemed perfunctory. Clearly, Xue Qinghe still had much to learn about genuine sincerity.

But Han Li had no intention of pointing this out. From his perspective, he wasn't supposed to know this secret anyway, right? Besides, they remembered the name Xiao Yan, which had nothing to do with him. It was perfectly normal to have other names. His alias collection included many protagonist names. Who knows, the next time they met, he might call himself Fang Yuan. (MC from Reverend Insanity)

As he approached the gate, Han Li noticed the staff member who had disappeared earlier reappearing.

Seeing Han Li looking at him, the staff member gave an awkward smile. As the guide, sneaking away was indeed inappropriate, but seeing that Han Li didn't seem to mind, he wasn't going to bring it up either. He didn't want to have to refund the money.

Ignoring the staff member, Han Li exited the gate, handed his temporary pass to the guard, and walked toward the carriage.

Today's unexpected events had been too many. He needed to go back before more trouble found him.

The return journey was even faster than before. Under the influence of a gold soul coin, the coachman drove quickly and steadily. However, to his disappointment, even after the two passengers disembarked and disappeared into the crowd, there was no second tip.

Instead of having the coachman take them directly back to the Spirit Hall, Han Li and his companion got off at a random spot, wandered around a bit, and then inconspicuously returned to the Spirit Hall.

After dismissing Sebastian, Han Li went back to his room and flopped onto the soft bed.

With his eyes closed, Han Li began to summarize the information he had gathered today in his mind.

First, Dugu Bo left two days ago without anyone knowing his whereabouts. According to the servants, this was a common and regular occurrence. Generally, it would be at least seven days before he returned. This meant there was a high possibility that he was at the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well suppressing his toxins.

Second, based on the information provided by Salas, the situation of the Ye Family is neither good nor bad, neither high nor low. They are considered deeply entrenched nobles of the Heaven Dou Empire. Although the relationship between the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Heaven Dou Empire has improved in recent years, causing some impact on them, no one would oppose the most powerful healing soul masters.

Third, Moon Pavilion is running very well, as can be seen from the noble forces entering and exiting and the strength of the guards. He doesn't believe that Xue Ye doesn't know Tang Yuehua's identity, which makes it very interesting. From Xue Qinghe's behavior, it seems that the Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School are currently in a honeymoon period. However, this has nothing to do with him for the time being, so he need not pay attention.

Fourth, the so-called geniuses of the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy are even weaker than he imagined, or rather, they are simply too weak to withstand a single arrow. As for Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling, he just observed them in passing. His so-called "liking" was only based on the context of paper characters and had not reached the point of being infatuated.

In summary, the plan can be implemented, but the specific situation will depend on the circumstances when they find Dugu Bo. His absence adds some variables to the plan, but overall, it doesn't have a significant impact.

As for Ye Lingling and the Ye Family, they can be temporarily set aside. This is not something he can easily pry into. Perhaps due to the lack of time for sedimentation, the young ladies of the two families have not yet become a bridge for communication, and the relationship between the Dugu Family and the Ye Family is not as close as he imagined.

The Ye Family is noble, and their external survival environment is much better, even more, stable than the Dugu Family, which relies on a single person. Any unusual movements would easily be detected, and the power that others have managed for so long would certainly not be easily given up. The Heaven Dou Empire would intervene.

In this way, unlike the Dugu Family, which consists only of Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan, who can come and go freely and act as they please. After all, no one dares to easily threaten a titled Douluo, even if his strength is the weakest among the titled Douluo.

Having confirmed that the plan could continue, Han Li breathed a sigh of relief and directly fell asleep. However, just as he had rested for a short while, there was a knock on his door.

Outside the door was Guang Ling. Han Li opened the door and welcomed him in. Seeing that he seemed to have just woken up, Guang Ling casually asked, "What's the matter? Tired from running around this afternoon?"

"Not really, I just ran to a lot of places this afternoon and was thinking about things."

Han Li casually took out a bottle of freshly squeezed apple juice from his storage wristband and handed it to Guang Ling, then opened one for himself and sat down on a chair nearby.

"Did anything interesting happen? Tell me about it."

After spending more than a year together, Guang Ling had also discovered his disciple's little quirk: whenever something happened beyond his expectations, he would first remain silent for a while, then go to sleep. Even after waking up, it would take him some time to return to normal.

"Not much, just that when I went to visit the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, I met the Crown Prince of Heaven Dou and Ning Rongrong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School," Han Li said, finishing his juice in one gulp and placing the bottle on the table.

"Why did you go to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy?" Guang Ling asked in surprise.

"Since I was there, I thought I'd take a look. Besides, I felt that someone there was fated with me," Han Li replied casually.

"Did you find them?" Guang Ling's eyes lit up, and he asked in a low voice.

"No, but we can try again tonight. I haven't found any gold coins today, so my luck should still be full. By the grace of the Angel God, we might find them," Han Li said seriously.

His words made Guang Ling's mouth twitch. Even though the Martial Soul Hall was also a religious organization, hearing his disciple's words still seemed ridiculous to him, leaving him momentarily speechless.

Is that how you use the Angel God? Not pious at all.

"Don't say such things when we return to Wuhun City. No, you should never say them again. I'm afraid the Grand Worship will slap you if he hears." Guang Ling reminded him with a constipated expression.


Han Li nodded compliantly while inwardly muttering: This is just to appease you, Master. He's not foolish; why would he say such things in front of Qian Daoliu? If he ever says anything, it would be when he's strong enough to back it up.

"What do you think of the Crown Prince of Heaven Dou?"

Guang Ling glanced around furtively, asking with a somewhat strange expression.

Han Li gave him a long, deep look. Just as Guang Ling began to wonder if the boy had discovered something, Han Li slowly spoke: "Like a gentleman of unparalleled grace, unmatched in the world."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Guang Ling was baffled. He could tell it was praise but couldn't grasp the exact meaning.

"Just think of it as me saying he's elegant and peerless."

Han Li immediately regretted his pretentiousness, feeling genuinely uncomfortable.

"It's rare to hear such high praise from you. It seems this Crown Prince is indeed impressive." Guang Ling was happy for Qian Renxue, but couldn't show it, making his face look like it was blushing with embarrassment.

"Let's not talk about anything else; his demeanor and how he treats others are truly exceptional."

Taking the opportunity to speak, Han Li observed his master. Guang Ling's poor acting skills were apparent. If it were a seasoned professional here, they'd surely suspect something. Since when did people from the Martial Soul Hall care so much about another empire's crown prince?

Han Li chose his words carefully, trying to leave a good impression on Qian Renxue through Guang Ling.

He truly didn't want to get involved now, but he knew he couldn't avoid it in the future. It was better to let his master act as the bridge between. Judging by Guang Ling's demeanor, it seemed he was very fond of Qian Renxue, so the plan should work well.

"By the way, I've already sent a message to Wuhun City, informing them of our whereabouts. We can stay here a bit longer." Guang Ling seemed to remember this suddenly, a hopeful glint in his eyes when he mentioned staying longer.

Han Li thought for a moment and then offered, "Tomorrow, let's have Sebastian stay here while we sneak out. Make sure to prepare clothes to conceal our identities."

"Don't worry, I've already prepared for that," Guang Ling said proudly, pointing to his belt.

The master and disciple chatted casually for a while longer. After dinner, Han Li began his routine cultivation.

As night fell, the bustling Heaven Dou City gradually quieted down.

Just as Han Li finished his cultivation and was about to sleep, he heard faint movements from a nearby room, which quickly faded away into the distance.

Did Master go out? He must be meeting Qian Renxue. Whatever, it has nothing to do with me. Time to sleep.

Han Li shook his head, reduced his soul bone's sensory range to his room, and quickly fell asleep.

Meanwhile, under the cover of night and a black robe, Guang Ling left the Spirit Hall and headed straight for the Heaven Dou Crown Prince's residence.

Relying on his cultivation, he concealed his aura and silently entered from above. Only when he neared the main courtyard did he release a hint of his presence.

In the main courtyard, there was no movement at all. It wasn't until nearly a minute later, after seemingly confirming his identity, that two figures slowly emerged from the shadows and greeted him, "Greetings, Fifth Worship."

"Alright, Ci Xue, She Long, both of you are very cautious. Not bad. You must always be like this; Her Highness's safety is paramount and must not have the slightest mistake." Guang Ling slightly lifted his hood, revealing his signature left eye, and looked satisfactorily at the two titled Douluos in front of him.

"Your praise, Fifth Worship, is too generous. We are simply doing what we should." Ci Xue, The Porcupinefish Douluo and She Long, the Snake Lance Douluo bowed.

"Alright, let's go inside first. It's not safe here. Where is Xiao Xue'er?" Guang Ling asked proactively.

"Her Highness is waiting for you in the secret room below the main room. Please follow me."

Ci Xue signaled to She Long with a glance, indicating that he should stay on guard outside. She Long nodded and silently melded back into the darkness.

The door was gently opened, and the two slipped inside. After Ci Xue closed the door again, he led Guang Ling around a screen to the left side of the bed, where he lifted an independent rug, revealing the steps below.

"Fifth Worship, the passage is open. Please go down; Her Highness is waiting for you below."

Ci Xue pointed to the passage below and did not intend to go down, standing guard at the side.


Guang Ling didn't hesitate and stepped directly into it.

The passage wasn't long, just a few steps, and Guang Ling saw the light ahead.

Walking quickly, Guang Ling soon saw a spacious room below, where a teenage girl with light golden hair stood gracefully in the center, happily watching Guang Ling's arrival.

"Grandpa Guang Ling."

Qian Renxue ran over joyfully, throwing herself into Guang Ling's arms.

"Xiao Xue'er, long time no see."

Guang Ling gently hugged the girl in his arms, a trace of pity flashing on his face. Come to think of it, he hadn't seen Xiao Xue'r for over four years. The last time they met was in passing when he took the task of calming the lower ranks, an event that coincidentally involved his disciple.

Guang Ling took off his hood, held the girl's shoulders, and slightly pushed her away to better observe the changes in her since his last memory.

"Xiao Xue'r has grown a lot and become even more beautiful. How have these years been for you?"

Seeing the slightly doting smile and noticing Guang Ling's different actions from before, Qian Renxue seemed to realize that her earlier behavior of rushing over was somewhat too forward. She was no longer the little girl she used to be and turned away a bit embarrassed, quickly pulling Guang Ling to sit down beside her.

"I'm doing well. But Grandpa Guang Ling, why did you come suddenly? You didn't notify me beforehand. It's a good thing Ning Rongrong was taken away earlier; otherwise, I might not have been able to see you tonight." Qian Renxue's tone carried a hint of coquettishness.

"I came on a whim. You know, I took in a disciple. This time, I brought him out to obtain his second soul ring. He hasn't been to Heaven Dou City before, so I brought him to see it and thought I could visit you too."

Guang Ling's old face turned slightly red, showing a bit of unease. It was indeed a spontaneous decision, but he couldn't say that. Fortunately, he had his disciple, so he naturally shifted the blame to the absent Han Li.

In the Spirit Hall, Han Li, already in a deep sleep, shivered slightly, feeling a bit of chill on this almost summer night. He tightened the blanket around him.


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