[DD]: 25

"You plan to save him? I've heard that Bibi Dong has tried inviting him to join the Martial Soul Hall many times before, but he refused every time. Now, it seems he's mixed up with the Heaven Dou royal family. It's better to just kill him."

Guang Ling pointed at the ice block on the ground. He didn't think much of Han Li's attempt to save someone and doubted that Dugu Bo, who had refused to join the Martial Soul Hall even after being coaxed and threatened, would change his mind now.

Hearing Guang Ling's words, Dugu Bo, encased in the ice block, was nearly bursting with rage, screaming internally, "I think it's worth a try!" Unfortunately, he couldn't move or speak.

"Let's give it a try. What if he agrees? Right, Poison Douluo?"

The second half of Han Li's sentence was directed at Dugu Bo in the ice block, trying to gauge his reaction.

Dugu Bo wished he could nod his head off, but from the outside, he was completely immobile, unable even to blink.

The little bit of strength he had earlier was used to attempt speech, but he had overestimated himself and underestimated Guang Ling. Now, he had lost his last bit of resistance and deeply regretted his impulsiveness. If he had saved his strength for now, at least he could blink, rather than being so helpless and at the mercy of others.

Just as he was about to despair, Han Li's voice, like a heavenly melody, rang in his ears again, causing his goodwill towards this young man to skyrocket.

"Master, could you slightly loosen the restraints on Poison Douluo? Not too much, just enough for him to blink or communicate. I'd like to talk to him."

Seeing that Han Li still wanted to talk to Dugu Bo, Guang Ling gave up on persuading him otherwise. Fine, let him talk. After all, with him around, a newly promoted titled Douluo couldn't cause much trouble. He could kill him later without any hassle.

Guang Ling extended his hand, lifting the ice block into his grasp, summoned his Martial Soul, and touched the ice surface. The ice near Dugu Bo's head melted slightly, allowing him to move his head.

Though Guang Ling had freed up some space for Dugu Bo, there were still two thin ice needles at his forehead, a precautionary measure. If Dugu Bo made any aggressive moves, he would die instantly.

"Behave yourself, or else..." Guang Ling threatened.

Just as Dugu Bo was able to move his head, he flared up at Guang Ling's words.

This bastard not only ambushed him while he was asleep and stole his secluded spot but also planned to silence him permanently. If it weren't for the young man's insistence, he wouldn't even have been allowed to speak. When had Dugu Bo ever suffered such indignity in his life?

He wanted to curse out loud but restrained himself at the sight of Guang Ling's cold glare. Given his miserable state, he cared more about the young man's words. If they were true, and he needed help later, he couldn't afford to be impulsive now.

Stay calm, stay calm.

Dugu Bo took a deep breath, ignored Guang Ling's threatening gaze, and turned to Han Li.

"Is what you said true? You not only see my symptoms but also have a way to cure them?" Dugu Bo tried hard to control his emotions, fearing to scare Han Li and prompting Guang Ling to kill him.

"Of course, I never lie," Han Li replied confidently.

Guang Ling's expression remained impassive, but he didn't intend to undermine his disciple. He was aware that Han Li had read many medical and botanical books. With that illustrated manual, he accepted the idea of creating an antidote following the instructions.

However, relying solely on that knowledge, after just a year of study, to cure a Titled Douluo who was nearly poisoned to death by his toxins? Guang Ling was skeptical. He suspected Han Li had other motives and might be planning to deceive Dugu Bo.

With this thought, Guang Ling discreetly added a few more ice needles behind Dugu Bo's head to prevent any unforeseen incidents.

Given the proximity, the other two naturally noticed Guang Ling's small movements, but no one paid much attention.

To Dugu Bo, whether there were two needles or ten made no difference. As long as Guang Ling wanted him dead, he was doomed. His primary concern was verifying the truth of Han Li's words.

Han Li, on the other hand, was pleased with his master's caution. It meant that even if Dugu Bo decided not to cooperate, they could kill him immediately, minimizing the impact on them. If Dugu Bo did cooperate, apologizing to him later could even improve their relationship—a win-win situation.

"If you don't believe me, I can describe your symptoms. You can see if they match."

Before Dugu Bo could respond, Han Li continued, "If my diagnosis is correct, your body is already in serious trouble. Whenever it rains, you feel a tingling itch under your ribs that gradually intensifies, lasting for over an hour. This occurs twice a day, at noon and midnight. Additionally, around three in the morning, you experience stabbing pains in your head and soles, causing full-body convulsions for at least half an hour."

After reciting these symptoms, which he had memorized long ago from the now-defunct "Herb Code," Han Li observed the excited Dugu Bo and the slightly open-mouthed Guang Ling before continuing, "Also, you must have come to this Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well to suppress the poison within you. The extreme cold and heat here help to some extent."

"Oh, and your direct descendants should be suffering from Martial Soul Poison, right? What are their strengths? Are they still alive? Has anyone died from the poison?" Han Li delivered a final blow.

Guang Ling, looking as if he'd seen a ghost, glanced at Han Li, who spoke so confidently, and then at Dugu Bo, who had first shown excitement, then a gleam in his eyes, and finally fell silent. Realizing Han Li was likely correct, Guang Ling also lapsed into silence, feeling somewhat baffled by the world.

After Han Li finished speaking, he closed his mouth, waiting for Dugu Bo's response.

After a moment, Dugu Bo, recovering from his sorrow, spoke in a hoarse voice tinged with bitterness, "You're right, all of it. Including my son dying from a poison outbreak."

Looking at Han Li with hope, he asked, "You can cure it, right?"

Han Li looked at him and nodded affirmatively.

A glimmer of joy crossed Dugu Bo's face as he pleaded, "I don't know what immortal herb is, but I know the herbs here are very precious. Since I was unlucky enough to run into you, I don't ask you to save me. You can kill me. But I have some treasures and herbs elsewhere that I can tell you about. I just hope you can save my granddaughter, can you?"

"She's only fourteen, and the poisoning is still mild. It shouldn't take much effort. Could you?" Dugu Bo's voice trembled at the end, sounding cautious.

Guang Ling also glanced at Dugu Bo. He hadn't begged for mercy or asked for his own life, but instead hoped to exchange everything for Han Li to save his granddaughter, which was unexpected.

The scene fell silent until Han Li suddenly laughed.

"Senior, do you want to die that much? I never said I wouldn't save you. My master hasn't killed you either. Why not think it over again?"

After finishing, Han Li used his antennae to send a message to Guang Ling. Guang Ling frowned, glanced at Dugu Bo, and reluctantly used his Martial Soul Bow to touch the ice, releasing Dugu Bo from it.

"Considering that you're still somewhat of a man, I'll let you out. But let me make it clear: don't even think about any funny business. This place now belongs to us, master and disciple. You must keep your mouth shut, or else... Hmph. You've heard it, Xiao Li doesn't want to kill you and even wants to save you—and your granddaughter. Think carefully about what you'll offer as compensation. It has to satisfy me, or you'd better be ready to die."

Dugu Bo hadn't expected to be released, nor did he expect to be spared from death. Experiencing such emotional upheaval, he stood there in a daze, utterly stunned.

On the other side, after releasing Dugu Bo, Guang Ling put his arm around Han Li's shoulder and moved to another spot. He set up a simple soul power barrier to block the sound, but he still hadn't retracted his Martial Soul and kept his mental focus on Dugu Bo.

"Xiao Li, are you not going to kill him? And you want to save him? You should know that this guy has a bad reputation. Even Bibi Dong tried to recruit him multiple times without success. Even if you save him, can you be sure he won't betray us later?" Guang Ling, knowing quite a bit about Dugu Bo's history, naturally distrusted him.

"I can't be certain, but killing him doesn't benefit us much either. At best, we'd get one or two soul bones, but he's full of poison, and we can't even be sure if we can use them. Besides, Master, he's a Titled Douluo after all. Even though he's not your match, he's still one of the top figures on the continent.

"Saving him has far more benefits than killing him outright. Eventually, I will need to travel the continent, and you can't always be with me. Don't you need to focus on becoming a Limit Douluo? Having him as an ally is like having an extra set of hands. From what we've seen, he has a weakness—his granddaughter. Without absolute certainty, he won't easily betray us." Han Li pointed back at the still-stunned Dugu Bo and analyzed the situation logically.

"What you say makes sense. This guy was even willing to die to save his granddaughter, so he's not all bad." Guang Ling pinched his chin with his left hand, which wasn't holding the bow, and pondered.

"So, it's all about what price he's willing to pay." Han Li shrugged, indicating they should go back and negotiate. By this time, Dugu Bo had also snapped out of his daze.

"Thank you for sparing my life." Seeing the master and disciple duo return, Dugu Bo, still shaken, bowed to Guang Ling, cold sweat dripping from his back. He truly felt he had brushed with death.

"No need to thank me. If it weren't for Xiao Li insisting on saving you, you'd already be dead." Guang Ling waved his hand dismissively.

Dugu Bo didn't mind Guang Ling's attitude. He slightly turned his head to look at Han Li, his gaze now more eager and filled with gratitude.

He understood clearly that Guang Ling was right. His survival was entirely due to Han Li's actions. More importantly, Han Li had the means to cure him and his granddaughter, Dugu Yan.

"First, thank you, young friend, for saving my life. I swear on my Martial Soul that I will never reveal anything that happened here today to anyone—not even to my granddaughter."

Dugu Bo knew Guang Ling's killing intent stemmed from this place, so he immediately addressed that concern. Then he bowed again, saying, "Dugu Bo is willing to offer everything he has, hoping that young friend can cure my granddaughter. As long as she is cured, I'll be at your disposal without any objections."

"Even if it means killing yourself?" Guang Ling suddenly interjected.

"As long as I see Yan Yan cured with my own eyes, I'll do it, even if it means killing myself."

Dugu Bo said resolutely. Watching his son die had been unbearable, and he hated himself even more for it. Now, seeing hope for his granddaughter to escape this cursed poison, he had enough courage to sacrifice himself.

"That won't be necessary. I wouldn't want to waste a Titled Douluo like you. I imagine you didn't mention saving yourself because you had a good plan." Han Li looked at the old man in front of him with a playful smile. This Poison Douluo was no fool.

Dugu Bo, who had just been speaking righteously, blushed under Han Li's scrutiny. He hadn't expected Han Li to see through his thoughts so easily.

He truly would die for Dugu Yan, but if possible, he preferred to live. So, after swearing on his Martial Soul, he directly told Han Li that he was willing to be at his disposal.

He had his little schemes. After all, he was a Titled Douluo, and no power would consider having too many such people. Since they didn't kill him right away if he pledged allegiance to them, they would have to treat him—you couldn't just let him die, could you?

It was a bit shameless, but he had no choice. Guang Ling had warned him that this place no longer belonged to him. He only had a few possessions, and the most valuable thing he had was his strength. To satisfy Guang Ling, he had to give up his freedom; this was the best idea he could come up with.

Of course, if these two only treated Dugu Yan and not him, he would accept it. Being able to accompany his granddaughter for a few more years and helping her escape her suffering was something he'd be deeply grateful for. After all, as long as he didn't die now, he would be earning a profit.

With Han Li's words in mind, Guang Ling also realized this and glared at Dugu Bo. As expected, this guy wasn't a good person; even after being spared, he still had his schemes.

Han Li shook his head and smiled, not taking it to heart. Even if Dugu Bo's character was unconventional and he valued loyalty and righteousness, you couldn't expect someone who nearly got killed by you upon first meeting to immediately open up to you—it was nonsense. It would be better to slowly build a relationship over time.

"Senior, you don't need to worry. It's human nature, and I understand. I just hope you can keep your promise. After I cure both you and your granddaughter, I hope you can protect me when needed. As for your property, you can keep it for your granddaughter's dowry," Han Li laid out his conditions straightforwardly, ending with a joke.

"Agreed. I can swear on my Martial Soul again that if I break this promise, I'll die a horrible death," Dugu Bo's face turned serious as he solemnly responded.

"Alright, then it's settled." Han Li nodded casually. Saying more now was pointless; they would finalize everything after the treatment with a Martial Soul oath since Douluo people believed in such things.

Just as Han Li was about to turn around and join his master in searching for celestial herbs, Dugu Bo hesitated and spoke up, "Uh, shouldn't you introduce yourselves first? I still don't know who you are. I need to know whom I'll be serving in the future, right?"

Han Li paused in his steps. It seemed they indeed hadn't introduced themselves since the meeting. He had overlooked this, and Guang Ling hadn't mentioned it either, making the situation a bit awkward.

However, this thought only flashed in his mind momentarily before Han Li returned to normal. After all, if he didn't feel awkward, it would be the others who felt awkward.

Han Li decisively ignored Guang Ling, who was stifling a laugh. It wasn't the first time his master wanted to see him embarrassed, so there was no need to mind it.

Looking back at Dugu Bo, Han Li first pointed to Guang Ling and introduced, "This is Guang Ling, the Fifth Worship of the Martial Soul Hall, a Level 97 Super Douluo specializing in assault, and my master."

"As expected, you are from the Martial Soul Hall. I knew it."

Dugu Bo wasn't surprised. Although he was unwilling to join the Martial Soul Hall and be constrained by them, he didn't doubt their power. Only the Martial Soul Hall could conceal such strong individuals whom he didn't recognize.

Han Li didn't respond to his comment and instead pointed to himself, continuing, "I am Han Li, seven years old, a Level 23 Assault System Grandmaster."

"You're only seven?"

Dugu Bo found it hard to believe, pointing at Han Li, who was already around 1.6 meters tall, and doubting the soul power level he reported: "Are you sure you didn't misspeak? Also, twenty-three levels?"

"No, you didn't hear wrong, and I didn't misspeak."

As he spoke, Han Li calmly summoned his Ice-Fire Bow, letting a yellow and purple soul ring appear above his head.

"A thousand-year second ring? How did you manage that?!"

Dugu Bo exclaimed once again, eyes wide as he pointed at the soul ring above Han Li's head, not realizing he had already breached a taboo in the world of soul masters.

"Secret, my secret, the Martial Soul Hall's secret. Once you have earned my trust, I don't mind telling you. I've always been generous to my people, but not now," Han Li shook his head at him and said very straightforwardly.

Dugu Bo took several deep breaths, watching Han Li reabsorb his Martial Soul and soul ring without blinking. Although he was still reluctant to believe it, the fact was right in front of him—it couldn't be faked.

His breathing became rapid involuntarily. Although he had almost inexplicably lost his life, perhaps this encounter might be a good thing for him.


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