[DD]: 52

"Divine trial? What divine trial? A god's test? I haven't come into contact with anything like that," Han Li responded with genuine confusion, as he indeed had never encountered a divine trial.

"You haven't?"

"Then why do you have the aura of divine power on you? And your martial soul too, it's even more intense," Qian Daoliu questioned, his brows furrowing as Han Li's reaction didn't seem feigned.

"Are you saying that gods exist in this world?"

"The aura of divine power? Maybe you can help me check it out?"

As he spoke, Han Li summoned his martial soul and handed it over.

Qian Daoliu took Han Li's martial soul and examined it carefully, but found nothing unusual. However, the concentration of ice and fire elements on it startled him. Just from the purity of the elements attached to the martial soul, it was even superior to the Angel martial soul.

He tried to analyze the aura of divine power but to no avail. He couldn't trace its source at all.

After studying it for a while, Qian Daoliu handed the ice and fire bow back to Han Li, his expression serious.

"First, to answer your initial question, gods do indeed exist. Not only that, but I can also tell you that the Qian family is the inheritor of the Angel God. Moreover, it's not just the Martial Soul Hall; there are legacies of gods left behind over the seas as well."

"Sea God Island?"

Han Li asked, seemingly unsure.

"Yes, you're right. Sea God Island is one of them. That's why we must revere the gods," Qian Daoliu said, his expression becoming solemn as if he were preaching.

"So are you telling me this because you want me to become the inheritor of the Angel God?"

Han Li looked at Qian Daoliu seriously, as if expecting his answer.

Qian Daoliu quickly dropped his solemn demeanor, barely holding back his irritation, and replied, "No, we don't need you for that. The Qian family has its inheritor."

"Then why are you telling me this? If you're not going to let me inherit it, and besides, I've never heard of you having any descendants," Han Li said, wearing a skeptical expression as if accusing Qian Daoliu of deceiving him.

"When I say I have a descendant, I have one. I have a granddaughter, though she's not currently in the Martial Soul Hall. I'll introduce you to her later," Qian Daoliu said, struggling to maintain his composure, but feeling an urge to hit Han Li.

Nevertheless, he confirmed that Han Li indeed hadn't come into contact with a divine trial.

"Alright. Maybe you could tell me more about the divine trial?"

Han Li reverted to his well-behaved demeanor.

Qian Daoliu felt a pang of discomfort, like finding half a worm in an apple he'd bitten into, but quickly composed himself again.

"As mentioned earlier, a divine trial, as the name implies, is a god's test. It's essentially how gods select their inheritors in the human world. Many highly talented individuals encounter such trials at the right time and place. This means that if they pass the test, there's a good chance they could become a new god."

"Does that make sense to you?"

Qian Daoliu paused and looked at Han Li, who nodded to indicate he understood.

"So, upon discovering the aura of divine power on you, I suspected that you might have come into contact with a place of divine inheritance, which is why I came to find you."

"Are you saying a god has taken an interest in me? Wants me to take over for them?"

Han Li showed some excitement, looking at Qian Daoliu as if seeking confirmation.

"I'm not entirely sure about your situation."

Qian Daoliu furrowed his brow deeply. After a moment, he looked at Han Li again.

"That is your opportunity. No one else can take it from you. I'll ask you a few questions, and you answer what you can. I'll help you determine the situation."

"Sure, no problem. Ask away, and I'll tell you everything I know."

Han Li responded readily.

"The place you went to this time, can you still enter it? Also, do you think you can benefit from returning there?"

Following the pattern of the Angel God's inheritance, Qian Daoliu asked two relatively non-sensitive questions.

"Of course, I can enter it, and I feel that when I reach the level of Soul King or Soul Sage, my martial soul can evolve again there."

Han Li spoke the absolute truth.

The Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was a place he could enter freely, and he could also bring others. As for the martial soul evolution, once his level was high enough, he planned to absorb everything there completely, without leaving anything behind.

However, Qian Daoliu's question surprised him because it meant Guang Ling hadn't revealed anything about the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, which moved him.

Hearing Han Li's response, Qian Daoliu nodded, almost certain of the situation.

To be sure, he asked another question: "Besides that, have you ever felt like something was watching you?"

"Yes, several times."

Han Li nodded vigorously. He had been watched by several God Kings, as the consciousness of the plane had told him.


Qian Daoliu was stunned. Han Li's answer was unexpected.

"Yes, at least five or six, but I can't see them."

Han Li answered honestly.

"Why? Grand Uncle, is there something wrong?"

After a moment, Qian Daoliu spoke with a complex expression:

"No, there's nothing wrong. This might just mean that you have extraordinary talent and great fortune."

"Yeah, I think so too," Han Li responded somewhat arrogantly, forgetting whether he had first imitated Guang Ling's expression or the other way around.

"So, can you tell me now? Am I the chosen one of the gods?"

Han Li looked at Qian Daoliu expectantly, waiting for his answer.

"It seems you are. Congratulations."

Qian Daoliu looked at him differently now. With a divine trial, given Han Li's displayed talent, at the very least, he would be the next him. "Remember, don't reveal this information to anyone outside, understand?" Qian Daoliu let Han Li enjoy his moment of happiness before looking at him seriously and reminding him.

"Got it, I understand. If the Clear Sky Clan finds out, they'll send someone to kill me, just like with Brother Qian, right?"

Han Li, without any hesitation, took a jab at the Clear Sky Clan.

Qian Daoliu was stunned for a moment before realizing that the "Brother Qian" Han Li referred to was Qian Xunji, who was publicly recorded by the Martial Soul Hall as having been killed by Tang Hao. His feelings became quite complicated.

Well, this just shows that Han Li's cultural studies haven't gone to waste; he doesn't know the inside story. Qian Daoliu could only reluctantly respond, "Yes, exactly."

"Don't worry, Grand Uncle. When I become a god, I'll help you destroy the Clear Sky Clan," Han Li promised confidently.

"Yes, I believe you," Qian Daoliu replied with a forced smile.

"By the way, your granddaughter, my niece, how old is she now? When will she be back? I haven't given her a meeting gift from her uncle yet," Han Li quickly changed his tone, seizing the opportunity.

"Uh, no need. Your master already took the immortal herb for her. Also, she's older than you," Qian Daoliu found talking to Han Li truly exhausting and couldn't help but feel some sympathy for Guang Ling.

"Oh, it's already been given? Then that's fine. It doesn't matter if she's older; after all, I'm still her senior," Han Li shamelessly exploited his seniority.

"Alright, if you have any questions in the future, just have your master relay them. That's all for today; I have some things to take care of."

Qian Daoliu found Han Li too noisy, unlike the well-behaved Qian Renxue when she was young. He stood up and walked out, without even bothering to find a proper excuse. Who has business to attend to in the middle of the night?

Before leaving, Qian Daoliu seemed to remember something. His martial soul instantly possessed him, and a flash of white light entered Han Li's body so quickly that he couldn't react.

By the time Qian Daoliu's figure had disappeared, his voice echoed in Han Li's mind:

"I've helped you conceal your divine power aura. With this aura, you won't have to worry about being discovered by others in the future."

"Thank you, Grand Uncle. Take care, and visit often."

Since it was nighttime, Han Li didn't shout but spoke at a normal volume, not caring whether Qian Daoliu could hear him.

After Qian Daoliu left, Han Li seemed quite excited. He paced around the house for a while before remembering to close the door.

The next morning, Han Li did not miss his routine training.

Because he resumed his regular practice, the soul masters who assisted him in training returned to their jobs after a long vacation. As a result, Dugu Yan witnessed how the top-tier forces and the most elite second-generation heirs trained.

Compared to Han Li, even Xiuer, who was tagging along for the training, received better treatment than she did. Dugu Yan was completely stunned and soon eagerly joined the training.

Han Li smiled apologetically at the soul masters assisting in the training and discreetly gave each of them a gold soul coin card before continuing with his training.

In the afternoon, after lunch and before the combat training session, Guang Ling and QAzure Luan arrived together. Behind them was a Dark Gold Bear, beaten half to death, being dragged in. It was clear that Xiuer's soul ring had arrived.

After introducing Dugu Yan to Azure Luan, the group headed to the training ground.

Dugu Yan tugged on Han Li's sleeve and whispered, "Are you going to let Xiu'er absorb a five-thousand-year soul ring as her second? Isn't that risky? I read in a book that these Dark Gold Bears have the bloodline of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear and that absorbing their soul rings is very challenging. Xiu'er is so delicate; I'm afraid she won't be able to withstand the pain. Maybe you should reconsider?"

Han Li was filled with questions after hearing her. Sister Xiuer might look delicate, but in reality, her endurance is quite strong, and she fights fiercely. Did Dugu Yan misunderstand her?

Suddenly, he remembered something. Because of the basic training they had been doing for the past couple of days, including this morning's regular practice, and considering Dugu Yan's presence, he had asked for the difficulty level to be lowered. Both he and Xiuer had easily completed the training. Could this be why Dugu Yan misunderstood?

Although Dugu Yan's voice was low, the two titled Douluos present heard her. They glanced at Xiuer in the training ground. Honestly, since Han Li always planned carefully and had his ideas, managing to keep things within a controlled range, they weren't entirely sure of his limits. But they had witnessed Xiuer's journey firsthand. In terms of determination and willpower, she was top-notch. To keep up with Han Li, she trained to her limits without compromising her potential. Dugu Yan's concern was indeed unnecessary.

However, they didn't say anything because Dugu Yan's genuine concern was unmistakable.

"Don't worry, Sister Yan. Xiuer will be fine. Her physical endurance is beyond that of the Dark Gold Bear, and in terms of willpower and tolerance, she's exceptional. Her martial soul is both offensive and defensive, and her training always targets these aspects."

"How should I put it? You haven't seen Sister Xiuer during combat training or targeted drills. Otherwise, you wouldn't worry about her willpower. Her fighting style is much more ferocious than mine."

Han Li thought about Xiuer's combat style and fell silent for a moment. There's no helping it; it's not about feeling sorry or not. The combat style of bear-type martial souls is inherently like this. He couldn't just conjure up a mage bear out of nowhere.

"Don't worry, Yan Yan, I'm very strong. No need to worry."

Xiuer heard Han Li's words and roughly understood what Dugu Yan had been saying. She gave her a sweet smile.

"Well, if you all think it's fine, then I have no problem with it."

Seeing that the two titled Douluos did not object, Dugu Yan nodded silently. She watched as Xiuer, who had already possessed her martial soul, slapped the powerless bear to death and adjusted her state to prepare for absorbing the soul ring. Han Li moved closer to Dugu Yan and gently held her hand.

"When Sister Xiuer finishes absorbing the soul ring and does the combat test, you'll understand what I mean."

Dugu Yan nodded thoughtfully and turned her gaze towards Xiuer.

The speed at which she absorbed the soul ring was quite fast. Because Xiuer's physical strength was high enough and the Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum had not yet been fully digested, with the combined help of both, Xiuer opened her eyes and stood up after just a little over an hour.

"As expected, level 25."

Guang Ling, having recently come into contact with Han Li and Dugu Yan at this stage, was quite accurate in judging the aura.

"Xiuer has truly become a genius."

Azure Luan said gently to Xiuer from the side.

"It's all thanks to Xiao Li."

Xiuer responded with a silly smile, directing her gaze towards Han Li.

"Congratulations, Sister Xiuer, the one with the highest second soul ring age among the younger generation."

Han Li walked over and hugged her lightly.

"Unfortunately, no external soul bone."

Guang Ling, having seen many external soul bones recently, felt that absorbing a soul ring without some bonus was inadequate.

"No reaction from the heart area either. It seems it's still not fully formed."

Han Li also smiled and said, "The biggest pity is the soul bone in the heart's position."

"Perhaps it's because Xiuer was too weak when she absorbed it. Additionally, she used it to activate her martial soul at that time, so it has been almost inactive for the past two years."

"Even though it has been nourished in her body and has undergone two fortifications with immortal herbs, it still hasn't fully formed and activated, which is quite regrettable."

"You have to understand that a soul bone in the heart's position is unprecedented. If it were fully activated, you wouldn't even need to consider its age or abilities. The enhancement to vitality alone would be immense."

Listening to the conversation between master and disciple, Azure Luan and Dugu Yan couldn't help but hold their foreheads in exasperation.

"Alright, Xiuer, let's test your combat strength."

"That's the good thing about being at home; it's convenient."

Unlike Han Li in the past, Xiuer could now control her sparring power, so they could directly test her combat strength.


Xiuer's expression instantly became serious.

"You, go spar with Xiuer. You're at level 35, also a Beast Martial Soul user, so don't hold back."

Guang Ling picked someone suitable among the sparring partners and signaled him to go in and give it a try.


The chosen person didn't hesitate and walked directly towards the training ground.

Dugu Yan widened her eyes in curiosity. She wanted to see what Xiuer's combat style was like.

Without much preamble, the sparring partner and Xiuer nodded to each other before immediately entering combat mode.

Their martial Soul hadn't yet possessed them when they started running towards each other. By the time they were halfway there, their martial soul had silently descended, and the distance between them was less than three meters.

The sparring partner's martial soul was a tiger, an ordinary one, following a strong attack route. Even his soul ring configuration referenced the Dai family from the Star Luo Empire.

You could say that, except for his inferior martial soul and talent, he was a replica of Dai Mubai.

His soul rings quickly lit up, with the first and third rings almost flashing simultaneously. His muscles suddenly swelled, and his hands grew larger, extending short dagger-like claws from his yellow-furred palms.

However, instead of launching a direct close-range attack after enhancing his state, he lowered his head slightly before suddenly raising it and opening his mouth. As his second soul ring flashed, a milky-white light ball swiftly shot toward the approaching Xiuer.

The next second, Dugu Yan's mouth fell open. She finally understood why the others were not worried about Xiuer's willpower.

Facing such an attack, Xiuer's expression didn't change. No, it should be said that she didn't even make a move to dodge. Her first and second soul rings lit up in succession, and then she simply slapped the light ball flying toward her away.

Not even pausing after the slap, she seemed unfazed by any pain as she charged straight at her sparring partner, engaging in a direct brawl and exchanging punches blow for blow.

She dodged what she could and took head-on what she couldn't, managing, within five strikes, to break through the sparring partner's protective shield by sheer force. Not only that, she even sent him flying with a palm strike.

Then, she chased after him to deliver another palm strike, ensuring he was temporarily incapacitated before turning back to the others with a sweet smile.

Watching Xiuer, who moments ago had a blank expression as she shattered the shield and sent a soul master twice her size flying, then turned around to give them an unblemished smile, Dugu Yan couldn't help but feel her heart squeezed. She even experienced a brief sensation of breathlessness and involuntarily swallowed hard.