[DD]: 73

"Don't let me find out who's spreading gossip about me, or I won't forgive them," Han Li said, staring intently at Xue Qinghe.

"You don't suspect it's me, do you?"

Xue Qinghe blinked and pointed at himself.

"No, but you need to watch your actions. Xue Qinghe wouldn't do something like that in public," Han Li replied with a fake smile, reminding him calmly.

Being too familiar with someone isn't always a good thing. It's too easy to make subconscious gestures, especially when she's not wary of this person, Qian Renxue thought inwardly, resuming the elegant disguise of Xue Qinghe.

"You'd better not make any big moves recently. You've just shown up, and too many people are watching you," Qian Renxue warned, clearly implying she believed Han Li would target Ye Lingling.

"Don't worry, I won't cause any trouble. I'll be leaving soon. But afterward, keep an eye on the Ye family. Just normal attention will do; we don't want Ning Fengzhi to notice anything," Han Li said after a moment's thought.

"So, you are targeting Ye Lingling," Qian Renxue said with a look of "I knew it" on her face.

"We'll talk more about it tomorrow. It's not the right time to discuss this now. We should catch up with the others, Your Highness," Han Li said, pointing to the few people already waving at them from the street corner.

"Are those three coming tomorrow too?"

Qian Renxue quickened her pace and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, you might as well see their abilities firsthand," Han Li hinted.

"Sure, I'd like to see how well you've trained your people," Qian Renxue replied firmly; she had never seen herself as inferior to anyone.

After wandering for nearly an hour, the appearance of Xue Qinghe dampened the mood and altered the itinerary somewhat, and they soon dispersed.

Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling said their goodbyes, mentioning they had something to do the next day and would meet up afterward. They then followed Han Li back to the Spirit Hall.

The night passed without incident.

Early the next morning, they changed into travel-appropriate clothing and, accompanied by Dugu Bo, headed to the agreed location to meet Xue Qinghe.

Then, they realized that in terms of grandeur, the Spirit Hall indeed couldn't compare to the Empire. Fortunately, they had publicly recognized Title Douluo accompanying them, so they didn't lose face.

Under the protection of over a hundred soul masters, they made their way to Xue Qinghe's estate outside the city.

Han Li had already given his obedient son strict orders to closely monitor everything around them.

Along the way, Dugu Bo went out a few times and quickly returned. There was no reaction from Qian Renxue's side either, as Han Li had already informed her using his soul bone skill.

It was just past ten when they arrived at the estate. After arranging the guards on the outskirts, they proceeded deeper inside.

As they walked, Dugu Bo's expression grew serious. He abruptly shielded the group behind him, activating his martial soul and facing forward as if confronting a formidable enemy.

"Alright, Grandpa, put away your martial soul. They're all our people," Han Li said after confirming the situation in his mind, stopping Dugu Bo.

"Alright, it's time you showed me your true form. Rest assured, everyone here has sworn a Spirit Hall oath, and I've confirmed that there are no other people around," Han Li said, looking at Xue Qinghe with a mischievous smile.

"Indeed, it's time for a proper introduction. Elders, please come out as well," Xue Qinghe spoke to the rear.

At the same time, a golden light shimmered around her. As the light faded, a stunning woman in a golden court dress with long, flowing golden hair appeared where Xue Qinghe had stood.

Han Li focused his gaze and saw that Qian Renxue appeared to be in her early twenties. Her skin was as fair as snow, her nose was straight, and her phoenix eyes, though slightly slender, added to her imposing beauty.

Hmm, not bad. No wonder she's one of the most popular goddesses. Even without considering her looks, her aura alone outshines most beauties, he thought.

"So, how do I look?"

Qian Renxue asked Han Li generously.

"Among the people I've met, you rank in the top three. Your grace is even more than I imagined," Han Li replied, not holding back his praise.

Qian Renxue smiled and extended her hand to him.

"Let's reintroduce ourselves. Qian Renxue."

Han Li also extended his hand, gently shook hers, and then released it. "Han Li."

At that moment, the Snake Lance Douluo and the Porcupine Douluo appeared behind Qian Renxue, while the expressions of the people around Han Li were filled with disbelief.

Right before their eyes, Xue Qinghe had transformed into a stunning woman, and most importantly, she claimed her name was Qian Renxue.

In recent years, they had been living in Wuhun City and were affiliated with the Worship Hall. They had somewhat interacted with the Grand Worship, and, for some unknown reason, it seemed that the Grand Worship was particularly interested in them.

Qian—this was the surname of the Grand Worship of Spirit Hall, as well as the surname of the previous Pope before Bibi Dong. It was a lineage of angels.

She—or rather, it should be said that the beloved Crown Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire had been her disguise all along.

What exactly was Spirit Hall planning? Strictly speaking, they were all originally from the Heaven Dou Empire, though they had no previous knowledge of this, let alone any sense of belonging.

But this was one of the most powerful forces on the continent.

Wait, it seemed that they were already part of Spirit Hall, so it didn't matter.

The Heaven Dou Empire was truly pitiful; their future successor had been swapped out, and they were completely oblivious. Similar thoughts rose in the minds of everyone present.

"Should we call you, Your Highness?"

Seeing that the people behind him were still in shock, Han Li glanced at Qian Renxue and tried to lighten the mood.

"No need, just call me by my name. Otherwise, according to Grandpa Guang Ling, I would have to call you Little Martial Uncle."

Qian Renxue replied casually.

Their conversation finally brought Han Li's companions back to their senses. Although Qian Renxue had said there was no need to call her Your Highness, they still saluted and addressed her as Your Highness"

"Alright, let's head inside and let everyone get acquainted."

Han Li suggested, walking towards the main hall.

"That's fine."

Qian Renxue didn't refuse and chose to walk alongside him.

The others followed behind, silently digesting the bombshell news.

"By the way, what is your current strength?"

Qian Renxue turned her head to look at Han Li.

In the letter from Qian Daoliu, it was briefly mentioned that the girls around him had all reached the Soul King level, but it didn't reveal Han Li's strength.

"I'm just a humble Soul King at level fifty-nine."

Han Li didn't hide it; they were about to spar soon, so it would come out anyway.

"That weak?"

Qian Renxue asked instinctively; she had expected him to be stronger.

Han Li paused slightly and looked at her helplessly.

"Big sister, have you forgotten that I'm only twelve, not twenty? Although my improvement over the past few years has indeed been a bit slow, you can't exactly call it weak, can you?"

"Maybe I'll reach Title Douluo before you."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Qian Renxue shook her head confidently. Her set of soul bones was only partially absorbed—she still had five pieces to go.

Not to mention anything else, just those five 99,999-year-old soul bones, although not being absorbed for the first time, were perfectly compatible with her martial soul and would increase her soul power by at least ten levels.

And that's the normal scenario; in reality, it would be much higher. Han Li becoming a Title Douluo before her was simply unrealistic.

"Believe it or not, I'm much stronger than you were at my age."

Han Li shook his head and looked at Qian Renxue, who seemed a bit aggrieved by his words.

"What level are you now?"

The effect of the angelic soul bone set was indeed impressive. Even with his mental strength, it was hard to pinpoint her exact level; he could only sense a vague outline.

And with his people, there was no need to pry, basic courtesy was still necessary.

"Level 74."

Qian Renxue tilted her head slightly as if to show Han Li that she hadn't neglected her cultivation.

"Oh, not bad. It seems you haven't completely slacked off in your cultivation."

Han Li replied casually.

His presence had made some difference, at least advancing Qian Renxue to Soul Sage eight years earlier than expected.

Seeing his indifferent reaction and the equally lackluster responses from the people behind him, Qian Renxue felt a bit frustrated.

Han Li glanced at her and guessed her thoughts.

"When I said you should have come later after more training, I wasn't just making it up."

"Look at them—Dugu Yan, eighteen years old, not yet nineteen, level fifty-nine. Shui Bing'er, thirteen years old, level fifty-three. Sister Xiu'er, fifteen years old, level fifty-nine."

"Let's not talk about Bing'er. You know very well what Sister Yan and Sister Xiu'er have been through. Their starting points were much lower, and you know how long they've been cultivating."

Qian Renxue felt a wave of annoyance. How did it seem like everyone could catch up to her?

She knew that Han Li had deliberately overlooked the role of the immortal herbs and the accelerated cultivation method derived from the martial soul fusion technique that her grandfather had mentioned.

But she had also consumed an immortal herb herself, so that wasn't a valid excuse. She couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.

No, it seemed that what Han Li had suggested earlier needed to be implemented as soon as possible. Even if it aroused suspicion, she had to speed up the process.

Even in the worst-case scenario, her cultivation progress would be well ensured.

She also needed to find time to return to Wuhun City to absorb the soul bones. She was not willing to be surpassed by her peers.

Han Li was an exception; she could console herself with that. But if she were overtaken by the people around him, that would be unacceptable.

The desired effect had been achieved. After a sparring session, Qian Daoliu's task would be completed.

Han Li observed Qian Renxue's reaction and silently gave himself a thumbs up.

"Let's go directly to the training ground. We can spar first and get acquainted later."

Qian Renxue suddenly stopped walking and turned to Han Li.

Was she provoked?

Was the little angel ready to transform into Piltover's Enforcer? Punch first, and ask questions during the fight?

However, this suited Han Li's intentions perfectly. He immediately nodded without hesitation, abandoning the idea of entering the main hall and redirecting towards the training ground.

The people following behind exchanged glances and followed suit. The three titled elders gathered to decide who would stay on the perimeter.

In the end, the Porcupinefish Douluo reluctantly glanced at the Snake Lance Douluo and Dugu Bo before heading to the outskirts. He had no choice; Dugu Bo was accompanying the Holy Son, and he lost to the Snake Lance Douluo in a game of rock-paper-scissors.

In the training ground, Qian Renxue and Han Li stood facing each other.

"No need for introductions, let's start directly. Do you need me to give you some preparation time? After all, the space is limited, and you're a ranged attacker. I, Qian Renxue, won't take advantage of you."

Qian Renxue stood proudly and said directly to Han Li.

"Did you forget? My martial soul can also engage in close combat. If I were to use ranged attacks, you might lose even faster."

As the light flickered, the Ice and Fire Dragon God Blade appeared in Han Li's hand.

Unlike before, this time he aimed for an overwhelming display. Han Li almost maxed out the special effects.

Black, purple, black, black, black—five extremely unusual soul rings appeared above Han Li's head.

The two dragon blades, adorned with dragon designs, transformed into two dragon shadows—one milky white, the other crimson—circling Han Li. They seemed sentient, exuding intense dragon might and a fierce aura, clawing toward Qian Renxue.

"Do you think your martial soul can suppress me?"

A trace of arrogance flashed across Qian Renxue's face. Golden light instantly enveloped her entire body, and a six-winged golden angel appeared behind her.

Two pairs of white wings emerged and spread from her back. Her body seemed to defy gravity, floating gently a foot above the ground.

Two yellow, two purple and three black spirit rings appeared above her head. Although they lacked the intimidating presence of Han Li's soul rings, the grandeur of her martial soul and the emotionless golden eyes created an impressive display.

For a moment, the entire training ground was bathed in radiant gold and faint red, each vying for dominance, neither willing to concede in terms of aura.

Qian Renxue, with her full aura unleashed, quickly realized that despite her best efforts, Han Li across from her did not seem to feel the pressure from her superior martial soul. Instead, he became even more active.

A flicker of surprise crossed her eyes, but she knew this was not the time to ask questions.

With a flash of her black fifth soul ring, a longsword materialized in her hand, surrounded by a layer of holy energy along with rising flames.

She glanced at Han Li.

"Since you choose not to attack first, I'll initiate the attack."

"Angel Wings."

As her words rang out, the sword in her right hand was raised high, as if responding to something.

In an instant, fifteen small golden swords formed around her, converging into a large golden sword that slashed toward Han Li with her swing.

And this was only her first move. As the golden sword was unleashed, her sixth soul ring flashed again.

"Angel Roar."

The angelic shadow behind her brightened slightly, lifting its head and opening its eyes. A golden ripple, faster than the golden sword, shot towards Han Li first.

"Nice attack coordination. Unfortunately, it's useless against me."

A smile appeared on Han Li's face. Completely ignoring Qian Renxue's mental attack, he spread the wings on his back and charged straight at her giant golden sword.

"Not even using your Angel Domain? You are underestimating me!"