[DD]: 75

And what about Han Li?

He is now also falling towards the ground.

He is a bit regretful now; he might have overdone it. He shouldn't have had the sudden idea to detonate the Holy Sword.

How good would it have been to just slash Qian Renxue to pieces directly? At the very least, someone could have shared the force. This force, which he had stacked eighty or ninety times, was not easy to unload.

Thus, in the eyes of the spectators below, a strange scene unfolded.

In the dazzling exchange of attacks between the two, Han Li made a sound, and Qian Renxue's Holy Sword exploded directly, severely injuring her. An angel encased in a golden disc fell towards the ground.

But Han Li, who should have been the victor, was falling to the ground even faster than the falling Qian Renxue.

He was glowing with red and white light, two differently colored divine dragons roaring on his dual blades, charging toward the ground at an even greater speed.

Two sharp blade auras silently embedded into the ground, causing the soil to seemingly vanish into thin air, leaving two ten-meter-long and half-meter-wide cracks.

Qian Renxue also crashed heavily onto the ground, the recoil force causing her to spit out a mouthful of blood.

She couldn't even bother to care about this, just turning her head to look in Han Li's direction, a confused look in her eyes.

Han Li also took a deep breath, and the Ice and Fire Dragon God Blades disappeared from his hands.

He straightened up and cast his gaze towards the prone Qian Renxue.

"Miss Angel, are you awake now?"

As his words fell, the ground near the training field suddenly trembled.

From the two blade marks he had left on the ground came a gurgling sound.

As the sound grew louder, two fountains sprang up from the cracks, shooting high into the air and then sprinkling down like raindrops over the entire training field. In the sunlight, a beautiful rainbow appeared.

Qian Renxue turned her head back to the sky, letting the water droplets fall on her face.

Soon, the water droplets soaked her hair and clothes, and she saw the rising rainbow.

Half an hour later, in the hall.

Several people looked at Qian Renxue, who had changed into a new set of clothes, with different expressions on their faces.

Han Li, however, remained the same as before and even smiled at her.

Qian Renxue glanced at him and exhaled, "I lost, but next time, I will win."

Hearing her words, the rest of the people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The Qian Renxue from just now was not quite right; now she had finally returned to normal.

"Two elders, go check how the courtyard repairs are going."

Qian Renxue sat down again, then turned to look at Snake Lance Douluo and Porcupinefish Douluo behind her, and spoke.

The two titled Douluos were stunned for a moment, then immediately understood. This meant she was letting them go first.

Han Li's companions also exchanged glances and stood up simultaneously: "We'll go too."

Han Li nodded and didn't stop them. It seemed Qian Renxue wanted to have a private conversation with him.

Once everyone had left, the atmosphere in the hall became stiflingly quiet again.

Qian Renxue just stared at Han Li, not saying a word.

"Are you trying to stare me to death?"

After being stared at for a while, Han Li felt a bit uncomfortable and spoke up.

Qian Renxue suddenly chuckled, then shook her head and regained the aura she had when she first revealed her true form.

"Looks like you're not completely unperturbed."

"A bit, but not much. Mainly because being stared at like that would make anyone uncomfortable, especially since my mental strength is strong, making me more sensitive," Han Li explained.

"I understand what my grandfather meant, but I didn't expect to be defeated so easily, especially by someone younger than me."

Qian Renxue's words carried a hint of unwillingness, but there was no resentment.

"Yeah, just don't keep thinking about me all the time. I'll tell you in advance that the techniques I used were specifically requested by my master. If you come looking for trouble later, I won't acknowledge it," Han Li quickly tried to avoid taking the blame.

"Got it, I'm not that petty. But sparring with you is frustrating."

As Qian Renxue spoke, she couldn't help but glare at him again.

"That's why I don't like fighting with you guys. There's no benefit in winning, and if I lose—oh, sorry, I seem to have won both times."

Han Li spread his hands, wearing an expression of loneliness.

Qian Renxue, already familiar with his personality, didn't get angry at his words. Instead, she looked at him curiously:

"As far as I know, there are very few people who can still use the Disorder Splitting Wind Hammer Technique. The Blacksmith Association only has incomplete records with theories, but no one can fully execute it."

"Those who can use it are mostly in the Clear Sky Clan, and they wouldn't teach you. I haven't heard of you having any foundation with those blacksmiths. How did you learn it?"

My son taught me. Even though it's just theory, there's Tang San, who practices blacksmithing every day. Although the son's mostly asleep, he occasionally monitors Tang San, making it easy to learn by imitating. Unfortunately, I can't see the soul power routes.

And Feng Xiaotian is also practicing hard, serving as a reference. It wasn't difficult at all.

Han Li kept answering in his mind, but his expression remained serious.

"Of course, it's because I'm a genius. The effects of whale glue, the principles of soul fusion techniques—aren't these all my research? Learning a method to use force against force is no big deal."

Qian Renxue nodded subconsciously at his serious expression. It seemed quite reasonable.

"Does it have a name?"

Qian Renxue seemed very interested. She had noticed during the fight that she could learn this technique too.

"Yes, I call it 'Gale Termination Slash.' What do you think?"

Han Li's expression was somewhat strange, and as he spoke, his eyes unconsciously glanced upward, as if searching for something.

"Like a gale, making the enemy suffocate. It fits well with the previous performance. It's a fitting name."

"Can I learn it? What price do I need to pay?"

She hesitated for a moment before asking.

She wanted to learn it, and once she mastered it, she could challenge the people from the Clear Sky Clan. That scene would be quite interesting.

"Learn it? Sure. As for the price..."

Han Li produced a booklet he had prepared in advance and looked at Qian Renxue.

"A soul bone. You can choose one that suits you since I have many people who need them. But you can't take the specific ones I've already requested."

Han Li tossed the booklet to Qian Renxue, adding his conditions.

"Don't worry, I won't snatch your soul;s bones. When I, Qian Renxue, give my word, I keep it. If necessary, I'll personally get a soul bone for you."

Qian Renxue casually flipped through the booklet before storing it in her space.


Han Li didn't think she would go back on her word. Qian Renxue's integrity was reliable.

And even if she didn't give him one, he would accept it. After all, he had already gained a lot of their ancestral faith power, so it balanced out.

"By the way, when did you acquire a domain? It seems somewhat similar to those of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo. You're not going to tell me domains can be learned directly, are you?"

Qian Renxue looked at him with a skeptical expression. This was the main reason she wanted to talk to him.

Hearing Qian Renxue's question, Han Li chuckled. He turned his head to look at her.

"If domains were that easy to learn, it would be great. Besides, given the current relationship between the Worship Hall and the Pope's Hall, do you think those two titled Douluos would teach me?"

Qian Renxue thought for a moment and shook her head.

"I could comprehend a domain because of my unparalleled insight, combined with extraordinary wisdom and exceptional talent," Han Li half-jokingly replied, silently adding in his mind the support of the plane's consciousness.

Then he saw Qian Renxue nodding.

Well, it seemed no further explanation was needed.

In these few years at the Spirit Hall, he hadn't done much, but every single thing he did was enough to shake the continent, so naturally, people believed him.

"Can you explain your method of creating a small-area domain?"

Qian Renxue asked somewhat embarrassedly, then quickly added, "Of course, I'm willing to pay a price. How about another soul bone?"

"And just like with your Gale Termination Slash, I won't tell anyone else, I swear by the Angel God's name."

Seeing the little angel offering itself up for harvest, Han Li had no objections and nodded.

He wasn't a particularly generous person, but some things he had always intended to share with his close ones. Now that Qian Renxue was offering more, Han Li naturally wouldn't refuse.

Soon, he taught Qian Renxue the little trick involved.

In essence, these are just small techniques for applying mental power and soul power, but even so, Qian Renxue listened with great interest.

This made Han Li sigh inwardly. Douluo Continent is still too primitive. The limitations of cultivation rules combined with the superiority of martial soul quality cause the top-tier individuals to lose their initiative.

As for those at the bottom, even if someone researches and succeeds, it's hard to stand out because techniques are only useful among peers.

Here, working hard to study techniques is not as practical as having one more soul ring.

When Qian Renxue finished absorbing the knowledge and did a simple test, although she couldn't yet cover her entire body like Han Li, it was much better than the previous situation where activating the domain turned her into a big LED light bulb.

Seeing her so enthusiastic, Han Li reminded her again, "For now, improving soul power is the most important. Don't put too much effort into this."

Qian Renxue smiled at his words and retracted her domain.

"Don't worry, I know. At least in terms of soul power levels, you won't catch up to me easily."

Han Li nodded. As long as she understood.

"Alright, let's go out now. Didn't you say you wanted to see the strength of those three?"

Qian Renxue looked at Han Li. After fighting him, she was also curious about the three women.

"Then let's go. I'll show you what real soul master training is."

Han Li smiled. He was quite confident in his three women.


There wasn't much to elaborate on about the battle process.

With superior martial soul and soul power, Qian Renxue found the three women somewhat tricky to deal with but still won easily.

However, her view of the three women changed. They were so strong that they didn't seem like normal Soul Kings; even Soul Emperors would be easy prey for them.

She began to see them as top-tier talents rather than just Han Li's companions.

Especially Xiuer, whose unexpected combat style and a claw that almost dispersed all her soul power left a deep impression on her.

She was certain that if Xiuer grew, even Grandpa Golden Crocodile would be completely suppressed by her.

Then there was Dugu Yan, whose flame ability was no weaker than her own, and Shui Binger, who could suppress her flames with ice.

Each had their combat strategies, with self-created soul skills beyond their soul rings. Anyone below Soul Sage would only face defeat against them.

Qian Renxue was astounded. The people around Han Li, if they grew, would at least be at the level of Hall Elders, or even stronger.

His ability to collect and train talent was stronger than the entire Spirit Hall.

As for the Spirit Hall, she directly overlooked Hu Liena and her two companions, who no longer had the chance to become the Golden Generation. The Spirit Hall didn't lack ordinary titled strength.

Even with their martial fusion skills, Hu Liena and her brother Xie Yue were at most at the level of Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, and their martial fusion skills weren't as strong as those two.

So, Han Li would be the first person she would conquer after the Heaven Dou Empire.

Han Li, unaware of Qian Renxue's grand ambitions, was still very satisfied with the performance of his women.

Even against Qian Renxue, the three did not crumble at the first touch. Instead, each showcased their respective strengths and responded reasonably well. Their combat training had not been in vain.

Xiuer's explosive steps and Close Combat techniques, Dugu Yan's flame control and strong close combat abilities, and Shui Binger's ice element control with its crowd control capabilities were enough to handle the upcoming journey.

In the following days, they were warmly hosted by Qian Renxue, which gave them a glimpse of royal luxury.

As their time drew to a close, Han Li formally bid farewell to Qian Renxue.

"Leaving so soon?"

Qian Renxue seemed a bit dazed.

Over the past few days, although she mostly interacted with Han Li as Xue Qinghe, it did improve her mood considerably. She even started to enjoy the feeling of having friends.

"All good things must come to an end. A temporary farewell is for a better reunion next time."

Han Li guessed her thoughts and offered a comforting saying.

"That makes sense. I was overthinking."

Qian Renxue repeated his words, then cheered up, picked up a cup from the table, and raised it in the center: "To a better future, cheers."

Her enthusiasm spread to the others, and they all raised their cups and drank with laughter.

Of course, the cups were filled with Han Li's special fruit juice, as he didn't drink alcohol.

The journey back was uneventful since any ill-intentioned people had already been dealt with thoroughly.

"Until next time, don't forget what I told you."

As they parted, Han Li sent a voice transmission to Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue, now back in her Xue Qinghe disguise, nodded and parted ways with him courteously.

The Ye family, who would have thought there were such interesting tales about them. Well, it's best not to get involved for now.

In the future, perhaps she could use her status as the Crown Prince to directly ally with the Ye family.

Considering Ye Lingling as a candidate for a concubine was also an option, though she wasn't sure if Han Li would accept it.

Never mind, it's best not to act hastily. She had just gained a friend and didn't want to lose one so quickly.

On the other side, Han Li and his group returned directly to the Spirit Hall.

"Are we leaving tomorrow?"

Dugu Yan looked at Han Li and asked.

"The day after tomorrow. Go say goodbye to Ye Lingling later. For now, it's not suitable for us to contact her directly. But you can give her a hint, provided she swears by her martial soul. Within three years, we'll solve her martial soul problem."

Han Li thought for a moment and decided to relax the restrictions a bit considering Ye Lingling's situation.

"Okay, no problem. I knew you were the best, Xiao Li." Dugu Yan smiled happily and kissed him.

"The day after tomorrow morning, we'll disguise ourselves slightly and switch to another carriage."

Speaking of this, Han Li looked at Dugu Bo.

"Grandfather, please continue driving this carriage towards Wuhun City. As for the spy, kill him directly."

"We'll be waiting for you at the villa twenty kilometers outside of Heaven Dou City. We need to disappear for a while."

"Alright, leave it to me."

Dugu Bo didn't ask what Han Li planned to do next and agreed immediately.

On the third morning, just like when they arrived, Dugu Bo drove the carriage out of the city gate under everyone's watchful eyes, heading towards Wuhun City.

"The Holy Son of the Spirit Hall has left, taking the friendship with Heaven Dou back to Wuhun City."

"Yes, we probably won't see Lord Dugu again anytime soon."

"Who says otherwise? But he accepted several invitations from His Highness the Crown Prince, and it's said they had delightful conversations."

"Yes, I heard that too. By the way, how much is this dish?"


Amid the chatter of passersby, the matter of the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall gradually faded from their minds as they turned their attention to the trivialities of daily life. These big figures were still too far removed from them.

What they didn't know was that as they spoke, the Holy Son of the Spirit Hall, who had already left, passed by again in another luxurious carriage in the center of the street.

"Xiao Li, where are we going next?"

Dugu Yan, as always, was the first to speak. After a tour around Heaven Dou City, she was even more excited about the upcoming journey.

"Let's go back to Nuoding City first. It's been a long time since we were there."

Han Li stretched and looked at Xiuer. After all, that was where they first lived.

A trace of joy flashed across Xiuer's face. She indeed wanted to go back and take a look.

Han Li didn't mention that he also planned to take her back to their previous village, even though it was now desolate.

Since being rescued years ago, Xiuer had never dared to approach her old village. Even when paying respects to her parents, she only went to their graves.

Now, she was no longer the weak girl she once was. It was time for her to overcome this so-called psychological shadow; otherwise, she might never be able to move past it.

If he could, he would rather protect Xiuer and let her live a happy life. But now, that was impossible.

Whether actively or passively, he had been pushed onto a path he had to follow. Even though he still had a fallback, he wanted to grasp control as much as possible.