Part 24: Underground Jail

As I struggled to orient myself in the dim light of the underground jail, a throbbing ache pulsed through my head, a cruel reminder of the chaos that had engulfed us mere moments ago. Slowly, I rose from the cold, hard bed, my senses sharpening as I took stock of my surroundings.

The sight that greeted me was a grim one indeed. Rows upon rows of jail cells stretched out before me, each one a testament to the captivity that now held us prisoner. I called out, my voice echoing through the cavernous chamber, but there was no response, no sign that anyone else shared in my plight.

But then, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of a familiar figure approaching my cell. Relief flooded through me as I recognized Doctor Will, his presence a welcome sight in the midst of our dire circumstances.