Part 76: Emily and Mother Miranda Together

We finally reached the crow headquarters, the tense journey behind us. Captain Lee, ever the leader, quickly addressed Mother Miranda. “Emily should stay with Doc Will and Doc Marcus,” he instructed. We used the wireless set to call for Doc Will, and soon, figures emerged from the shadows. As Mother Miranda approached Emily, she enveloped her in a tight hug, tears welling up in her eyes.

“My child, you’ve grown so much,” Mother Miranda said, her voice thick with emotion. She pulled back slightly to look at Emily’s face. “Do you know who I am?”

“You are my mother,” Emily replied softly, her eyes glistening with recognition.

“When you were very little, just two years old, you had to leave us,” Mother Miranda explained, her voice wavering with the weight of years lost. “But we never forgot you. I’ve always kept your picture with me at home. I promise I’ll show it to you.” She hugged Emily again, holding on as if to make up for lost time.