Tangled Webs of Misunderstanding

Amidst the joyous gatherings at the hotel, Nil found himself immersed in laughter and feasts with his friends. However, an unrelenting shadow of discontent lingered within him, fueled by the relentless presence of Kao in his thoughts. Despite the passage of seven days, a mutual longing to connect tugged at their hearts, yet a web of misunderstanding ensnared their attempts to bridge the gap.

In fleeting encounters occurring twice within the week, their eyes briefly locked, only to be swiftly diverted as an unspoken tension loomed between them.

On the solitude of his room's balcony, Kao, captivated by the glint of Nil's bracelet, uttered his musings through the delicate artistry of poetry,

***Gift of Deception

Inquiry whispered to the air, craving communion,

Share mine, I implored.

Yet, the wind, in response, carried forth a mere sigh.

Loneliness, my confidant, I beseeched,

Share mine, I pleaded.

Yet, instead, it granted me the echo

Of my heart's solitary voice.