In a swamp, surrounded by small pools of water, with medium to tall trees, and some short trees, all in dark green and slightly dark colors, some of which had a dark blue hue.
A thin mist covered the environment.
Crossing this swamp was a slightly ghostly horse that seemed to float above the ground and water, and on it, a young man with silver-blond hair and silver-blue eyes, with unprecedented beauty, only with a light hood covering his face and a light sword at his waist.
Additionally, a wine-red cat with almost grayish-white tones was curled around his neck, and in his hands, he held a strong bright red puppy with a white hue near the sunlight and small wings.
He looked ahead, and a green light coming from his collar, visible only to him, was showing the directions, pointing to what seemed like a wall with nothing.
With grass, moss, and vines covering the entrance.
I looked ahead at the path the collar pointed me to.