Chapter 1

Iris couldn't believe her luck when Jake approached get at the start of school last year and asked to get back together. He apologized profusely for breaking her heart and promised that he had changed. 'Please Iris take me back' he begged her on his knees in front of the whole school. She felt embarrassed because of his behavior. 'How do you expect me to believe that?' she asked He looked up at her with tears in his eyes and asked 'What do you want me to do Iris? I will do everything.....Please take me back...i beg you' he took her hand and started to cry and kiss her hand hoping it would work but she wasn't buying it. She pulled her hand away from his hand and started walking inside the school. everyone was staring at her and they all began to whisper. 'how can someone be this heartless?' asked a student to their friend. 'she has no heart.....poor Jake....' more and more people began to hate Iris for not talking Jake back. Luckily her best friend Christall was their to support her. Christall is her support. Her shield from all the hate. The one and only best friend. They shared everything and always supported each other. When she needed help or advice, they were there to give it to her. They have been friends ever since they went to public schools together. Christall knew everything about Iris, but one big secret.....Iris can't tell it yet to her....She just can't. If the truth came out, she may lose everything she has left, and that's the last thing Iris can I tell my best friend im a big furry werewolf?

The bell rang and students started heading towards their classes while Iris stayed standing outside the class and just stared around the room. Waiting for the teacher to arrive. It had been almost 20 minutes now and she was bored and confused. She didn't understand why the teacher was late, even though every second counts right? Iris got worried but pushed the thought away she could worry later, she needs to focus on learning. That's what matters right now, she already passed most of her classes, and after all the hard work, she deserves a break....right? But how can she know, until she finds out the answer itself? She sighed and sat down as the bell chimed again signaling the end of class. Everyone packed up their things and headed for their next lesson. She is looking for her best friend. They always have this biology together. Finally, Christall arrived and sat next to her. 'Hi Iris, sorry I'm late' she said with a small smile on her face. 'It's fine, but why are you late?' Iris asked with concern in her voice.

'Oh well, I forgot my homework so Mr. Kale decided he could punish me by making me run laps around the campus'. 'What? did he really make you do that?' iris asked shocked "well nothing really, just some running. And we both know i needed the exercise'' She laughed slightly. Iris giggled along with her.

After the bell chimed, they headed to their first class together. Today it was Chemistry with Mr.Kale. They didn't have a very good chemistry with the teacher in the college. After their science class, Mr. Kale came in and told the whole class to turn on the lab table. The whole class began to work putting the ingredients and setting the Bunsen burner on high heat. 'Today i am going to let you see how it works' he said and proceeded to light the gas under the Bunsen burner. Once it ignited he added a small amount of sodium bicarbonate. 'You all have 15 minutes. Use the time wisely.' And before anyone could say anything he had left the classroom. Iris was sitting on the other side of the lab bench and Christall sat beside her. Soon everyone turned off the burner and placed their tools carefully into their drawers. Iris stood up and stretched and went to the door. Christall followed behind her and they walked towards the cafeteria. While they waited in line for lunch Iris spoke to her best friend. 'Hey, how is your mom?' she asked as the line moved slowly. Christall shrugged. 'Same old same old.'' answered christall ''You don't sound happy'' said Iris Christall chuckled slightly Well my dad isn't home much anymore and mom getting stressed again because she is starting to think I should move out. But she wouldn't listen to me... she thinks it is better for us to stay here.'' Iris nodded. ''So I am just trying to put off telling her.'' she paused. `So what did you bring us today?' Iris asked. 'Well we have salad and bread sticks... and some potato chips too'' Christall answered picking a seat with Iris. The three mean girls made their way to their favorite table and placed their food on to the table. Iris was sitting across from her best friend. The mean girls started to whisper. Iris ignored them but looked over at Christall who was glaring at them. She was angry that they were still whispering behind her back. Iris smiled slightly. She had never seen her best friend this mad before. Suddenly Jake went up to the three mean girls and sat down with them. "so what are you girls up to?" he asked the mean girls. They get giggly and giggled. Jake was smirking. He was obviously enjoying this. he whispered something to them. They nodded and giggled even more. Then Jake turned around and gave Iris a look of pure lust. Iris frowned. She knows what he is thinking. She stands up and puts her tray of food on the counter near the sink to clean it later. Iris heads toward the exit."Where are you going Iris?" asked Jake "None of your business cheater." Iris answered before walking out of the cafeteria. The hallways were empty but Iris still couldn't shake off the feeling that Jake was following her. She continued walking aimlessly down the hallway until she reached the bathroom. There was nobody inside and Iris locked the door. She sighed in relief and leaned against the wall. Just then she heard a voice from the other side of the door. 'Who's there?' It sounded like her best friend. ''It's me, Christall. Open the door.'' Christall said softly. ''Is this a trap?'' she asked her best friend. ''No, I swear it's just me,'' replied Christall. Iris unlocked the lock and opened the door and Christall entered the bathroom. She closed it and locked the door. 'What's wrong?' asked Christall. 'Im scared. Jake is after me, again. I think he wants to hurt me this time.'' Iris replied tears threatening to fall again."Shh shhh, It's okay now'' She said soothingly as Iris hugged her. ''what am i supposed to do? Move to another country??'' Asked Iris with tears in her eyes. ''No Iris....don't leave because of a boy..''