13 Chapter


After a few minutes of silence he said. 'Why are you blushing?' He asked me. 'I was not.' I told him. 'Yes you were!' He replied laughing. 'Okay fine I am.' I admitted looking at my lap embarrassedly. 'You want to hug me?' he asked me looking at me questioningly. 'Yeah' I nodded shyly blushing hard. He wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head on his chest and nuzzled my face on his chest. And i held onto his shirt and inhaled his scent. I never knew how much this smell could relax a person or make them happy. It smelled like his cologne. But that's not even the best part of the scent. I can feel his heart beating in his chest. He's alive.....I'm alive...we're alive....we made it.. I hugged him tighter and I couldn't stop smiling. A few more moments passed. Iris finaly came back and sat down next to Kale. He moved me aside and hugged Iris. She giggled and melted into his arms. I really got jealous.