21 Chapter

After looking around 2 hours I closed the laptop not finding anything yet. I started crying again. My life is over. No one will want to live near me after what happened and now i don't know how to move on. I heard someone knocking on the door. I stood up and answered the door. It was Kale standing there. I slamed the door in his face and locked the door. He is still knocking on my door, i have decided to put my headphones on and played a playlist so i wont hear him knocking. After a few knocks on the door my mood lightens up a bit as i start to cry again. He starts talking. 'Let me in'. i ignored him and listened to the music instead. He keeps on knocking on the door. I kept listening to the music not answering his calls. 'Just open up already!' He shouted. I ignored him and continued to listen to the music. After about 45 minutes he gives up and leaves. I went back on my bed and layed down thinking about tomorrow.