32 Chapter

Why? I know for sure that that crazy woman will come back.' She added. 'But where would we go?' I asked her. 'How about the old pack house? It wil take some time to rebuild it but we can go there.' She added. Everyone looked at eachother then at me again. 'Okay then let's go there.' I said standing up and putting my plate aside. We cleaned everything up and put our plates and dishes in the dishwasher. 'When do you all wanna move? Iris asked. 'As soon as possible.' Said Mark. The rest agreed with him.They all left and started to pack. I saw Iris helping well.... more like trying but they didn´t let her because she is pregnant. I chuckled and continued to pack. She gave up and sat down on the couch. Mark turned tv on for her to keep her distracted while we packed the house. We have decided not to take much of the furniture to the old pack house, otherwise it would take us even longer than it needs to be.