
"And cut!" echoed in a room ablaze with lights, casting a vibrant glow on the green screen behind the acting duo.

"That's a wrap," he declared, effortlessly leaping from his director's chair with a grin that hinted at a secret skill rumored to be the result of ballet classes.

"Ryan, genius move. Amanda, goddess alert!" His arms moved in animated praise; the multicolored spiky hair and ringed ears, an open secret that he batted for the other team.

"Phew," he sighed dramatically as if the emotional rollercoaster had threatened his mascara. "Jessi! Makeup, STAT." He briskly walked away, leaving an air of theatricality in his wake.

Footsteps behind made everyone turn to his secretary running with the makeup artist. The director’s hands hung out, he was in his moment.

Ryan Barnes moved from the set to sit comfortably in his actor chair, wearing a smug smirk, and drinking up his director's praises.

Unaccustomed to anything but compliments, he licked his pink lips in pride, checking his captivating, eye-lined eyes in the mirror.

The notorious ladies' man was no eyesore; his makeup artists guarded him as he collected a glass of Campari.

Knowing his character, Prince Nikolas, would soon be gone, he pulled out his phone, going live on The Gram as his makeup was cleaned off. The heartthrob smiled at his reflection—dark, clear eyes, well-defined features, and a jaw curved just enough to soften them. He gave his artist a signature smile, her fanning cheeks confirming his charm. It worked every time.

Amanda came and took the seat beside him, sighing deeply as she relaxed in it; she stretched her long sexy legs before her. She was still putting on the scarlet mid-thigh halter gown that was her character - Vanessa's, costume.

"Ryan, the movie premiere of Black Dawn is on Friday," she said with a seemingly offhanded tone.

"Yeah?" He sighed.

"So I need you to attend with me. That means us, together." She sat up and turned to face him.

"Of course, I know what it means." He replied, rolling his eyes.

"Wait, isn't Black Dawn that movie we did together?" He sat up too, dropping the glass on a small table set between their seats.

She frowned at that, looking irritated. “Seriously? Is your memory that short-term?"

"Hey, I'm a really busy guy." He said, coming to his defense.

"Yeah, sure you are." She scoffed, then continued, "Ryan, I'm serious about this. Come pick me up by eight, I want us to make a climax appearance."

"Vanessa, look—" He started but she immediately cut in.

"—it's Amanda." Her voice sounded weak; she was done with his shenanigans.

"My point is, I got your back." He said and smiled at her.

"Are you being serious right now?" She asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I'm down for you, always." He said, getting up and walking into a frosted glass compartment.

He came back out a few minutes later in a leather black jacket with a white T-shirt within, which had his face printed on it, over white pants and black Nike sneakers.

He grabbed a pair of reflecting shades and swaggered out the door, female attendants sighing after him.


The big movie premiere day.

Ryan put on a dark purple jacket with black lapels and a tailored black shirt with black suit pants and matching Gucci loafers. He decided to take his Cadillac Escalade Sky Captain Piano Edition today. He laughed as stared at himself on the screen built behind the passenger seat headrest,

“All the way up bro,” He praised himself, slicking the sides of his hair with both hands.


"Isn't this too much makeup?" Sofia complained, looking at the mirror. The person looking back at her was not Sofia Delacruz but someone who stepped out of the big screen.

She had her long black hair falling in waves to the middle of her back with tiny jewels interwoven in it. Her eyebrows were long, high-arched, and gleaming very black. Her royal blue eyes shone clearly, and the eyeliner was working its magic. Her soft facial features led to lips, rich pink with lipstick.

Her neck curved to slim rounded shoulders, and the halter gown she wore hugged her tightly, accentuating the swell of her breasts, the flatness of her belly, the arch of her back, the curve of her hips, and the roundness of her rear. Her slender legs ended in silver wedges.

The dark blue gown seemed to have a shimmering ripple at every movement, pooling at her feet a little and slit to almost mid-thigh close to her left leg in front. She also had dangling silver earrings and a silver choker.

"Too much?" Jessi scoffed, "Dear you should see Amanda Knowles on set. Come help me hook this dress, ok?" Her gown was simple - black and sleeveless with a flare at the waist. She was blonde, though she'd dyed some strands black. Her eyes were auburn, but she wore black contact lenses for the event. Even her lipstick was black.

"Look, I don't know just how you plan to sneak me in with this." Sofia motioned to herself as she finished with Jessi's dress.

"Grumbling will only ruin your mascara. Let's go." Jessi replied, grabbing her car keys and following Sofia out. Downstairs, Sofia looked up and gasped as a shooting star shot past. "Jessi!" She called out, snapping her fingers in front of her.


"Tell your chauffeur to pull over with the back door at the red carpet." Amanda chirped at Ryan in the backseat of the Cadillac Escalade Sky Captain Piano Edition.

"Come on babe, he knows how these things work," Ryan replied offhandedly, checking himself in a projected mirror.

She scuttled over and clung to his arm. He looked at her, and the screen returned to its original position.

“Amanda, what do you think you're doing?"

"Making sure you're mine tonight." She replied, leaning onto his arm.

Ryan laughed nervously, "You're joking, right?"

Then he tried to pull his arm out, but it wasn't budging.

Someone called his phone. He dug it out from the jacket with Amanda clinging onto him, and checked the caller ID,


Ryan sighed in disgust, "Oh it's James."

"What's up, d*ck wad?"

"What's up?" James asked in irritation. "The director is getting impatient waiting for you two. Where the hell are you anyway?"

"Tell Rico to chill, we’re almost there. We should be about a block or two," Ryan replied, stretching his neck in an attempt to determine their position.

"Get here fast," James retorted.

"Chill out a**wipe, I'll be there. Besides, the party doesn't start till Ryan Barnes shows up." He smirked.

James hung up on him.


Sofia and Jessi arrived just a few minutes earlier than Ryan and Amanda. As they crossed the parking lot, Sofia asked for the plan.

"The easiest way to get in is always the obvious way," Jessi said, pointing at the red carpet.

Sofia stopped, faced her, then hissed, "You're joking right?"

"With your look right now, the doors will open for you."

"No." She was taken aback. "That place reeks of vanity," she said, pointing at the carpet. "As Abuela, God bless her soul," She made the sign of the cross, "usually says."

"Ok, here's what's gonna happen. I'll show you the backdoor, but first, just follow me." Jessi said leading her to the red carpet. "We're going to join my colleagues in that huddle. Then, when the crew gathers, we'll slip out and go for it. I'll cover for you. What do you say?"

She shrugged, “Whatever you say."

Jessi used her ID to get them onto the carpet; Sofia got in as her plus one. They went unnoticed for some time since there were many stars scattered over the place, but once they got far enough, Sofia turned into a magnet.

Cameras were blinding, questions unending, Sofia froze, and Jessi did the talking. She called Sofia the daughter of a Far East business magnate on a visit over. However, they were all insistent on getting her to talk, Sofia smiled while Jessi said her English wasn't good. Even the real stars were getting attracted to the growing crowd.

As the commotion was going on, Ryan's Cadillac Escalade Sky Captain Piano Edition arrived. He stepped out with his best smile flashing as he heard the noise but was surprised no one was rushing towards them.

"Who's that?" Amanda nodded towards the ruckus and Sofia, who had a smile on, glanced sideways, locking gazes with Ryan. The smile froze.

Ryan raised an arm in a wave and flashed a smile. The smile disappeared.

Jessi looked at her and at once traced the gaze to Ryan.

"There's Ryan!" She screamed immediately, pointing at him. Everyone followed her finger, and in seconds, they were alone. Jessi sighed, "Now that's out of our systems, let's go join the rest of the crew."

"Hey there."

Jessi froze, Sofia turned and backed up a bit, and Ryan stood there with an arm stretched out for a handshake. Jessi turned and took the hand; he offered Sofia one, and she moved halfway behind Jessi.

"Come on, miss, I don't bite."

She scoffed, "Sure you don't."

Jessi butt in immediately, "How did you get rid of that horde so easily?"

"I'm Ryan." He replied with a smile for Sofia, but she wasn't moved.

“Which is why she asked the question in the first place." She countered.

He chuckled and looked away, releasing air through almost clenched teeth in a slight smile.

"Ouch." He said playfully.

Then shrugged, and slipped both hands in his pockets. "Told them something about private interviews much later."

Jessi gasped, "Are you for real?"

He scoffed, “Course not, there's like an army of them here." He said, rolling his eyes and spreading an arm for emphasis.

Then he paused and smiled, "Besides, what time would I have to tell our friend here what a beautiful voice she has, the same can be said for the rest of her too." He was giving that dazzling smile once more, but Sofia still refused to budge.

"Don't jump the gun Mr. Barnes; we aren't friends, and I don't appreciate flattery. If you would excuse me." The smile was tight and brief. She turned and left.

Jessi mouthed an "I'll be back" for Ryan before she turned and followed her friend. She almost bumped into Sofia, who'd suddenly stopped.

"Calm down Soph; it's just chitchat."

However, Sofia's mind was already somewhere else.

"Jessi," She called, her voice breaking up, "Why do I feel like this is not your crew?"

Jessi swallowed hard, “Well uh, technically they are, I mean we're all on the red, aren't we?"

"So there wasn't any crew?" She asked, turning to face Jessi with the shock and disbelief barely hidden from her face.

Jessi smiled nervously, “But come on Soph, aren't you having fun? Just act like you actually should be here and walk to the door on my cue."

She wasn't moving. Jessi sighed, “Look, you can't possibly back down now."

"Says who?"

"Look Soph if you go back in there, the chances of you getting hedged in are too much, and I can't let you get embarrassed in front of thousands of cameras out there, please. I think you hate me for lying.”

Sofia scoffed, "You think?"

Jessi sighed, "Look, I'm sorry for it, okay? Just, please, don't go back now."

Sofia sighed deeply, completely ignoring her, and walked straight to the door, leaving her to walk faster to match her pace.

Once they got in, Jessi led her to the reserved space, but only one seat was left. Sofia came to a standstill,

"You've got to be kidding me." She said, biting back the embarrassment and tears as well.

“Jessi swallowed hard, “Give me a minute," she said and went on to meet a colleague, probably the one she'd asked to reserve the seats.

"Joe!" She almost yelled as she tapped him.

He turned, pulling off his 3D glasses, “What the hell?"

"My thoughts exactly when I walk in and see one seat reserved instead of two," Jessi stated, poised for an explanation.

"Oh, look Jessi I'm so sorry. There was a last-minute addition, and I swear, I was gonna tell you, but it totally slipped my mind. I'm so sorry."

Jessi was no longer looking at him; she'd already shifted her gaze to Sofia once she heard him say sorry.

Sofia was just standing there silently, looking beautiful and oblivious to the glances being tossed her way. *Maybe she was right about the shooting stars after all.* Jessi sighed and went back to Sofia.

"What happened?" Sofia asked once she noticed that she wasn't saying anything.

Jessi exhaled deeply,

"He lost it. He said there was a last-minute-"

-Sofia held up a hand for her to stop, and Jessi wanted to break down then. An usher walked up to them, and they watched his progress with thoughts aligning in the same direction.

It seemed their thoughts were confirmed when he walked up to Sofia and led her away.

Jessi felt shattered as she went to her seat and could only imagine how much worse it was for Sofia. She didn't even feel like watching the movie anymore, but then the girl sitting by her gasped, “No way! Did you see that?"

Jessi sighed, "I know, and please don't make fun of her; it's entirely my fault."

"Make fun of her? Entirely your fault? What are you even saying? She's being escorted to the VIP section, and oh my God!"

Jessi sighed, "Please stop. She's a friend."

"Ryan Barnes just took the seat next to her! Do you think he sent the usher?" She continued, unmindful of what Jessi was saying.

"That does it!" Jessi screamed, turning and getting the shock of her life at once.

The girl wasn't lying at all, and now she had the attention of everyone here. "Sorry sorry, am so sorry. Please it won't happen again I promise." She apologized to no one in particular.

"It better not." Some guy to her left muttered. She sat back down and looked again to make sure she wasn't just seeing things. However, nothing in the scene changed, except the fact that they were engaged in a conversation. She smiled, "I guess your shooting star was wrong this time."

As the usher led her away, Sofia swore that was the end of her friendship with Jessi. She was thinking of moving immediately, but then he changed course for the VIP section, and she began to wonder if she was being taken for someone else. The dude led her to a seat and set it up for her. She sat there but began to get up as her conscience plagued her for identity theft when Ryan slid in next to her.

"Don't. I got it for you; your friend really should have planned things better. I'm Ryan."

She nodded, "I know."

He smiled, "Sorry, of course, you do. I've said that before."

"You didn't have to; you’re instantly recognizable."

He chuckled, "Ok, sorry about that though, I didn't want to come myself; you might have bolted out the door."

"I don’t think I'd refuse this offer, Mr. Barnes." She replied with a smile.

He smiled, "You're funny, though I said you can call me Ryan."

"I heard that. But I'll stick with Mr. Barnes." She replied, leaning back in her seat.


"Mr. Barnes," She cut in, "I am truly grateful for your intervention but with all due respect I ask that you don't take it further."


She shushed him,

"The movie's about to start."

"Who's that?" Amanda asked James from where they sat, Ryan's original position.

"I hear she's the only child of a Far East business magnate." He replied. "It's obvious she's from a rich, eccentric family from the way she's treating Ryan." He completed with a sigh.

"She's just trying to make him want her more. It's obvious she knows that Ryan cannot back down from a challenge." Amanda said, she looked concerned.

James folded his arms across his chest and shrugged. He couldn't care less.

Ryan opened his mouth to speak but Sofia placed an index finger over her lips and shushed him again,

"The movie's just about to start Mr. Barnes; keep it down."

A minute into the movie, Sofia was already feeling increasingly uncomfortable. She couldn't tell if the movie was happening on the big screen or her skin. Ryan's eyes seldom left her, and she felt exposed, naked. The design of the dress wasn't helping either. There was a sliver of flesh exposed along the inner length of her leg, and it was right there in his sight.

In the end, she and Ryan watched only part of the movie. However, he was the protagonist after all, while in her case, she barely understood something about an alien invasion forcing human adaptation and cooperation in an already advanced world.

People were applauding the movie as it ended; they were chanting his name, and he reveled in the glory. A spotlight even came his way.

Sofia frowned and slipped out.

Ryan turned to face her,

"How was the movie?" He asked.

However, she was already darting away from him. He got up with a sigh and went after her.


"Jessi, let's just go home," Sofia said with a sigh.

Jessi turned to her friend and smiled; at least they were still on talking terms with each other. She drew Sofia into a long hug,

"Believe me, I'm truly sorry sister, but there's an after-party that I can't possibly miss."

Sofia sighed, "You've already done enough damage, but I'm gonna let you off on this one." She said as they ended the embrace.

Jessi smiled,

"Of course, my expertise f**ked the usher into thinking you were someone important."

Sofia leaned backward.

"Ok, first of all, ouch? Moreover, no, that was Ryan. Give me your keys."

"Ryan Barnes sent you that usher? I'm just too good my dear. But wait, so now he's Ryan to you, eh?" She teased then bent over to dig in for the keys.

"Oh, would you rather I'd say Mr. Barnes?" Sofia replied, rolling her eyes along with it.

Jessi looked up,

"Touché. Oh, speak of the devil."

Sofia sighed and just walked on, increasing her pace while watching her steps.

Ryan ran up to Jessi panting,

"I've looked for you and your friend all over. Where's she?"

"Not here obviously." She said, laughing nervously.

"Who's she?" He said smiling along with her.

"A close friend," Jessi answered a bit impatiently, trying to keep track of Sofia's movement.

"Well, do you know why she hates me? Maybe I offended her in the course of a movie or something?" He asked, moving to get her attention.

"No, my friend doesn't hate. She just doesn't fall prey to your charm." Jessi replied with a tight smile.

"Who does that?" Ryan asked, spreading both arms in disbelief.

"I know right," She said, turning to face him with a smile, and then she sighed,

"Apparently, Sofia- oh shit."

"Sofia, wonderful name really." He said with a smile. "I've been trying to get that information all night. So she is staying for the party?"

"Nah, she's not into that or even any of all this."

He smiled,

"Your friend's got a great personality. Tell her I said that, and it's not flattery. I'd like to-"

"-Sorry, Ryan but I can't help you." She cut in, "I already played dirty to get her here, and should you two ever meet and you call her by her name, please don't tell her I let it slip, okay?"

"Yeah sure but-"

"-Bye!" She screamed over her shoulder as she disappeared into the crowd.

"Seriously? Ryan? Down for me always?"

He turned to see Amanda standing there.

"Amanda no, wait!"

She just turned and walked away. He smacked his forehead and made to go after her, then the press appeared from all angles, hedging him in.

"Christ, not now." He sighed.